/** * Test oplog visibility enforcement of primaries and secondaries. This test uses a client to read * the oplog while there are concurrent writers. The client copies all the timestamps it sees and * verifies a later scan over the range returns the same values. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); // for Thread. const replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: "oplog_visibility", nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}], settings: {chainingAllowed: true} }); replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); jsTestLog("Enabling `sleepBeforeCommit` failpoint."); for (let node of replTest.nodes) { assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "sleepBeforeCommit", mode: {activationProbability: 0.01}})); } jsTestLog("Starting concurrent writers."); let stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); let writers = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx) { let coll = "coll_" + idx; let writer = new Thread(function(host, coll, stopLatch) { const conn = new Mongo(host); let id = 0; // Cap the amount of data being inserted to avoid rolling over a 10MiB oplog. It takes // ~70,000 "basic" ~150 byte oplog documents to fill a 10MiB oplog. Note this number is // for each of two writer threads. const maxDocsToInsert = 20 * 1000; while (stopLatch.getCount() > 0 && id < maxDocsToInsert) { conn.getDB("test").getCollection(coll).insert({_id: id}); id++; } jsTestLog({"NumDocsWritten": id}); }, replTest.getPrimary().host, coll, stopLatch); writer.start(); writers.push(writer); } for (let node of replTest.nodes) { let testOplog = function(node) { let timestamps = []; let local = node.getDB("local"); let oplogStart = local.getCollection("oplog.rs").find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(-1).next()["ts"]; jsTestLog({"Node": node.host, "StartTs": oplogStart}); while (timestamps.length < 1000) { // Query with $gte to validate continuinity. Do not add this first record to the // recorded timestamps. Its value was already added in the last cursor. let cursor = local.getCollection("oplog.rs") .find({ts: {$gte: oplogStart}}) .sort({$natural: 1}) .tailable(true) .batchSize(100); assert(cursor.hasNext()); assert.eq(oplogStart, cursor.next()["ts"]); // While this method wants to capture 1000 timestamps, the cursor has a batch size // of 100 and this loop makes 200 iterations before getting a new cursor from a // fresh query. The goal is to exercise getMores, which use different code paths // for establishing their oplog reader transactions. for (let num = 0; num < 200 && timestamps.length < 1000; ++num) { try { if (cursor.hasNext() == false) { break; } } catch (exc) { break; } let ts = cursor.next()["ts"]; timestamps.push(ts); oplogStart = ts; } } jsTestLog({"Verifying": node.host, "StartTs": timestamps[0], "EndTs": timestamps[999]}); oplogStart = timestamps[0]; let cursor = local.getCollection("oplog.rs").find({ts: {$gte: oplogStart}}).sort({$natural: 1}); for (let observedTsIdx = 0; observedTsIdx < timestamps.length; ++observedTsIdx) { let observedTs = timestamps[observedTsIdx]; const makeMissingTsMsgFn = function(actualTs) { let prev = null; let next = null; if (observedTsIdx > 0) { prev = timestamps[observedTsIdx - 1]; } if (observedTsIdx + 1 < timestamps.length) { next = timestamps[observedTsIdx + 1]; } return tojson({ "Missing": actualTs, "ObservedTs": observedTs, "ObservedIdx": observedTsIdx, "PrevObserved": prev, "NextObserved": next }); }; assert(cursor.hasNext(), makeMissingTsMsgFn('cursor returned no data')); let doc = cursor.next(); let actualTs = doc["ts"]; assert.eq(actualTs, observedTs, makeMissingTsMsgFn(actualTs)); } }; jsTestLog({"Testing": node.host}); testOplog(node); } jsTestLog("Stopping writers."); stopLatch.countDown(); writers.forEach((writer) => { writer.join(); }); replTest.stopSet(); })();