doTest = function( signal ) { // Test basic replica set functionality. // -- Replication // -- Failover // Replica set testing API // Create a new replica set test. Specify set name and the number of nodes you want. var replTest = new ReplSetTest( {name: 'testSet', nodes: 3} ); // call startSet() to start each mongod in the replica set // this returns a list of nodes var nodes = replTest.startSet(); // Call initiate() to send the replSetInitiate command // This will wait for initiation replTest.initiate(); // Call getMaster to return a reference to the node that's been // elected master. var master = replTest.getMaster(); // save some records var len = 100 for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { master.getDB("foo"){a: i}); } // This method will check the oplogs of the master // and slaves in the set and wait until the change has replicated. replTest.awaitReplication(); print("Sleeping 10s for slaves to go to secondary state"); sleep(10000); slaves = replTest.liveNodes.slaves; assert( slaves.length == 2, "Expected 2 slaves but length was " + slaves.length ); slaves.forEach(function(slave) { // try to read from slave slave.slaveOk = true; var count = slave.getDB("foo").foo.count(); printjson( count ); assert.eq( len , count , "slave count wrong: " + slave ); print("Doing a findOne to verify we can get a row"); var one = slave.getDB("foo").foo.findOne(); printjson(one); // stats = slave.getDB("foo").adminCommand({replSetGetStatus:1}); // printjson(stats); print("Calling group() with slaveOk=true, must succeed"); slave.slaveOk = true; count = slave.getDB("foo"){initial: {n:0}, reduce: function(obj,out){out.n++;}}); printjson( count ); assert.eq( len , count[0].n , "slave group count wrong: " + slave ); print("Calling group() with slaveOk=false, must fail"); slave.slaveOk = false; try { count = slave.getDB("foo"){initial: {n:0}, reduce: function(obj,out){out.n++;}}); assert(false, "group() succeeded with slaveOk=false"); } catch (e) { print("Received exception: " + e); } print("Calling inline mr() with slaveOk=true, must succeed"); slave.slaveOk = true; map = function() { emit(this.a, 1); }; reduce = function(key, vals) { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; ++i) { sum += vals[i]; } return sum; }; slave.getDB("foo").foo.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: { "inline" : 1}}); print("Calling mr() to collection with slaveOk=true, must fail"); try { slave.getDB("foo").foo.mapReduce(map, reduce, "output"); assert(false, "mapReduce() to collection succeeded on slave"); } catch (e) { print("Received exception: " + e); } print("Calling inline mr() with slaveOk=false, must fail"); slave.slaveOk = false; try { slave.getDB("foo").foo.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: { "inline" : 1}}); assert(false, "mapReduce() succeeded on slave with slaveOk=false"); } catch (e) { print("Received exception: " + e); } print("Calling mr() to collection with slaveOk=false, must fail"); try { slave.getDB("foo").foo.mapReduce(map, reduce, "output"); assert(false, "mapReduce() to collection succeeded on slave with slaveOk=false"); } catch (e) { print("Received exception: " + e); } }); // Shut down the set and finish the test. replTest.stopSet( signal ); } doTest( 15 ); print("SUCCESS");