/** * This test creates a 2 node replica set and then puts load on the primary with writes during * the resync in order to verify that all phases of the initial sync work correctly. * * We cannot test each phase of the initial sync directly but by providing constant writes we can * assume that each individual phase will have data to work with, and therefore tested. */ var testName = "resync_with_write_load" var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: testName, nodes: 3, oplogSize: 100}); var nodes = replTest.nodeList(); var conns = replTest.startSet(); var config = { "_id": testName, "members": [ {"_id": 0, "host": nodes[0], priority:4}, {"_id": 1, "host": nodes[1]}, {"_id": 2, "host": nodes[2]}] }; var r = replTest.initiate(config); replTest.waitForState(replTest.nodes[0], replTest.PRIMARY, 60 * 1000); // Make sure we have a master var master = replTest.getMaster(); var a_conn = conns[0]; var b_conn = conns[1]; a_conn.setSlaveOk(); b_conn.setSlaveOk(); var A = a_conn.getDB("test"); var B = b_conn.getDB("test"); var AID = replTest.getNodeId(a_conn); var BID = replTest.getNodeId(b_conn); assert(master == conns[0], "conns[0] assumed to be master"); assert(a_conn.host == master.host); // create an oplog entry with an insert assert.writeOK( A.foo.insert({ x: 1 }, { writeConcern: { w: 1, wtimeout: 60000 }})); replTest.stop(BID); print("******************** starting load for 30 secs *********************"); var work = function() { print("starting loadgen"); var start=new Date().getTime(); assert.writeOK(db.timeToStartTrigger.insert({_id:1})); while (true) { for (x=0; x < 100; x++) { db["a" + x].insert({a:x}); }; var runTime = (new Date().getTime() - start); if (runTime > 30000) break; else if (runTime < 5000) // back-off more during first 2 seconds sleep(50); else sleep(1); }; print("finshing loadgen"); }; //insert enough that resync node has to go through oplog replay in each step var loadGen = startParallelShell(work, replTest.ports[0]); // wait for document to appear to continue assert.soon(function() { try { return 1 == master.getDB("test")["timeToStartTrigger"].count(); } catch ( e ) { print( e ); return false; } }, "waited too long for start trigger", 90 * 1000 /* 90 secs */ ); print("*************** STARTING node without data ***************"); replTest.start(BID); // check that it is up assert.soon(function() { try { var result = b_conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); return true; } catch ( e ) { print( e ); return false; } }, "node didn't come up"); print("waiting for load generation to finish"); loadGen(); // load must stop before we await replication. replTest.awaitReplication(); // Make sure oplogs match try { replTest.ensureOplogsMatch(); } catch (e) { var aDBHash = A.runCommand("dbhash"); var bDBHash = B.runCommand("dbhash"); assert.eq(aDBHash.md5, bDBHash.md5, "hashes differ: " + tojson(aDBHash) + " to " + tojson(bDBHash)); } replTest.stopSet(); print("*****test done******");