// test that the resync command works with replica sets and that one does not need to manually // force a replica set resync by deleting all datafiles // Also tests that you can do this from a node that is "too stale" // // This test requires persistence in order for a restarted node with a stale oplog to stay in the // RECOVERING state. A restarted node with an ephemeral storage engine will not have an oplog upon // restart, so will immediately resync. // @tags: [requires_persistence] (function() { "use strict"; var replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: 'resync', nodes: 3, oplogSize: 1, // At the end of this test we call resync on a node that may have blacklisted the only other // data bearing node. We need to ensure that the resync attempt will keep looking for a // sync source for at least 60 seconds, until the blacklist period ends. Since we sleep 1 // second in between each attempt to find a sync source, setting the number of attempts to // find a sync source to larger than 60 should ensure that the resync attempt is able to // succeed. nodeOptions: {setParameter: "numInitialSyncConnectAttempts=90"} }); var nodes = replTest.nodeList(); var conns = replTest.startSet(); var r = replTest.initiate({ "_id": "resync", "members": [ {"_id": 0, "host": nodes[0], priority: 1}, {"_id": 1, "host": nodes[1], priority: 0}, {"_id": 2, "host": nodes[2], arbiterOnly: true} ] }); var a_conn = conns[0]; // Make sure we have a master, and it is conns[0] replTest.waitForState(a_conn, ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY); var b_conn = conns[1]; a_conn.setSlaveOk(); b_conn.setSlaveOk(); var A = a_conn.getDB("test"); var B = b_conn.getDB("test"); var AID = replTest.getNodeId(a_conn); var BID = replTest.getNodeId(b_conn); // create an oplog entry with an insert assert.writeOK( A.foo.insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}})); assert.eq(B.foo.findOne().x, 1); // run resync and wait for it to happen assert.commandWorked(b_conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({resync: 1})); replTest.awaitReplication(); replTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); assert.eq(B.foo.findOne().x, 1); replTest.stop(BID); function hasCycled() { var oplog = a_conn.getDB("local").oplog.rs; try { // Collection scan to determine if the oplog entry from the first insert has been // deleted yet. return oplog.find({"o.x": 1}).sort({$natural: 1}).limit(10).itcount() == 0; } catch (except) { // An error is expected in the case that capped deletions blow away the position of the // collection scan during a yield. In this case, we just try again. var errorRegex = /CappedPositionLost/; assert(errorRegex.test(except.message)); return hasCycled(); } } jsTestLog("Rolling over oplog"); // Make sure the oplog has rolled over on the primary and secondary that is up, // so when we bring up the other replica it is "too stale" for (var cycleNumber = 0; cycleNumber < 10; cycleNumber++) { // insert enough to cycle oplog var bulk = A.foo.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 2; i < 10000; i++) { bulk.insert({x: i}); } // wait for secondary to also have its oplog cycle assert.writeOK(bulk.execute({w: 1, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS})); if (hasCycled()) break; } assert(hasCycled()); jsTestLog("Restarting node B"); // bring node B and it will enter recovery mode because its newest oplog entry is too old replTest.restart(BID); jsTestLog("Waiting for node B to to into RECOVERING"); // check that it is in recovery mode assert.soon(function() { try { var result = b_conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); return (result.members[1].stateStr === "RECOVERING"); } catch (e) { print(e); } }, "node didn't enter RECOVERING state"); jsTestLog("Resync node B"); // run resync and wait for it to happen assert.commandWorked(b_conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({resync: 1})); replTest.awaitReplication(); replTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); assert.eq(B.foo.findOne().x, 1); replTest.stopSet(15); jsTest.log("success"); })();