// Test to ensure that catchup takeover runs even if it isn't the highest // priority node and that once the high priority node is caught up, // it becomes primary again. // 3-node replica set with one high priority node. // Start replica set. Make node 0 primary and stop the replication // for the high priority node as well as isolate it. Have the // primary write something so node 2 is more than 2 seconds behind. // Write something else to ensure the third node is also lagged. // Reconnect the high priority node to the other nodes and make // the lagged node (node 1) the next primary. // Confirm that the most up-to-date node becomes primary. // Let the highest priority node catchup and then confirm // that it becomes primary. (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/replsets/rslib.js'); var name = 'catchup_takeover_one_high_priority'; var replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 3, useBridge: true}); var nodenames = replSet.nodeList(); var nodes = replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiateWithAnyNodeAsPrimary({ "_id": name, "members": [ {"_id": 0, "host": nodenames[0]}, {"_id": 1, "host": nodenames[1]}, {"_id": 2, "host": nodenames[2], "priority": 2} ] }); // Wait until node 2 becomes primary. replSet.waitForState(2, ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS); jsTestLog('node 2 is now primary'); replSet.awaitReplication(); replSet.waitForConfigReplication(nodes[2]); // Stop replication and disconnect node 2 so that it cannot do a priority takeover. stopServerReplication(nodes[2]); nodes[2].disconnect(nodes[1]); nodes[2].disconnect(nodes[0]); // Ensure that node 0 becomes primary. assert.commandWorked(nodes[0].adminCommand({replSetStepUp: 1})); replSet.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS, nodes.slice(0, 2)); assert.eq(ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, assert.commandWorked(nodes[0].adminCommand('replSetGetStatus')).myState, nodes[0].host + " was not primary after step-up"); jsTestLog('node 0 is now primary'); // Sleep for a few seconds to ensure that node 2's optime is more than 2 seconds behind. // This will ensure it can't do a priority takeover until it catches up. sleep(3000); var primary = replSet.getPrimary(); var writeConcern = {writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS}}; assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(name).bar.insert({y: 100}, writeConcern)); // Write something so that node 0 is ahead of node 1. stopServerReplication(nodes[1]); writeConcern = { writeConcern: {w: 1, wtimeout: replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS} }; assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(name).bar.insert({x: 100}, writeConcern)); nodes[2].reconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[2].reconnect(nodes[1]); // Wait until nodes have learned the latest config. replSet.waitForConfigReplication(nodes[1], [nodes[1], nodes[2]]); // Step up a lagged node. assert.commandWorked(nodes[1].adminCommand({replSetStepUp: 1})); replSet.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS, nodes); assert.eq(ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, assert.commandWorked(nodes[1].adminCommand('replSetGetStatus')).myState, nodes[1].host + " was not primary after step-up"); jsTestLog('node 1 is now primary, but cannot accept writes'); // Confirm that the most up-to-date node becomes primary // after the default catchup delay. replSet.waitForState(0, ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS); jsTestLog('node 0 performed catchup takeover and is now primary'); // Wait until the old primary steps down. replSet.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); // Let the nodes catchup. restartServerReplication(nodes[1]); restartServerReplication(nodes[2]); replSet.awaitReplication(); // Confirm that the highest priority node becomes primary // after catching up. replSet.waitForState(2, ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS); jsTestLog('node 2 performed priority takeover and is now primary'); // Wait until the old primary steps down so the connections won't be closed during stopSet(). replSet.waitForState(0, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS); replSet.stopSet(); })();