/** * Test that CollectionCloner completes without error when a collection is renamed during cloning. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); load('jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js'); load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); // Set up replica set. Disallow chaining so nodes always sync from primary. const testName = "initial_sync_rename_collection"; const dbName = testName; const replTest = new ReplSetTest( {name: testName, nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}], settings: {chainingAllowed: false}}); replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); const collName = "testcoll"; const primary = replTest.getPrimary(); const primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName); const primaryColl = primaryDB[collName]; const pRenameColl = primaryDB["r_" + collName]; // The default WC is majority and this test can't satisfy majority writes. assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand( {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Used for cross-DB renames. const secondDbName = testName + "_cross"; const primarySecondDB = primary.getDB(secondDbName); const pCrossDBRenameColl = primarySecondDB[collName + "_cross"]; const nss = primaryColl.getFullName(); const rnss = pRenameColl.getFullName(); let secondary = replTest.getSecondary(); let secondaryDB = secondary.getDB(dbName); let secondaryColl = secondaryDB[collName]; // This function adds data to the collection, restarts the secondary node with the given // parameters and setting the given failpoint, waits for the failpoint to be hit, // renames the collection, then disables the failpoint. It then optionally waits for the // expectedLog message and waits for the secondary to complete initial sync, then ensures // the collection on the secondary has been properly cloned. function setupTest({failPoint, extraFailPointData, secondaryStartupParams}) { jsTestLog("Writing data to collection."); assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.insert([{_id: 1}, {_id: 2}])); const data = Object.merge(extraFailPointData || {}, {nss: nss}); jsTestLog("Restarting secondary with failPoint " + failPoint + " set for " + nss); secondaryStartupParams = secondaryStartupParams || {}; secondaryStartupParams['failpoint.' + failPoint] = tojson({mode: 'alwaysOn', data: data}); // Skip clearing initial sync progress after a successful initial sync attempt so that we // can check initialSyncStatus fields after initial sync is complete. secondaryStartupParams['failpoint.skipClearInitialSyncState'] = tojson({mode: 'alwaysOn'}); secondaryStartupParams['numInitialSyncAttempts'] = 1; secondary = replTest.restart(secondary, {startClean: true, setParameter: secondaryStartupParams}); secondaryDB = secondary.getDB(dbName); secondaryColl = secondaryDB[collName]; jsTestLog("Waiting for secondary to reach failPoint " + failPoint); assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand({ waitForFailPoint: failPoint, timesEntered: 1, maxTimeMS: kDefaultWaitForFailPointTimeout })); // Restarting the secondary may have resulted in an election. Wait until the system // stabilizes and reaches RS_STARTUP2 state. replTest.getPrimary(); replTest.waitForState(secondary, ReplSetTest.State.STARTUP_2); } function finishTest({failPoint, expectedLog, createNew, renameAcrossDBs}) { // Get the uuid for use in checking the log line. const uuid_obj = getUUIDFromListCollections(primaryDB, collName); const uuid = extractUUIDFromObject(uuid_obj); const target = (renameAcrossDBs ? pCrossDBRenameColl : pRenameColl); jsTestLog("Renaming collection on primary: " + target.getFullName()); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({ renameCollection: primaryColl.getFullName(), to: target.getFullName(), dropTarget: false })); // Only set for test cases that use 'system.drop' namespaces when dropping collections. // In those tests the variable 'dropPendingNss' represents such a namespace. Used for // expectedLog. See test cases 6 and 8 below. let dropPendingNss; const dropPendingColl = TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest.collectionIsPendingDropInDatabase(primaryDB, collName); if (dropPendingColl) { dropPendingNss = dbName + "." + dropPendingColl["name"]; } if (createNew) { jsTestLog("Creating a new collection with the same name: " + primaryColl.getFullName()); assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.insert({_id: "not the same collection"})); } jsTestLog("Allowing secondary to continue."); assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failPoint, mode: 'off'})); if (expectedLog) { expectedLog = eval(expectedLog); jsTestLog(expectedLog); checkLog.contains(secondary, expectedLog); } jsTestLog("Waiting for initial sync to complete."); replTest.waitForState(secondary, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); let res = assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); assert.eq(0, res.initialSyncStatus.failedInitialSyncAttempts); if (createNew) { assert.eq([{_id: "not the same collection"}], secondaryColl.find().toArray()); assert(primaryColl.drop()); } else { assert.eq(0, secondaryColl.find().itcount()); } replTest.checkReplicatedDataHashes(); // Drop the renamed collection so we can start fresh the next time around. assert(target.drop()); } function runRenameTest(params) { setupTest(params); finishTest(params); } jsTestLog("[1] Testing rename between listIndexes and find."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "hangBeforeClonerStage", extraFailPointData: {cloner: "CollectionCloner", stage: "query"} }); jsTestLog("[2] Testing cross-DB rename between listIndexes and find."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "hangBeforeClonerStage", extraFailPointData: {cloner: "CollectionCloner", stage: "query"}, renameAcrossDBs: true }); jsTestLog( "[3] Testing rename between listIndexes and find, with new same-name collection created."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "hangBeforeClonerStage", extraFailPointData: {cloner: "CollectionCloner", stage: "query"}, createNew: true }); jsTestLog( "[4] Testing cross-DB rename between listIndexes and find, with new same-name collection created."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "hangBeforeClonerStage", extraFailPointData: {cloner: "CollectionCloner", stage: "query"}, createNew: true, renameAcrossDBs: true }); const expectedLogFor5and7 = isJsonLogNoConn() ? '`Sync process retrying cloner stage due to error","attr":{"cloner":"CollectionCloner","stage":"query","error":{"code":175,"codeName":"QueryPlanKilled","errmsg":"collection renamed from \'${nss}\' to \'${rnss}\'. UUID ${uuid}"}}}`' : "`Sync process retrying CollectionCloner stage query due to QueryPlanKilled: collection renamed from '${nss}' to '${rnss}'. UUID ${uuid}`"; jsTestLog("[5] Testing rename between getMores."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", secondaryStartupParams: {collectionClonerBatchSize: 1}, expectedLog: expectedLogFor5and7 }); // A cross-DB rename will appear as a drop in the context of the source DB. let expectedLogFor6and8 = "`CollectionCloner ns: '${nss}' uuid: UUID(\"${uuid}\") stopped because collection was dropped on source.`"; if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { // Double escape the backslash as eval will do unescaping expectedLogFor6and8 = '`CollectionCloner stopped because collection was dropped on source","attr":{"namespace":"${nss}","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"${uuid}"}}}}`'; } // We don't support 4.2 style two-phase drops with EMRC=false - in that configuration, the // collection will instead be renamed to a .system.drop.* namespace before being dropped. Since // the cloner queries collection by UUID, it will observe the first drop phase as a rename. // We still want to check that initial sync succeeds in such a case. if (TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest.supportsDropPendingNamespaces(replTest)) { if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { expectedLogFor6and8 = '`Sync process retrying cloner stage due to error","attr":{"cloner":"CollectionCloner","stage":"query","error":{"code":175,"codeName":"QueryPlanKilled","errmsg":"collection renamed from \'${nss}\' to \'${dropPendingNss}\'. UUID ${uuid}`'; } else { expectedLogFor6and8 = "`Sync process retrying CollectionCloner stage query due to QueryPlanKilled: collection renamed from '${nss}' to '${dropPendingNss}'. UUID ${uuid}`"; } } jsTestLog("[6] Testing cross-DB rename between getMores."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", secondaryStartupParams: {collectionClonerBatchSize: 1}, renameAcrossDBs: true, expectedLog: expectedLogFor6and8 }); jsTestLog("[7] Testing rename with new same-name collection created, between getMores."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", secondaryStartupParams: {collectionClonerBatchSize: 1}, expectedLog: expectedLogFor5and7 }); jsTestLog("[8] Testing cross-DB rename with new same-name collection created, between getMores."); runRenameTest({ failPoint: "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", secondaryStartupParams: {collectionClonerBatchSize: 1}, renameAcrossDBs: true, expectedLog: expectedLogFor6and8 }); replTest.stopSet(); })();