doTest = function( signal ) { // Make sure that we can manually shutdown a remove a // slave from the configuration. // Create a new replica set test. Specify set name and the number of nodes you want. var replTest = new ReplSetTest( {name: 'testSet', nodes: 3} ); // call startSet() to start each mongod in the replica set // this returns a list of nodes var nodes = replTest.startSet(); // Call initiate() to send the replSetInitiate command // This will wait for initiation var name = replTest.nodeList(); replTest.initiate({"_id" : "testSet", "members" : [ // make sure 0 becomes primary so we don't try to remove the // primary below {"_id" : 0, "host" : name[0], priority:2}, {"_id" : 1, "host" : name[1]}, {"_id" : 2, "host" : name[2]}]}); // Call getMaster to return a reference to the node that's been // elected master. var master = replTest.getMaster(); // Reconfigure the set, removing the unwanted node slaveId = replTest.getNodeId( replTest.liveNodes.slaves[0] ); // Shut down the unwanted node replTest.stop( slaveId ); // Remove that node from the configuration replTest.remove( slaveId ); // Now, re-initiate var c = master.getDB("local")['system.replset'].findOne(); var config = replTest.getReplSetConfig(); config.version = c.version + 1; config.members = [ { "_id" : 0, "host" : + ":31000" }, { "_id" : 2, "host" : + ":31002" } ] try { replTest.initiate( config , 'replSetReconfig' ); } catch(e) { print(e); } // Make sure that a new master comes up master = replTest.getMaster(); slaves = replTest.liveNodes.slaves; // Do a status check on each node // Master should be set to 1 (primary) assert.soon(function() { stat = master.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); printjson( stat ); return stat.myState == 1; }, "Master failed to come up as master.", 60000); // Slaves to be set to 2 (secondary) assert.soon(function() { stat = slaves[0].getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); return stat.myState == 2; }, "Slave failed to come up as slave.", 60000); assert.soon(function() { stat = slaves[0].getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); return stat.members.length == 2; }, "Wrong number of members", 60000); } print("replset_remove_node.js"); doTest(15); print("replset_remove_node SUCCESS");