// Test that oplog application on the secondary happens correctly when the collection has a default // collation and operations by _id which must respect the collation are issued. (function() { "use strict"; Random.setRandomSeed(); // Return a string whose character at index 'i' in 'str' is replaced by 'character'. function replaceChar(str, i, character) { assert.eq(1, character.length); return str.substr(0, i) + character + str.substr(i + 1); } // Return a string whose character at index 'i' has been uppercased. function uppercaseIth(str, i) { return replaceChar(str, i, str[i].toUpperCase()); } const caseInsensitive = { collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 2} }; var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: 'testSet', nodes: 2}); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var primary = replTest.getPrimary(); var primaryDB = primary.getDB("test"); var primaryColl = primaryDB.collate_id; var secondary = replTest.getSecondary(); var secondaryDB = secondary.getDB("test"); var secondaryColl = secondaryDB.collate_id; // Stop the secondary from syncing. This will ensure that the writes on the primary get applied // on the secondary in a large batch. assert.commandWorked( secondaryDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "alwaysOn"})); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.createCollection(primaryColl.getName(), caseInsensitive)); // A string of the character 'b' repeated. const baseStr = new Array(50).join("b"); for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // Make an _id by uppercasing each character in "baseStr" with 0.5 probability. var strId = baseStr; for (var charIdx = 0; charIdx < baseStr.length; charIdx++) { if (Random.rand() < 0.5) { strId = uppercaseIth(strId, charIdx); } } assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.insert({_id: strId})); assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.remove({_id: strId})); } // Since the inserts and deletes happen in pairs, we should be left with an empty collection on // the primary. assert.eq(0, primaryColl.find().itcount()); // Allow the secondary to sync, and test that it also ends up with an empty collection. assert.commandWorked( secondaryDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "off"})); replTest.awaitReplication(); assert.eq(0, secondaryColl.find().itcount()); replTest.stopSet(); })();