// Confirm that implicitly created profile collections are successful and do not trigger assertions. // In order to implicitly create a profile collection with a read, we must set up the server with // some data to read without the profiler being active. // @tags: [requires_persistence] (function() { "use strict"; let rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: {n0: {profile: "0"}}}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); let primary = rst.getPrimary(); let primaryDB = primary.getDB('test'); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.foo.insert({_id: 1})); const nodeId = rst.getNodeId(primary); rst.stop(nodeId); rst.start(nodeId, {profile: "2"}, true /* preserves data directory */); rst.awaitReplication(); primary = rst.getPrimary(); primaryDB = primary.getDB('test'); let oldAssertCounts = primaryDB.serverStatus().asserts; assert.eq(0, primaryDB.system.profile.count()); assert.eq([{_id: 1}], primaryDB.foo.aggregate([]).toArray()); let newAssertCounts = primaryDB.serverStatus().asserts; assert.eq(oldAssertCounts, newAssertCounts); // Should have 2 entries, one for the count command and one for the aggregate command. assert.eq(2, primaryDB.system.profile.count()); rst.stopSet(); })();