// Test the explain command on the primary and on secondaries: // // 1) Explain of read operations should work on the secondaries iff slaveOk is set. // // 2) Explain of write operations should // --fail on secondaries, even if slaveOk is set, // --succeed on primary without applying any writes. var name = "explain_slaveok"; print("Start replica set with two nodes"); var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 2}); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var primary = replTest.getPrimary(); // Insert a document and let it sync to the secondary. print("Initial sync"); primary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.insert({a: 1}); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Check that the document is present on the primary. assert.eq(1, primary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.findOne({a: 1})["a"]); // We shouldn't be able to read from the secondary with slaveOk off. var secondary = replTest.getSecondary(); secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); assert.throws(function() { secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.findOne({a: 1}); }); // With slaveOk on, we should be able to read from the secondary. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(true); assert.eq(1, secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.findOne({a: 1})["a"]); // // Test explains on primary. // // Explain a count on the primary. var explainOut = primary.getDB("test").runCommand( {explain: {count: "explain_slaveok", query: {a: 1}}, verbosity: "executionStats"}); assert.commandWorked(explainOut, "explain read op on primary"); // Explain an update on the primary. explainOut = primary.getDB("test").runCommand({ explain: {update: "explain_slaveok", updates: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {$set: {a: 5}}}]}, verbosity: "executionStats" }); assert.commandWorked(explainOut, "explain write op on primary"); // Plan should have an update stage at its root, reporting that it would // modify a single document. var stages = explainOut.executionStats.executionStages; assert.eq("UPDATE", stages.stage); assert.eq(1, stages.nWouldModify); // Confirm that the document did not actually get modified on the primary // or on the secondary. assert.eq(1, primary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.findOne({a: 1})["a"]); secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(true); assert.eq(1, secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.findOne({a: 1})["a"]); // // Test explains on secondary. // // Explain a count on the secondary with slaveOk off. Should fail because // slaveOk is required for explains on a secondary. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand( {explain: {count: "explain_slaveok", query: {a: 1}}, verbosity: "executionStats"}); assert.commandFailed(explainOut, "explain read op on secondary, slaveOk false"); // Explain of count should succeed once slaveOk is true. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(true); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand( {explain: {count: "explain_slaveok", query: {a: 1}}, verbosity: "executionStats"}); assert.commandWorked(explainOut, "explain read op on secondary, slaveOk true"); // Explain .find() on a secondary, setting slaveOk directly on the query. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); assert.throws(function() { secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.explain("executionStats").find({a: 1}).finish(); }); secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test") .explain_slaveok.explain("executionStats") .find({a: 1}) .addOption(DBQuery.Option.slaveOk) .finish(); assert.commandWorked(explainOut, "explain read op on secondary, slaveOk set to true on query"); secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(true); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.explain("executionStats").find({a: 1}).finish(); assert.commandWorked(explainOut, "explain .find() on secondary, slaveOk set to true"); // Explain .find() on a secondary, setting slaveOk to false with various read preferences. var readPrefModes = ["secondary", "secondaryPreferred", "primaryPreferred", "nearest"]; readPrefModes.forEach(function(prefString) { secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test") .explain_slaveok.explain("executionStats") .find({a: 1}) .readPref(prefString) .finish(); assert.commandWorked( explainOut, "explain .find() on secondary, '" + prefString + "' read preference on query"); // Similarly should succeed if a read preference is set on the connection. secondary.setReadPref(prefString); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").explain_slaveok.explain("executionStats").find({a: 1}).finish(); assert.commandWorked( explainOut, "explain .find() on secondary, '" + prefString + "' read preference on connection"); // Unset read pref on the connection. secondary.setReadPref(); }); // Fail explain find() on a secondary, setting slaveOk to false with read preference set to primary. var prefStringPrimary = "primary"; secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand( {explain: {find: "explain_slaveok", query: {a: 1}}, verbosity: "executionStats"}); assert.commandFailed(explainOut, "not master and slaveOk=false"); // Similarly should fail if a read preference is set on the connection. secondary.setReadPref(prefStringPrimary); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand( {explain: {find: "explain_slaveok", query: {a: 1}}, verbosity: "executionStats"}); assert.commandFailed(explainOut, "not master and slaveOk=false"); // Unset read pref on the connection. secondary.setReadPref(); // Explain an update on the secondary with slaveOk off. Should fail because // slaveOk is required for explains on a secondary. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(false); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand({ explain: {update: "explain_slaveok", updates: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {$set: {a: 5}}}]}, verbosity: "executionStats" }); assert.commandFailed(explainOut, "explain write op on secondary, slaveOk false"); // Explain of the update should also fail with slaveOk on. secondary.getDB("test").getMongo().setSlaveOk(true); explainOut = secondary.getDB("test").runCommand({ explain: {update: "explain_slaveok", updates: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {$set: {a: 5}}}]}, verbosity: "executionStats" }); assert.commandFailed(explainOut, "explain write op on secondary, slaveOk true");