/** * Test to ensure that the two phase drop behavior is applied to the target collection of a * renameCollection command when dropTarget is set to true. */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); load('jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js'); // For TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest. // Return a list of all indexes for a given collection. Use 'args' as the // 'listIndexes' command arguments. // Assumes all indexes in the collection fit in the first batch of results. function listIndexes(database, coll, args) { args = args || {}; let failMsg = "'listIndexes' command failed"; let listIndexesCmd = {listIndexes: coll}; let res = assert.commandWorked(database.runCommand(listIndexesCmd, args), failMsg); return res.cursor.firstBatch; } // Set up a two phase drop test. let testName = 'drop_collection_two_phase_rename_drop_target'; let dbName = testName; let fromCollName = 'collToRename'; let toCollName = 'collToDrop'; let twoPhaseDropTest = new TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest(testName, dbName); // Initialize replica set. let replTest = twoPhaseDropTest.initReplSet(); // Check for 'system.drop' two phase drop support. if (!twoPhaseDropTest.supportsDropPendingNamespaces()) { jsTestLog('Drop pending namespaces not supported by storage engine. Skipping test.'); twoPhaseDropTest.stop(); return; } // Create the collections that will be renamed and dropped. twoPhaseDropTest.createCollection(fromCollName); twoPhaseDropTest.createCollection(toCollName); // Collection renames with dropTarget set to true should handle long index names in the target // collection gracefully. const primary = replTest.getPrimary(); const testDb = primary.getDB(dbName); const fromColl = testDb.getCollection(fromCollName); const toColl = testDb.getCollection(toCollName); let longIndexName = 'a'.repeat(8192); let shortIndexName = "short_name"; // In the target collection, which will be dropped, create one index with a "too long" name, and // one with a name of acceptable size. assert.commandWorked(toColl.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {name: longIndexName})); assert.commandWorked(toColl.ensureIndex({b: 1}, {name: shortIndexName})); // Insert documents into both collections so that we can tell them apart. assert.commandWorked(fromColl.insert({_id: 'from'})); assert.commandWorked(toColl.insert({_id: 'to'})); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Prevent renameCollection from being applied on the secondary so that we can examine the state // of the primary after target collection has been dropped. jsTestLog('Pausing oplog application on the secondary node.'); const secondary = replTest.getSecondary(); twoPhaseDropTest.pauseOplogApplication(secondary); // This logs each operation being applied. const previousLogLevel = assert.commandWorked(primary.setLogLevel(1, 'storage')).was.replication.verbosity; try { // When the target collection exists, the renameCollection command should fail if dropTarget // flag is set to false or is omitted. jsTestLog( 'Checking renameCollection error handling when dropTarget is set to false and target collection exists.'); let dropTarget = false; assert.commandFailedWithCode(fromColl.renameCollection(toCollName, dropTarget), ErrorCodes.NamespaceExists); // Rename collection with dropTarget set to true. Check collection contents after rename. jsTestLog('Renaming collection ' + fromColl.getFullName() + ' to ' + toColl.getFullName() + ' with dropTarget set to true.'); dropTarget = true; assert.commandWorked(fromColl.renameCollection(toColl.getName(), dropTarget)); assert(!twoPhaseDropTest.collectionExists(fromCollName)); assert(twoPhaseDropTest.collectionExists(toCollName)); assert.eq({_id: 'from'}, toColl.findOne()); // Confirm that original target collection is now a drop-pending collection. const isPendingDropResult = twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(toCollName); assert(isPendingDropResult); const droppedCollName = isPendingDropResult.name; jsTestLog('Original target collection is now in a drop-pending state: ' + droppedCollName); // COMMIT collection drop. twoPhaseDropTest.resumeOplogApplication(secondary); replTest.awaitReplication(); assert.soonNoExcept(function() { return !twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(toCollName); }); // Confirm in the logs that the renameCollection dropped the target collection on the // secondary using two phase collection drop. if (isJsonLog(secondary)) { checkLog.containsJson(secondary, 20315, {namespace: toColl.getFullName()}); } else { checkLog.contains(secondary, new RegExp('dropCollection:.*' + toColl.getFullName())); } // Rename target collection back to source collection. This helps to ensure the collection // metadata is updated correctly on both primary and secondary. assert.commandWorked(toColl.renameCollection(fromCollName + '_roundtrip')); replTest.awaitReplication(); } finally { // Reset log level. primary.setLogLevel(previousLogLevel, 'storage'); twoPhaseDropTest.stop(); } }());