/** * Initial sync runs in several phases - the first 3 are as follows: * 1) fetches the last oplog entry (op_start1) on the source; * 2) copies all non-local databases from the source; and * 3) fetches and applies operations from the source after op_start1. * * This test updates and deletes a document on the source between phases 1 and 2. The * secondary will initially fail to apply the update operation in phase 3 and subsequently have * to attempt to check the source for a new copy of the document. The absence of the document on * the source indicates that the source is free to ignore the failed update operation. */ (function() { load("jstests/libs/check_log.js"); var name = 'initial_sync_update_missing_doc1'; var replSet = new ReplSetTest({ name: name, nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {arbiterOnly: true}}], }); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); var primary = replSet.getPrimary(); var coll = primary.getDB('test').getCollection(name); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({_id: 0, x: 1})); // Add a secondary node but make it hang after retrieving the last op on the source // but before copying databases. var secondary = replSet.add(); secondary.setSlaveOk(); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'initialSyncHangBeforeGettingMissingDocument', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); replSet.reInitiate(); // Wait for fail point message to be logged. checkLog.contains(secondary, 'initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases fail point enabled'); assert.writeOK(coll.update({_id: 0}, {x: 2}, {upsert: false, writeConcern: {w: 1}})); assert.writeOK(coll.remove({_id: 0}, {justOne: true, writeConcern: {w: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases', mode: 'off'})); checkLog.contains(secondary, 'update of non-mod failed'); checkLog.contains(secondary, 'Fetching missing document'); checkLog.contains( secondary, 'initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeGettingMissingDocument fail point enabled'); var res = assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1, initialSync: 1})); assert.eq(res.initialSyncStatus.fetchedMissingDocs, 0); var firstOplogEnd = res.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogEnd; // Insert a document to move forward minValid, even though the document was not found. assert.writeOK(primary.getDB('test').getCollection(name + 'b').insert({_id: 1, y: 1})); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'initialSyncHangBeforeGettingMissingDocument', mode: 'off'})); checkLog.contains(secondary, 'Missing document not found on source; presumably deleted later in oplog.'); checkLog.contains(secondary, 'initial sync done'); replSet.awaitReplication(); replSet.awaitSecondaryNodes(); assert.eq(0, secondary.getDB('test').getCollection(name).find().itcount(), 'collection successfully synced to secondary'); res = assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1, initialSync: 1})); assert.eq(res.initialSyncStatus.fetchedMissingDocs, 1); var finalOplogEnd = res.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogEnd; assert(!friendlyEqual(firstOplogEnd, finalOplogEnd), "minValid was not moved forward when missing document was fetched"); assert.eq(0, secondary.getDB('local')['temp_oplog_buffer'].find().itcount(), "Oplog buffer was not dropped after initial sync"); replSet.stopSet(); })();