/** * Test to ensure that using applyOps to drop a drop-pending collection is a no-op. * By definition, a drop-pending collection will be removed by the server eventually. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js"); // For TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest. // Set up a two phase drop test. let testName = "drop_collection_two_phase_apply_ops_noop"; let dbName = testName; let collName = "collToDrop"; let twoPhaseDropTest = new TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest(testName, dbName); // Initialize replica set. let replTest = twoPhaseDropTest.initReplSet(); // Create the collection that will be dropped. twoPhaseDropTest.createCollection(collName); // PREPARE collection drop. twoPhaseDropTest.prepareDropCollection(collName); // Drop drop-pending collection using applyOps with system.drop namespace. const dropPendingColl = twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(collName); const dropPendingCollName = dropPendingColl.name; const primary = replTest.getPrimary(); const cmdNs = dbName + '.$cmd'; const applyOpsCmdWithName = {applyOps: [{op: 'c', ns: cmdNs, o: {drop: dropPendingCollName}}]}; TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest._testLog( 'Attempting to drop collection using applyOps with system.drop namespace: ' + tojson(applyOpsCmdWithName)); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(applyOpsCmdWithName)); assert(twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(collName), 'applyOps using collection name ' + dropPendingCollName + ' removed drop-pending collection unexpectedly'); // Drop drop-pending collection using applyOps with UUID. const dropPendingCollUuid = dropPendingColl.info.uuid; const applyOpsCmdWithUuid = { applyOps: [{op: 'c', ns: cmdNs, ui: dropPendingCollUuid, o: {drop: 'ignored_collection_name'}}] }; TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest._testLog('Attempting to drop collection using applyOps with UUID: ' + tojson(applyOpsCmdWithUuid)); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(applyOpsCmdWithUuid)); assert(twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(collName), 'applyOps using UUID ' + dropPendingCollUuid + ' removed drop-pending collection unexpectedly'); // COMMIT collection drop. twoPhaseDropTest.commitDropCollection(collName); twoPhaseDropTest.stop(); }());