/* SERVER-27050 This test causes node 2 to enter rollback, then fail after setting minValid, but * before truncating the oplog. It will then choose the same sync source (1) and retry the rollback. * The upstream node itself rolls back at this point. Node 2 should detect this case and fail the * rollback and refuse to choose node 1 as its sync source because it doesn't have the minValid. */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/check_log.js"); load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); var collName = "test.coll"; var counter = 0; var rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: [ {}, {}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}, {rsConfig: {arbiterOnly: true}}, {rsConfig: {arbiterOnly: true}} ], useBridge: true }); var nodes = rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); function stepUp(rst, node) { var primary = rst.getPrimary(); if (primary != node) { try { assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 1, force: true})); } catch (ex) { print("Caught exception while stepping down from node '" + tojson(node.host) + "': " + tojson(ex)); } } waitForState(node, ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); } jsTestLog("Make sure node 0 is primary."); stepUp(rst, nodes[0]); assert.eq(nodes[0], rst.getPrimary()); // Wait for all data bearing nodes to get up to date. assert.writeOK(nodes[0].getCollection(collName).insert( {a: counter++}, {writeConcern: {w: 3, wtimeout: rst.kDefaultTimeoutMs}})); jsTestLog("Create two partitions: [1] and [0,2,3,4]."); nodes[1].disconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[1].disconnect(nodes[2]); nodes[1].disconnect(nodes[3]); nodes[1].disconnect(nodes[4]); jsTestLog("Do a write that is replicated to [0,2,3,4]."); assert.writeOK(nodes[0].getCollection(collName).insert( {a: counter++}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: rst.kDefaultTimeoutMs}})); jsTestLog("Repartition to: [0,2] and [1,3,4]."); nodes[1].reconnect(nodes[3]); nodes[1].reconnect(nodes[4]); nodes[3].disconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[3].disconnect(nodes[2]); nodes[4].disconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[4].disconnect(nodes[2]); jsTestLog("Ensure that 0 steps down and that 1 becomes primary."); waitForState(nodes[0], ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); waitForState(nodes[1], ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); assert.eq(nodes[1], rst.getPrimary()); jsTestLog("Do a write to node 1 on the [1,3,4] side of the partition."); // We track this object to ensure it gets rolled back on node 1 later. assert.writeOK(nodes[1].getCollection(collName).insert({a: counter++, tracked: true})); // Turn on failpoint on node 2 to pause rollback after oplog is truncated and minValid is set. assert.commandWorked(nodes[2].adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); jsTestLog("Repartition to: [0] and [1,2,3,4]."); nodes[2].disconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[2].reconnect(nodes[1]); nodes[2].reconnect(nodes[3]); nodes[2].reconnect(nodes[4]); jsTestLog("Wait for node 2 to go into ROLLBACK and start syncing from node 1."); // Since nodes 1 and 2 have now diverged, node 2 should go into rollback. waitForState(nodes[2], ReplSetTest.State.ROLLBACK); rst.awaitSyncSource(nodes[2], nodes[1]); jsTestLog("Wait for failpoint on node 2 to pause rollback after it writes minValid"); // Wait for fail point message to be logged. checkLog.contains(nodes[2], 'rollback - rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid fail point enabled'); // Switch failpoints, causing rollback to fail then pause when it retries. It is important to // enable the new one before disabling the current one. assert.commandWorked( nodes[2].adminCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rollbackHangBeforeStart', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); assert.commandWorked(nodes[2].adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid', mode: 'off'})); jsTestLog("Wait for failpoint on node 2 to pause rollback after it restarts"); // Wait for fail point message to be logged. checkLog.contains(nodes[2], 'rollback - rollbackHangBeforeStart fail point enabled'); jsTestLog("Repartition to: [0,3,4] and [1,2]."); nodes[3].disconnect(nodes[1]); nodes[3].reconnect(nodes[0]); nodes[4].disconnect(nodes[1]); nodes[4].reconnect(nodes[0]); jsTestLog("Ensure that 0 becomes primary."); waitForState(nodes[0], ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); waitForState(nodes[1], ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); assert.eq(nodes[0], rst.getPrimary()); // Do a write so that node 0 is definitely ahead of node 1. assert.writeOK(nodes[0].getCollection(collName).insert({a: counter++})); jsTestLog("Repartition to: [0,1,3,4] and [2] so 1 rolls back and replicates from 0."); assert.eq(nodes[1].getCollection(collName).count({tracked: true}), 1); nodes[1].reconnect(nodes[0]); waitForState(nodes[1], ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); jsTestLog("w:2 write to node 0"); assert.writeOK(nodes[0].getCollection(collName).insert( {a: counter++}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: rst.kDefaultTimeoutMs}})); reconnect(nodes[1]); // rollback drops connections. assert.eq(nodes[1].getCollection(collName).count({tracked: true}), 0); // Turn off failpoint on node 2 to allow rollback to finish its attempt at rollback from node 1. // It should fail with a rbid error and get stuck. jsTestLog("Repartition to: [0,3,4] and [1,2]."); nodes[1].reconnect(nodes[2]); assert.adminCommandWorkedAllowingNetworkError( nodes[2], {configureFailPoint: 'rollbackHangBeforeStart', mode: 'off'}); jsTestLog("Wait for node 2 exit ROLLBACK state and go into RECOVERING"); waitForState(nodes[2], ReplSetTest.State.RECOVERING); // At this point node 2 has truncated its oplog back to the common point and is looking // for a sync source it can use to reach minvalid and get back into SECONDARY state. Node 1 // is the only node it can reach, but since node 1 doesn't contain node 2's minvalid oplog entry // node 2 will refuse to use it as a sync source. checkLog.contains(nodes[2], "Upstream node rolled back. Need to retry our rollback."); waitForState(nodes[2], ReplSetTest.State.RECOVERING); // This log message means that it will not be willing to use node 1 as the sync source when it // retries. checkLog.contains( nodes[2], "remote oplog does not contain entry with optime matching our required optime"); rst.stopSet(); }());