/** * Tests that checking out an already checked out session doesn't lead to a self-deadlock. This is a * regression test for SERVER-36007. * * @tags: [uses_transactions] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const db = primary.getDB("test"); function doInsertWithSession(host, lsid, txnNumber) { try { const conn = new Mongo(host); const db = conn.getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ insert: "mycoll", documents: [{_id: txnNumber}], lsid: {id: eval(lsid)}, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), })); return {ok: 1}; } catch (e) { print("doInsertWithSession failed with " + e.toString()); return {ok: 0, error: e.toString(), stack: e.stack}; } } let thread1; let thread2; // We fsyncLock the server so that a transaction operation will block waiting for a lock. assert.commandWorked(db.fsyncLock()); try { // JavaScript objects backed by C++ objects (e.g. BSON values) do not serialize correctly // when passed through the Thread constructor. To work around this behavior, we // instead pass a stringified form of the JavaScript object through the Thread // constructor and use eval() to rehydrate it. const lsid = UUID(); thread1 = new Thread(doInsertWithSession, primary.host, tojson(lsid), 1); thread1.start(); assert.soon( () => { const ops = db.currentOp( {"command.insert": "mycoll", "command.txnNumber": {$eq: 1}, waitingForLock: true}); return ops.inprog.length === 1; }, () => { return "insert operation with txnNumber 1 was not found: " + tojson(db.currentOp()); }); thread2 = new Thread(doInsertWithSession, primary.host, tojson(lsid), 2); thread2.start(); // Run currentOp() again to ensure that thread2 has started its insert command. assert.soon( () => { const ops = db.currentOp({"command.insert": "mycoll", "command.txnNumber": {$eq: 2}}); return ops.inprog.length === 1; }, () => { return "insert operation with txnNumber 2 was not found: " + tojson(db.currentOp()); }); } finally { // We run the fsyncUnlock command in a finally block to avoid leaving the server fsyncLock'd // if the test were to fail. assert.commandWorked(db.fsyncUnlock()); } thread1.join(); thread2.join(); assert.commandWorked(thread1.returnData()); assert.commandWorked(thread2.returnData()); rst.stopSet(); })();