// If a node is already in an active replica set, it is not possible to add this node to another // replica set. // Initialize two replica sets A and B with the same name: A_0, A_1; B_0 // Stop B_0. // Add B_0 to the replica set A. // Start B_0. // B_0 should show up in A's replica set status as DOWN. // This test requires users to persist across a restart. // @tags: [requires_persistence] (function() { 'use strict'; var name = 'disallow_adding_initialized_node2'; var replSetA = new ReplSetTest({ name: name, nodes: [ {rsConfig: {_id: 10}}, {rsConfig: {_id: 11, priority: 0}}, ] }); replSetA.startSet({dbpath: "$set-A-$node"}); replSetA.initiate(); var replSetB = new ReplSetTest({ name: name, nodes: [ {rsConfig: {_id: 20}}, ] }); replSetB.startSet({dbpath: "$set-B-$node"}); replSetB.initiate(); var primaryA = replSetA.getPrimary(); var primaryB = replSetB.getPrimary(); jsTestLog('Before merging: primary A = ' + primaryA.host + '; primary B = ' + primaryB.host); var configA = assert.commandWorked(primaryA.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1})).config; var configB = assert.commandWorked(primaryB.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1})).config; assert(configA.settings.replicaSetId instanceof ObjectId); assert(configB.settings.replicaSetId instanceof ObjectId); jsTestLog('Replica set A ID = ' + configA.settings.replicaSetId); jsTestLog('Replica set B ID = ' + configB.settings.replicaSetId); assert.neq(configA.settings.replicaSetId, configB.settings.replicaSetId); jsTestLog("Stopping B's primary " + primaryB.host); replSetB.stop(0); jsTestLog("Adding replica set B's primary " + primaryB.host + " to replica set A's config"); configA.version++; configA.members.push({_id: 12, host: primaryB.host}); // Use "force" reconfig to increase the config of replica set A by a large number, so that replica // set B will try to fetch the config with a higher version on hearing it via heartbeats. assert.commandWorked(primaryA.adminCommand({replSetReconfig: configA, force: true})); jsTestLog("Restarting B's primary " + primaryB.host); primaryB = replSetB.start(0, {dbpath: "$set-B-$node", restart: true}); var newPrimaryA = replSetA.getPrimary(); var newPrimaryB = replSetB.getPrimary(); jsTestLog('After merging: primary A = ' + newPrimaryA.host + '; primary B = ' + newPrimaryB.host); assert.eq(primaryA, newPrimaryA); assert.eq(primaryB, newPrimaryB); // Mismatch replica set IDs in heartbeat responses should be logged. var msgA = "replica set IDs do not match, ours: " + configA.settings.replicaSetId + "; remote node's: " + configB.settings.replicaSetId; var msgB = "replica set IDs do not match, ours: " + configB.settings.replicaSetId + "; remote node's: " + configA.settings.replicaSetId; checkLog.contains(primaryA, msgA); checkLog.contains(primaryB, msgB); var statusA = assert.commandWorked(primaryA.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); var statusB = assert.commandWorked(primaryB.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); jsTestLog('After merging: replica set status A = ' + tojson(statusA)); jsTestLog('After merging: replica set status B = ' + tojson(statusB)); // B's primary should show up in A's status as DOWN. assert.eq(3, statusA.members.length); assert.eq(10, statusA.members[0]._id); assert.eq(primaryA.host, statusA.members[0].name); assert.eq(ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, statusA.members[0].state); assert.eq(12, statusA.members[2]._id); assert.eq(primaryB.host, statusA.members[2].name); assert.eq(ReplSetTest.State.DOWN, statusA.members[2].state); // Replica set B's config should remain unchanged. assert.eq(1, statusB.members.length); assert.eq(20, statusB.members[0]._id); assert.eq(primaryB.host, statusB.members[0].name); assert.eq(ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, statusB.members[0].state); replSetB.stopSet(); replSetA.stopSet(); })();