// SERVER-7200 On startup, replica set nodes delete oplog state past the oplog delete point and // apply any remaining unapplied ops before coming up as a secondary. If the op fails to apply, the // server must fail to start up. // // @tags: [requires_persistence] (function() { "use strict"; var rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, }); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); var conn = rst.getPrimary(); // Waits for PRIMARY state. conn = rst.restart(0, {noReplSet: true}); // Restart as a standalone node. assert.neq(null, conn, "failed to restart"); var oplog = conn.getCollection('local.oplog.rs'); var lastOplogDoc = conn.getCollection('local.oplog.rs').find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1)[0]; var lastTs = lastOplogDoc.ts; var newTs = Timestamp(lastTs.t + 1, 1); var term = lastOplogDoc.t; assert.writeOK(oplog.insert({ ts: newTs, t: term, h: 1, op: 'c', ns: 'somedb.$cmd', o: {thereIsNoCommandWithThisName: 1}, })); var injectedMinValidDoc = { _id: ObjectId(), // appliedThrough begin: { ts: lastTs, t: term, }, // minvalid: t: term, ts: newTs, }; // This weird mechanism is the only way to bypass mongod's attempt to fill in null // Timestamps. var minValidColl = conn.getCollection('local.replset.minvalid'); assert.writeOK(minValidColl.remove({})); assert.writeOK(minValidColl.update({}, {$set: injectedMinValidDoc}, {upsert: true})); assert.eq(minValidColl.findOne(), injectedMinValidDoc, "If the Timestamps differ, the server may be filling in the null timestamps"); assert.throws(() => rst.restart(0)); // Restart in replSet mode again. // fassert() calls std::abort(), which returns a different exit code for Windows vs. other // platforms. const exitCode = _isWindows() ? MongoRunner.EXIT_ABRUPT : MongoRunner.EXIT_ABORT; rst.stop(0, undefined, {allowedExitCode: exitCode}); rst.stopSet(); })();