/** * Initial sync runs in several phases - the first 3 are as follows: * 1) fetches the last oplog entry (op_start1) on the source; * 2) copies all non-local databases from the source; and * 3) fetches and applies operations from the source after op_start1. * * This test upserts documents with both the "update" and "applyOps" commands on the source between * phases 2 and 3; these operations should be treated as inserts on the syncing node and applied * successfully. */ (function() { load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/replsets/libs/initial_sync_update_missing_doc.js"); const replSet = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); const primary = replSet.getPrimary(); const dbName = 'test'; const collectionName = jsTestName(); assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(dbName).createCollection(collectionName)); const coll = primary.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName); // Add a secondary node with priority: 0 and votes: 0 so that we prevent elections while // it is syncing from the primary. const secondaryConfig = { rsConfig: {votes: 0, priority: 0} }; const secondary = reInitiateSetWithSecondary(replSet, secondaryConfig); jsTestLog("Allow initial sync to finish cloning collections"); let failPoint = configureFailPoint(secondary, 'initialSyncHangAfterDataCloning'); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases', mode: 'off'})); failPoint.wait(); jsTestLog('Use both "update" and "applyOps" to upsert doc on primary'); let documentIdCounter = 0; let numDocuments = 0; assert.commandWorked(coll.update({_id: documentIdCounter}, {x: 1}, {upsert: true})); documentIdCounter++; numDocuments++; function applyOps({documentId, alwaysUpsert, allowAtomic}) { let command = { applyOps: [{op: "u", ns: coll.getFullName(), o2: {_id: documentId}, o: {$set: {x: 1}}}] }; if (alwaysUpsert !== null) { command['alwaysUpsert'] = alwaysUpsert; } if (allowAtomic !== null) { command['allowAtomic'] = allowAtomic; } assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(dbName).runCommand(command)); } /* alwaysUpsert is true by default; test with the default value and an explicit value */ for (let alwaysUpsert of [null, true]) { /* If allowAtomic is true (the default), this writes an applyOps oplog entry containing an * op: 'u' sub-entry, otherwise it writes a regular op: 'u' entry. The update is treated as * an upsert by the primary. Ensure it is treated that way by the secondary when it applies * the oplog entry during initial sync. */ for (let allowAtomic of [null, true, false]) { applyOps( {documentId: documentIdCounter, alwaysUpsert: alwaysUpsert, allowAtomic: allowAtomic}); documentIdCounter++; numDocuments++; } } /* The interesting scenario for alwaysUpsert: false is if the document is deleted on the primary * after updating. When the secondary attempts to apply the oplog entry during initial sync, * it will fail to update. Ensure that initial sync proceeds anyway. */ for (let allowAtomic of [null, true, false]) { coll.insertOne({_id: documentIdCounter}); applyOps({documentId: documentIdCounter, alwaysUpsert: false, allowAtomic: allowAtomic}); coll.deleteOne({_id: documentIdCounter}); // Don't increment numDocuments, since we deleted the document we just inserted. documentIdCounter++; } jsTestLog("Allow initial sync to finish fetching and replaying oplog"); failPoint.off(); finishAndValidate(replSet, collectionName, numDocuments); replSet.stopSet(); })();