/** * Tests that initial sync is completed successfully if a 'renameCollection' operation * occurs on the sync source during initial sync. * See SERVER-4941. */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load('jstests/replsets/rslib.js'); const basename = 'initial_sync_rename_collection_before_cloning'; jsTestLog('Bring up a replica set'); const rst = new ReplSetTest({name: basename, nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const db0_name = "db0"; const db1_name = "db1"; const primary = rst.getPrimary(); // Create two separate databases so that we can rename a collection across databases. const primary_db0 = primary.getDB(db0_name); const primary_db1 = primary.getDB(db1_name); jsTestLog("Create collections on primary"); const collRenameWithinDB_name = 'coll_1'; const collRenameAcrossDBs_name = 'coll_2'; const collWithinFinal_name = 'renamed'; const collAcrossFinal_name = 'renamed_across'; // Create two collections on the same database. One will be renamed within the database // and the other will be renamed to a different database. assert.commandWorked(primary_db0[collRenameWithinDB_name].save({})); assert.commandWorked(primary_db0[collRenameAcrossDBs_name].save({})); jsTestLog('Waiting for replication'); rst.awaitReplication(); jsTestLog('Bring up a new node'); const secondary = rst.add({setParameter: 'numInitialSyncAttempts=1'}); // Add a fail point that causes the secondary's initial sync to hang before // copying databases. const failPoint = configureFailPoint(secondary, 'initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases'); jsTestLog('Begin initial sync on secondary'); let conf = rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1}).config; conf.members.push({_id: 1, host: secondary.host, priority: 0, votes: 0}); conf.version++; assert.commandWorked(rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetReconfig: conf})); assert.eq(primary, rst.getPrimary(), 'Primary changed after reconfig'); // Confirm that initial sync started on the secondary node. jsTestLog('Waiting for initial sync to start'); failPoint.wait(); // Start renaming collections while initial sync is hanging. jsTestLog('Rename collection ' + db0_name + '.' + collRenameWithinDB_name + ' to ' + db0_name + '.' + collWithinFinal_name + ' on the sync source ' + db0_name); assert.commandWorked(primary_db0[collRenameWithinDB_name].renameCollection(collWithinFinal_name)); jsTestLog('Rename collection ' + db0_name + '.' + collRenameAcrossDBs_name + ' to ' + db1_name + '.' + collAcrossFinal_name + ' on the sync source ' + db0_name); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({ renameCollection: primary_db0[collRenameAcrossDBs_name].getFullName(), to: primary_db1[collAcrossFinal_name] .getFullName() // Collection 'renamed_across' is implicitly created. })); // Disable fail point so that the secondary can finish its initial sync. failPoint.off(); jsTestLog('Wait for both nodes to be up-to-date'); rst.awaitSecondaryNodes(); rst.awaitReplication(); const secondary_db0 = secondary.getDB(db0_name); const secondary_db1 = secondary.getDB(db1_name); jsTestLog('Check that collection was renamed correctly on the secondary'); assert.eq( secondary_db0[collWithinFinal_name].find().itcount(), 1, 'renamed collection does not exist'); assert.eq(secondary_db1[collAcrossFinal_name].find().itcount(), 1, 'renamed_across collection does not exist'); assert.eq( secondary_db0[collRenameWithinDB_name].find().itcount(), 0, 'collection ' + collRenameWithinDB_name + ' still exists after it was supposed to be renamed'); assert.eq( secondary_db0[collRenameAcrossDBs_name].find().itcount(), 0, 'collection ' + collRenameAcrossDBs_name + ' still exists after it was supposed to be renamed'); rst.checkReplicatedDataHashes(); rst.checkOplogs(); rst.stopSet(); })();