/** * dbcheck.js * * Test the dbCheck command. */ (function() { "use strict"; let nodeCount = 3; let replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: "dbCheckSet", nodes: nodeCount}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); replSet.awaitSecondaryNodes(); function forEachSecondary(f) { for (let secondary of replSet.getSecondaries()) { f(secondary); } } function forEachNode(f) { f(replSet.getPrimary()); forEachSecondary(f); } let dbName = "dbCheck-test"; let collName = "dbcheck-collection"; // Clear local.system.healthlog. function clearLog() { forEachNode(conn => conn.getDB("local").system.healthlog.drop()); } function addEnoughForMultipleBatches(collection) { collection.insertMany([...Array(10000).keys()].map(x => ({_id: x}))); } // Name for a collection which takes multiple batches to check and which shouldn't be modified // by any of the tests. let multiBatchSimpleCollName = "dbcheck-simple-collection"; addEnoughForMultipleBatches(replSet.getPrimary().getDB(dbName)[multiBatchSimpleCollName]); function dbCheckCompleted(db) { return db.currentOp().inprog.filter(x => x["desc"] == "dbCheck")[0] === undefined; } // Wait for dbCheck to complete (on both primaries and secondaries). Fails an assertion if // dbCheck takes longer than maxMs. function awaitDbCheckCompletion(db) { let start = Date.now(); assert.soon(() => dbCheckCompleted(db), "dbCheck timed out"); replSet.awaitSecondaryNodes(); replSet.awaitReplication(); // Give the health log buffers some time to flush. sleep(100); } // Check that everything in the health log shows a successful and complete check with no found // inconsistencies. function checkLogAllConsistent(conn) { let healthlog = conn.getDB("local").system.healthlog; assert(healthlog.find().count(), "dbCheck put no batches in health log"); let maxResult = healthlog.aggregate([ {$match: {operation: "dbCheckBatch"}}, {$group: {_id: 1, key: {$max: "$data.maxKey"}}} ]); assert(maxResult.hasNext(), "dbCheck put no batches in health log"); assert.eq(maxResult.next().key, {"$maxKey": 1}, "dbCheck batches should end at MaxKey"); let minResult = healthlog.aggregate([ {$match: {operation: "dbCheckBatch"}}, {$group: {_id: 1, key: {$min: "$data.minKey"}}} ]); assert(minResult.hasNext(), "dbCheck put no batches in health log"); assert.eq(minResult.next().key, {"$minKey": 1}, "dbCheck batches should start at MinKey"); // Assert no errors (i.e., found inconsistencies). let errs = healthlog.find({"severity": {"$ne": "info"}}); if (errs.hasNext()) { assert(false, "dbCheck found inconsistency: " + tojson(errs.next())); } // Assert no failures (i.e., checks that failed to complete). let failedChecks = healthlog.find({"operation": "dbCheckBatch", "data.success": false}); if (failedChecks.hasNext()) { assert(false, "dbCheck batch failed: " + tojson(failedChecks.next())); } // Finds an entry with data.minKey === MinKey, and then matches its maxKey against // another document's minKey, and so on, and then checks that the result of that search // has data.maxKey === MaxKey. let completeCoverage = healthlog.aggregate([ {$match: {"operation": "dbCheckBatch", "data.minKey": MinKey}}, { $graphLookup: { from: "system.healthlog", startWith: "$data.minKey", connectToField: "data.minKey", connectFromField: "data.maxKey", as: "batchLimits", restrictSearchWithMatch: {"operation": "dbCheckBatch"} } }, {$match: {"batchLimits.data.maxKey": MaxKey}} ]); assert(completeCoverage.hasNext(), "dbCheck batches do not cover full key range"); } // Check that the total of all batches in the health log on `conn` is equal to the total number // of documents and bytes in `coll`. // Returns a document with fields "totalDocs" and "totalBytes", representing the total size of // the batches in the health log. function healthLogCounts(healthlog) { let result = healthlog.aggregate([ {$match: {"operation": "dbCheckBatch"}}, { $group: { "_id": null, "totalDocs": {$sum: "$data.count"}, "totalBytes": {$sum: "$data.bytes"} } } ]); assert(result.hasNext(), "dbCheck put no batches in health log"); return result.next(); } function checkTotalCounts(conn, coll) { let result = healthLogCounts(conn.getDB("local").system.healthlog); assert.eq(result.totalDocs, coll.count(), "dbCheck batches do not count all documents"); // Calculate the size on the client side, because collection.dataSize is not necessarily the // sum of the document sizes. let size = coll.find().toArray().reduce((x, y) => x + bsonsize(y), 0); assert.eq(result.totalBytes, size, "dbCheck batches do not count all bytes"); } // First check behavior when everything is consistent. function simpleTestConsistent() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); clearLog(); assert.neq(master, undefined); let db = master.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({"dbCheck": multiBatchSimpleCollName})); awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); checkLogAllConsistent(master); checkTotalCounts(master, db[multiBatchSimpleCollName]); forEachSecondary(function(secondary) { checkLogAllConsistent(secondary); checkTotalCounts(secondary, secondary.getDB(dbName)[multiBatchSimpleCollName]); }); } // Same thing, but now with concurrent updates. function concurrentTestConsistent() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); // Add enough documents that dbCheck will take a few seconds. db[collName].insertMany([...Array(10000).keys()].map(x => ({i: x}))); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({"dbCheck": collName})); let coll = db[collName]; while (db.currentOp().inprog.filter(x => x["desc"] === "dbCheck").length) { coll.updateOne({}, {"$inc": {"i": 10}}); coll.insertOne({"i": 42}); coll.deleteOne({}); } awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); checkLogAllConsistent(master); // Omit check for total counts, which might have changed with concurrent updates. forEachSecondary(secondary => checkLogAllConsistent(secondary, true)); } simpleTestConsistent(); concurrentTestConsistent(); // Test the various other parameters. function testDbCheckParameters() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); // Clean up for the test. clearLog(); let docSize = bsonsize({_id: 10}); function checkEntryBounds(start, end) { forEachNode(function(node) { let healthlog = node.getDB("local").system.healthlog; let keyBoundsResult = healthlog.aggregate([ {$match: {operation: "dbCheckBatch"}}, { $group: { _id: null, minKey: {$min: "$data.minKey"}, maxKey: {$max: "$data.maxKey"} } } ]); assert(keyBoundsResult.hasNext(), "dbCheck put no batches in health log"); let bounds = keyBoundsResult.next(); assert.eq(bounds.minKey, start, "dbCheck minKey field incorrect"); assert.eq(bounds.maxKey, end, "dbCheck maxKey field incorrect"); let counts = healthLogCounts(healthlog); assert.eq(counts.totalDocs, end - start); assert.eq(counts.totalBytes, (end - start) * docSize); }); } // Run a dbCheck on just a subset of the documents let start = 1000; let end = 9000; assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName, minKey: start, maxKey: end})); awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); checkEntryBounds(start, end); // Now, clear the health logs again, clearLog(); let maxCount = 5000; // and do the same with a count constraint. assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand( {dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName, minKey: start, maxKey: end, maxCount: maxCount})); // We expect it to reach the count limit before reaching maxKey. awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); checkEntryBounds(start, start + maxCount); // Finally, do the same with a size constraint. clearLog(); let maxSize = maxCount * docSize; assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand( {dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName, minKey: start, maxKey: end, maxSize: maxSize})); awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); checkEntryBounds(start, start + maxCount); } testDbCheckParameters(); // Now, test some unusual cases where the command should fail. function testErrorOnNonexistent() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB("this-probably-doesnt-exist"); assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand({dbCheck: 1}), "dbCheck spuriously succeeded on nonexistent database"); db = master.getDB(dbName); assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand({dbCheck: "this-also-probably-doesnt-exist"}), "dbCheck spuriously succeeded on nonexistent collection"); } function testErrorOnSecondary() { let secondary = replSet.getSecondary(); let db = secondary.getDB(dbName); assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand({dbCheck: collName})); } function testErrorOnUnreplicated() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB("local"); assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand({dbCheck: "oplog.rs"}), "dbCheck spuriously succeeded on oplog"); assert.commandFailed(master.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dbCheck: "system.profile"}), "dbCheck spuriously succeeded on system.profile"); } testErrorOnNonexistent(); testErrorOnSecondary(); testErrorOnUnreplicated(); // Test stepdown. function testSucceedsOnStepdown() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); let nodeId = replSet.getNodeId(master); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName})); // Step down the master. This will close our connection. try { master.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetStepDown: 0, force: true}); // (throwing an exception in the process, which we will ignore). } catch (e) { } // Wait for the cluster to come up. replSet.awaitSecondaryNodes(); // Find the node we ran dbCheck on. db = replSet.getSecondaries() .filter(function isPreviousMaster(node) { return replSet.getNodeId(node) === nodeId; })[0] .getDB(dbName); // Check that it's still responding. try { assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ping: 1}), "ping failed after stepdown during dbCheck"); } catch (e) { doassert("cannot connect after dbCheck with stepdown"); } // And that our dbCheck completed. assert(dbCheckCompleted(db), "dbCheck failed to terminate on stepdown"); } testSucceedsOnStepdown(); function testFailsOnWrongFCV() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName})); assert.commandWorked( master.getDB("admin").adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4"})); // Check that the server is still responding. try { assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ping: 1}), "ping failed after FCV change during dbCheck"); } catch (e) { doassert("dbCheck with FCV change crashed server"); } assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand({dbCheck: multiBatchSimpleCollName})); assert.commandWorked( master.getDB("admin").adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6"})); } testFailsOnWrongFCV(); function collectionUuid(db, collName) { return db.getCollectionInfos().filter(coll => coll.name === collName)[0].info.uuid; } function getDummyOplogEntry() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let coll = master.getDB(dbName)[collName]; let replSetStatus = assert.commandWorked(master.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); let connStatus = replSetStatus.members.filter(m => m.self)[0]; let lastOpTime = connStatus.optime; let entry = master.getDB("local").oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural: -1})[0]; entry["ui"] = collectionUuid(master.getDB(dbName), collName); entry["ns"] = coll.stats().ns; entry["ts"] = new Timestamp(); return entry; } // Create various inconsistencies, and check that dbCheck spots them. function insertOnSecondaries(doc) { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let entry = getDummyOplogEntry(); entry["op"] = "i"; entry["o"] = doc; master.getDB("local").oplog.rs.insertOne(entry); } // Run an apply-ops-ish command on a secondary. function runCommandOnSecondaries(doc, ns) { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let entry = getDummyOplogEntry(); entry["op"] = "c"; entry["o"] = doc; if (ns !== undefined) { entry["ns"] = ns; } master.getDB("local").oplog.rs.insertOne(entry); } // And on a primary. function runCommandOnPrimary(doc) { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let entry = getDummyOplogEntry(); entry["op"] = "c"; entry["o"] = doc; master.getDB("admin").runCommand({applyOps: [entry]}); } // Just add an extra document, and test that it catches it. function simpleTestCatchesExtra() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); clearLog(); insertOnSecondaries({_id: 12390290}); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dbCheck: collName})); awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); let nErrors = replSet.getSecondary() .getDB("local") .system.healthlog.find({operation: /dbCheck.*/, severity: "error"}) .count(); assert.neq(nErrors, 0, "dbCheck found no errors after insertion on secondaries"); assert.eq(nErrors, 1, "dbCheck found too many errors after single inconsistent insertion"); } // Test that dbCheck catches changing various pieces of collection metadata. function testCollectionMetadataChanges() { let master = replSet.getPrimary(); let db = master.getDB(dbName); db[collName].drop(); clearLog(); // Create the collection on the primary. db.createCollection(collName, {validationLevel: "off"}); // Add an index on the secondaries. runCommandOnSecondaries({createIndexes: collName, v: 2, key: {"foo": 1}, name: "foo_1"}, dbName + ".$cmd"); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dbCheck: collName})); awaitDbCheckCompletion(db); let nErrors = replSet.getSecondary() .getDB("local") .system.healthlog .find({"operation": /dbCheck.*/, "severity": "error", "data.success": true}) .count(); assert.eq(nErrors, 1, "dbCheck found wrong number of errors after inconsistent `create`"); clearLog(); } simpleTestCatchesExtra(); testCollectionMetadataChanges(); })();