/** * This test will ensure that a failed a batch apply will become consistent only when passing * the end boundary (minvalid) in subsequent applies. * * To do this we: * -- Set minvalid manually on primary (node0) way ahead (5 minutes) * -- Restart primary (node0) * -- Ensure restarted primary (node0) comes up in recovering * -- Ensure node0 blacklists new primary as a sync source and keeps the old minvalid * -- Success! * * This test requires persistence to test that a restarted primary will stay in the RECOVERING state * when minvalid is set to the future. An ephemeral storage engine will not have a minvalid after * restarting, so will initial sync in this scenario, invalidating the test. * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ // Skip db hash check because replset cannot reach consistent state. TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; (function() { "use strict"; function tsToDate(ts) { return new Date(ts.getTime() * 1000); } var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: "apply_batch_only_goes_forward", nodes: [{}, {}, {arbiter: true}]}); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var master = replTest.getPrimary(); var mTest = master.getDB("test"); var mLocal = master.getDB("local"); var mMinvalid = mLocal["replset.minvalid"]; var slave = replTest.getSecondary(); var sTest = slave.getDB("test"); var sLocal = slave.getDB("local"); var sMinvalid = sLocal["replset.minvalid"]; var stepDownSecs = 30; var stepDownCmd = {replSetStepDown: stepDownSecs, force: true}; // Write op assert.commandWorked( mTest.foo.save({}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}})); replTest.waitForState(slave, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); assert.commandWorked( mTest.foo.save({}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority', wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}})); // Set minvalid to something far in the future for the current primary, to simulate recovery. // Note: This is so far in the future (5 days) that it will never become secondary. var farFutureTS = new Timestamp( Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 5 /* in five days*/), 0); jsTest.log("future TS: " + tojson(farFutureTS) + ", date:" + tsToDate(farFutureTS)); // We do an update in case there is a minvalid document on the primary already. // If the doc doesn't exist then upsert:true will create it, and the writeConcern ensures // that update returns details of the write, like whether an update or insert was performed. const minValidUpdate = { $set: {ts: farFutureTS} }; jsTestLog("Current minvalid is " + tojson(mMinvalid.findOne())); jsTestLog("Updating minValid to: " + tojson(minValidUpdate)); printjson(assert.commandWorked(mMinvalid.update( {}, minValidUpdate, {upsert: true, writeConcern: {w: 1, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}}))); jsTest.log('Restarting primary ' + master.host + ' with updated minValid. This node will go into RECOVERING upon restart. ' + 'Secondary ' + slave.host + ' will become new primary.'); clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); replTest.restart(master); printjson(sLocal.adminCommand("isMaster")); replTest.waitForState(master, ReplSetTest.State.RECOVERING); replTest.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); // Slave is now master... Do a write to advance the optime on the primary so that it will be // considered as a sync source - this is more relevant to PV0 because we do not write a new // entry to the oplog on becoming primary. assert.commandWorked(replTest.getPrimary().getDB("test").foo.save( {}, {writeConcern: {w: 1, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}})); // Sync source selection will log this message if it does not detect min valid in the sync // source candidate's oplog. assert.soon(function() { return rawMongoProgramOutput().match( 'it does not contain the necessary operations for us to reach a consistent state'); }); assert.soon(function() { var mv; try { mv = mMinvalid.findOne(); } catch (e) { return false; } var msg = "ts !=, " + farFutureTS + "(" + tsToDate(farFutureTS) + "), mv:" + tojson(mv) + " - " + tsToDate(mv.ts); assert.eq(farFutureTS, mv.ts, msg); return true; }); // Shut down the set and finish the test. replTest.stopSet(); })();