// Tests the output of db.getReplicationInfo() and tests db.printSlaveReplicationInfo(). (function() { "use strict"; var name = "getReplicationInfo"; var replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 3, oplogSize: 50}); var nodes = replSet.nodeList(); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); var primary = replSet.getPrimary(); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { primary.getDB('test').foo.insert({a: i}); } replSet.awaitReplication(); var replInfo = primary.getDB('admin').getReplicationInfo(); var replInfoString = tojson(replInfo); assert.eq(50, replInfo.logSizeMB, replInfoString); assert.lt(0, replInfo.usedMB, replInfoString); assert.lte(0, replInfo.timeDiff, replInfoString); assert.lte(0, replInfo.timeDiffHours, replInfoString); // Just make sure the following fields exist since it would be hard to predict their values assert(replInfo.tFirst, replInfoString); assert(replInfo.tLast, replInfoString); assert(replInfo.now, replInfoString); // calling this function with and without a primary, should provide sufficient code coverage // to catch any JS errors var mongo = startParallelShell("db.getSiblingDB('admin').printSlaveReplicationInfo();", primary.port); mongo(); assert.soon(function() { return rawMongoProgramOutput().match("behind the primary"); }); // get to a primaryless state for (i in replSet.liveNodes.slaves) { var secondary = replSet.liveNodes.slaves[i]; secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetFreeze: 120}); } try { primary.getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetStepDown: 120, force: true}); } catch (e) { } mongo = startParallelShell("db.getSiblingDB('admin').printSlaveReplicationInfo();", primary.port); mongo(); assert.soon(function() { return rawMongoProgramOutput().match("behind the freshest"); }); })();