// All collections created during a map-reduce should be replicated to secondaries unless they are // in the "local" or "admin" databases. Any collection outside of "local" that does not get // replicated is a potential problem for workloads with transactions (see SERVER-35365 and // SERVER-35282). // // We verify this requirement by running a map-reduce, examining the logs to find the names of // all collections created, and checking the oplog for entries logging the creation of each of those // collections. (function() { "use strict"; const name = "mr_nonrepl_coll_in_local_db"; const replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 2}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); const dbName = name; const collName = "test"; const primary = replSet.getPrimary(); const primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName); const coll = primaryDB[collName]; // Insert 1000 documents in the "test" collection. const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { const array = Array.from({lengthToInsert: 10000}, _ => Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)); bulk.insert({arr: array}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); // Run a simple map-reduce. const result = coll.mapReduce( function map() { return this.arr.forEach(element => emit(element, 1)); }, function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }, {query: {arr: {$exists: true}}, out: "mr_result"}); assert.commandWorked(result); // Examine the logs to find a list of created collections. const logLines = checkLog.getGlobalLog(primaryDB); let createdCollections = []; logLines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.match(/createCollection: (.+) with/)) { createdCollections.push(matchResult[1]); } }); createdCollections.forEach(function(createdCollectionName) { if (createdCollectionName.startsWith("admin.")) { // Although the "admin.system.version" collection is replicated, no "c" entry gets // created for it in the oplog, so this test would see it as unreplicated. In general, // this test is not concerned with the "admin" database, so we don't examine any "admin" // collections. return; } const periodIndex = createdCollectionName.indexOf("."); const dbName = createdCollectionName.substring(0, periodIndex); const collName = createdCollectionName.substring(periodIndex + 1); // Search for a log entry for the creation of this collection. const oplogEntries = primaryDB.getSiblingDB("local")["oplog.rs"] .find({op: "c", ns: dbName + ".$cmd", "o.create": collName, "o.idIndex.name": "_id_"}) .toArray(); if (createdCollectionName.startsWith("local.")) { // We do not want to see any replication of "local" collections. assert.eq(oplogEntries.length, 0, "Found unexpected oplog entry for creation of " + createdCollectionName + ": " + tojson(oplogEntries)); } else { assert.eq(oplogEntries.length, 1, "Found no oplog entry or too many entries for creation of " + createdCollectionName + ": " + tojson(oplogEntries)); } }); replSet.stopSet(); }());