/* * 1: initialize set * 2: step down m1 * 3: freeze set for 30 seconds * 4: check no one is primary for 30 seconds * 5: check for new primary * 6: step down new primary * 7: freeze for 30 seconds * 8: unfreeze * 9: check we get a new primary within 30 seconds */ var w = 0; var wait = function(f) { w++; var n = 0; while (!f()) { if (n % 4 == 0) print("toostale.js waiting " + w); if (++n == 4) { print("" + f); } assert(n < 200, 'tried 200 times, giving up'); sleep(1000); } }; var reconnect = function(a) { wait(function() { try { a.getDB("foo").bar.stats(); return true; } catch (e) { print(e); return false; } }); }; jsTestLog('1: initialize set'); var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: 'unicomplex', nodes: 3}); var nodes = replTest.nodeList(); var conns = replTest.startSet(); var config = { "_id": "unicomplex", "members": [ {"_id": 0, "host": nodes[0]}, {"_id": 1, "host": nodes[1]}, {"_id": 2, "host": nodes[2], "arbiterOnly": true} ] }; var r = replTest.initiate(config); replTest.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); var primary = replTest.getPrimary(); var secondary = replTest.getSecondary(); jsTestLog('2: freeze secondary ' + secondary.host + ' so that it does not run for election for the rest of the test'); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetFreeze: 600})); assert.commandFailedWithCode( primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetFreeze: 30}), ErrorCodes.NotSecondary, 'replSetFreeze should return error when run on primary ' + primary.host); jsTestLog('3: step down primary ' + primary.host); assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetStepDown: 10, force: 1})); printjson(primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); jsTestLog('4: freeze stepped down primary ' + primary.host + ' for 30 seconds'); var start = (new Date()).getTime(); assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetFreeze: 30})); jsTestLog('5: check no one is primary for 30 seconds'); while ((new Date()).getTime() - start < (28 * 1000)) { // we need less 30 since it takes some time to return... hacky var result = primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({hello: 1}); assert.eq(result.isWritablePrimary, false); assert.eq(result.primary, undefined); sleep(1000); } jsTestLog('6: check for new primary'); var newPrimary = replTest.getPrimary(); assert.eq(primary.host, newPrimary.host, 'new primary should be the same node as primary that previously stepped down'); jsTestLog('7: step down new primary ' + primary.host); assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetStepDown: 10, force: 1})); jsTestLog('8: freeze stepped down primary ' + primary.host + ' for 30 seconds'); primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetFreeze: 30}); sleep(1000); jsTestLog('9: unfreeze stepped down primary ' + primary.host + ' after waiting for 1 second'); primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetFreeze: 0}); jsTestLog('10: wait for unfrozen node ' + primary.host + ' to become primary again'); newPrimary = replTest.getPrimary(); jsTestLog('Primary after unfreezing node: ' + newPrimary.host); assert.eq( primary.host, newPrimary.host, 'new primary after unfreezing should be the same node as primary that previously stepped down'); replTest.stopSet(15);