/** * Checks all the easily testable fields in the response object returned by the hello() command and * its aliases, isMaster() and ismaster(). This test also checks that fields that should not be in * the document are absent. * @tags: [ * ] */ // Skip db hash check because node 2 is slave delayed and may time out on awaitReplication. TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // function create the error message if an assert fails var generateErrorString = function(badFields, missingFields, badValues, result) { var str = "\nThe result was:\n" + tojson(result); if (badFields.length !== 0) { str += "\nIt had the following fields which it shouldn't have: "; str += badFields; } if (missingFields.length !== 0) { str += "\nIt lacked the following fields which it should have contained: "; str += missingFields; } if (badValues.length !== 0) { for (i = 0; i < badValues.length; i += 3) { str += "\nIts value for " + badValues[i] + " is " + badValues[i + 1]; str += " but should be " + badValues[i + 2]; } } return str; }; // This function calls checkResponseFields with the isMaster and hello commands. var runHelloCmdAndAliases = function(memberInfo) { checkResponseFields(memberInfo, "ismaster"); checkResponseFields(memberInfo, "isMaster"); checkResponseFields(memberInfo, "hello"); }; // This function runs either the isMaster or hello command, and validates that the response is what // we expect. var checkResponseFields = function(memberInfo, cmd) { // run the passed in command on the connection var result = memberInfo.conn.getDB("admin").runCommand(cmd); // If we are running the hello command, we must modify the expected fields. We expect // "isWritablePrimary" and "secondaryDelaySecs" instead of "ismaster" and "slaveDelay" in the // hello command response. if (cmd === "hello") { memberInfo.goodValues.isWritablePrimary = memberInfo.goodValues.ismaster; delete memberInfo.goodValues.ismaster; memberInfo.unwantedFields.push("ismaster"); memberInfo.unwantedFields = memberInfo.unwantedFields.filter(f => f !== "isWritablePrimary"); if (memberInfo.goodValues.hasOwnProperty("slaveDelay")) { memberInfo.goodValues.secondaryDelaySecs = memberInfo.goodValues.slaveDelay; delete memberInfo.goodValues.slaveDelay; memberInfo.unwantedFields.push("slaveDelay"); memberInfo.unwantedFields = memberInfo.unwantedFields.filter(f => f !== "secondaryDelaySecs"); } } // make sure result doesn't contain anything it shouldn't var badFields = []; for (field in result) { if (!result.hasOwnProperty(field)) { continue; } if (Array.contains(memberInfo.unwantedFields, field)) { badFields.push(field); } } // make sure result contains the fields we want var missingFields = []; for (i = 0; i < memberInfo.wantedFields.length; i++) { field = memberInfo.wantedFields[i]; if (!result.hasOwnProperty(field)) { missingFields.push(field); print(field); } } // make sure the result has proper values for fields with known values var badValues = []; // each mistake will be saved as three entries (key, badvalue, goodvalue) for (field in memberInfo.goodValues) { if (typeof (memberInfo.goodValues[field]) === "object") { // assumes nested obj is disk in tags this is currently true, but may change if (result[field].disk !== memberInfo.goodValues[field].disk) { badValues.push("tags.disk"); badValues.push(result[field].disk); badValues.push(memberInfo.goodValues[field].disk); } } else { if (result[field] !== memberInfo.goodValues[field]) { badValues.push(field); badValues.push(result[field]); badValues.push(memberInfo.goodValues[field]); } } } assert(badFields.length === 0 && missingFields.length === 0 && badValues.length === 0, memberInfo.name + " had the following problems." + generateErrorString(badFields, missingFields, badValues, result)); }; // start of test code var name = "hello_and_aliases"; var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 4}); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); // If featureFlagUseSecondaryDelaySecs is enabled, we must use the 'secondaryDelaySecs' field // name in our config. Otherwise, we use 'slaveDelay'. const delayFieldName = selectDelayFieldName(replTest); var config = replTest.getReplSetConfig(); config.members[1].priority = 0; config.members[2].priority = 0; config.members[2].hidden = true; config.members[2][delayFieldName] = 3; config.members[2].buildIndexes = false; config.members[3].arbiterOnly = true; replTest.initiate(config); var agreeOnPrimaryAndSetVersion = function(setVersion) { print("Waiting for primary and replica set version " + setVersion); var nodes = replTest.nodes; var currPrimary = undefined; var lastSetVersion = setVersion; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { try { var helloResult = nodes[i].getDB("admin").runCommand({hello: 1}); } catch (e) { // handle reconnect errors due to step downs print("Error while calling hello on " + nodes[i] + ": " + e); return false; } printjson(helloResult); if (!currPrimary) currPrimary = helloResult.primary; if (!lastSetVersion) lastSetVersion = helloResult.setVersion; if (helloResult.primary != currPrimary || !currPrimary) return false; if (helloResult.setVersion != lastSetVersion) return false; } return true; }; var primary = replTest.getPrimary(); var secondaries = replTest.getSecondaries(); var expectedVersion = replTest.getReplSetConfigFromNode().version; assert.soon(function() { return agreeOnPrimaryAndSetVersion(expectedVersion); }, "Nodes did not initiate in less than a minute", 60000); // Check to see if the information from hello() and its aliases are correct at each node. // The checker only checks that the field exists when its value is "has". runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: primary, name: "primary", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: true, secondary: false, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "passives", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "passive", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "hidden", "tags", "buildIndexes" ] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[0], name: "secondary", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: true, passive: true, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "passives", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "hidden", "tags", "buildIndexes" ] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[1], name: "delayed_secondary", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: true, passive: true, slaveDelay: 3, buildIndexes: false, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "passives", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: ["isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "tags", "secondaryDelaySecs"] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[2], name: "arbiter", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: false, arbiterOnly: true, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "passives", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "hidden", "tags", "buildIndexes", "passive" ] }); // Reconfigure the replset and make sure the changes are present on all members. config = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); config.version = config.version + 1; config.members[0].tags = { disk: "ssd" }; config.members[1].tags = { disk: "ssd" }; config.members[1].hidden = true; config.members[2][delayFieldName] = 300000; config.members[2].tags = { disk: "hdd" }; try { result = primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetReconfig: config}); } catch (e) { print(e); } primary = replTest.getPrimary(); secondaries = replTest.getSecondaries(); expectedVersion = config.version; assert.soon(function() { return agreeOnPrimaryAndSetVersion(expectedVersion); }, "Nodes did not sync in less than a minute", 60000); // check nodes for their new settings runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: primary, name: "primary2", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: true, secondary: false, tags: {"disk": "ssd"}, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "passives", "passive", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "hidden", "buildIndexes" ] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[0], name: "first_secondary", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: true, tags: {"disk": "ssd"}, passive: true, hidden: true, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "passives", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "buildIndexes" ] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[1], name: "very_delayed_secondary", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: true, tags: {"disk": "hdd"}, passive: true, slaveDelay: 300000, buildIndexes: false, hidden: true, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: ["isWritablePrimary", "arbiterOnly", "passives", "secondaryDelaySecs"] }); runHelloCmdAndAliases({ conn: secondaries[2], name: "arbiter", goodValues: { setName: "hello_and_aliases", setVersion: expectedVersion, ismaster: false, secondary: false, arbiterOnly: true, ok: 1 }, wantedFields: ["hosts", "arbiters", "primary", "me", "maxBsonObjectSize", "localTime"], unwantedFields: [ "isWritablePrimary", "slaveDelay", "secondaryDelaySecs", "hidden", "tags", "buildIndexes", "passive" ] }); // force reconfig and ensure all have the same setVersion afterwards config = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetReconfig: config, force: true}); assert.soon(function() { return agreeOnPrimaryAndSetVersion(); }, "Nodes did not sync in less than a minute after forced reconfig", 60000); replTest.stopSet();