// Priority (1 member with non-default priority). // 3-node replica set - one arbiter and two electable nodes with different priorities. // Wait for replica set to stabilize with higher priority node as primary. // Step down high priority node. Wait for the lower priority electable node to become primary. // Eventually high priority node will run a priority takeover election to become primary. (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/replsets/rslib.js'); load('jstests/replsets/libs/election_metrics.js'); var name = 'priority_takeover_one_node_higher_priority'; var replSet = new ReplSetTest({ name: name, nodes: [ {rsConfig: {priority: 3}}, {}, {rsConfig: {arbiterOnly: true}}, ] }); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); replSet.waitForState(replSet.nodes[0], ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); var primary = replSet.getPrimary(); const initialPrimaryStatus = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})); replSet.awaitSecondaryNodes(); replSet.awaitReplication(); // Primary should step down long enough for election to occur on secondary. var config = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1})).config; assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: replSet.kDefaultTimeoutMS / 1000})); // Step down primary and wait for node 1 to be promoted to primary. replSet.waitForState(replSet.nodes[1], ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); // Unfreeze node 0 so it can seek election. assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetFreeze: 0})); // Eventually node 0 will stand for election again because it has a higher priority. replSet.waitForState(replSet.nodes[0], ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); // Check that both the 'called' and 'successful' fields of the 'priorityTakeover' election // reason counter have been incremented in serverStatus. We allow an increase of more than 1 // in case a slow election causes a priority takeover to fail. const newPrimaryStatus = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})); verifyServerStatusElectionReasonCounterChange(initialPrimaryStatus.electionMetrics, newPrimaryStatus.electionMetrics, "priorityTakeover", 1, undefined, /* expectedNumSuccessful */ true /* allowGreater */); replSet.stopSet(); })();