/** * Tests that a retryable write started on one primary can be continued on a different node after * failover. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/retryable_writes_util.js"); if (!RetryableWritesUtil.storageEngineSupportsRetryableWrites(jsTest.options().storageEngine)) { jsTestLog("Retryable writes are not supported, skipping test"); return; } function stepDownPrimary(replTest) { assert.commandWorked(replTest.getPrimary().adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 10, force: true})); } const replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 3}); replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test insert command let insertCmd = { insert: "foo", documents: [{_id: 10}, {_id: 30}], ordered: false, lsid: {id: UUID()}, txnNumber: NumberLong(5) }; // Run the command on the primary and wait for replication. let primary = replTest.getPrimary(); let testDB = primary.getDB("test"); let result = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(insertCmd)); assert.eq(2, testDB.foo.find().itcount()); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Step down the primary and wait for a new one. stepDownPrimary(replTest); let newPrimary = replTest.getPrimary(); testDB = newPrimary.getDB("test"); let oplog = newPrimary.getDB("local").oplog.rs; let insertOplogEntries = oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "i"}).itcount(); // Retry the command on the secondary and verify it wasn't repeated. let retryResult = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(insertCmd)); assert.eq(result.ok, retryResult.ok); assert.eq(result.n, retryResult.n); assert.eq(result.writeErrors, retryResult.writeErrors); assert.eq(result.writeConcernErrors, retryResult.writeConcernErrors); assert.eq(2, testDB.foo.find().itcount()); assert.eq(insertOplogEntries, oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "i"}).itcount()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test update command let updateCmd = { update: "foo", updates: [ {q: {_id: 10}, u: {$inc: {x: 1}}}, // in place {q: {_id: 20}, u: {$inc: {y: 1}}, upsert: true}, {q: {_id: 30}, u: {z: 1}} // replacement ], ordered: false, lsid: {id: UUID()}, txnNumber: NumberLong(10), }; primary = replTest.getPrimary(); testDB = primary.getDB("test"); // Run the command on the primary and wait for replication. result = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(updateCmd)); assert.eq(3, testDB.foo.find().itcount()); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Step down the primary and wait for a new one. stepDownPrimary(replTest); newPrimary = replTest.getPrimary(); testDB = newPrimary.getDB("test"); oplog = newPrimary.getDB("local").oplog.rs; let updateOplogEntries = oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "u"}).itcount(); // Upserts are stored as inserts if they match no existing documents. insertOplogEntries = oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "i"}).itcount(); // Retry the command on the secondary and verify it wasn't repeated. retryResult = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(updateCmd)); assert.eq(result.ok, retryResult.ok); assert.eq(result.n, retryResult.n); assert.eq(result.nModified, retryResult.nModified); assert.eq(result.upserted, retryResult.upserted); assert.eq(result.writeErrors, retryResult.writeErrors); assert.eq(result.writeConcernErrors, retryResult.writeConcernErrors); assert.eq(3, testDB.foo.find().itcount()); assert.eq({_id: 10, x: 1}, testDB.foo.findOne({_id: 10})); assert.eq({_id: 20, y: 1}, testDB.foo.findOne({_id: 20})); assert.eq({_id: 30, z: 1}, testDB.foo.findOne({_id: 30})); assert.eq(updateOplogEntries, oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "u"}).itcount()); assert.eq(insertOplogEntries, oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "i"}).itcount()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test delete command let deleteCmd = { delete: "foo", deletes: [{q: {x: 1}, limit: 1}, {q: {y: 1}, limit: 1}], ordered: false, lsid: {id: UUID()}, txnNumber: NumberLong(15), }; primary = replTest.getPrimary(); testDB = primary.getDB("test"); assert.writeOK(testDB.foo.insert({_id: 40, x: 1})); assert.writeOK(testDB.foo.insert({_id: 50, y: 1})); // Run the command on the primary and wait for replication. result = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(deleteCmd)); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.find({x: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.find({y: 1}).itcount()); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Step down the primary and wait for a new one. stepDownPrimary(replTest); newPrimary = replTest.getPrimary(); testDB = newPrimary.getDB("test"); oplog = newPrimary.getDB("local").oplog.rs; let deleteOplogEntries = oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "d"}).itcount(); // Retry the command on the secondary and verify it wasn't repeated. retryResult = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(deleteCmd)); assert.eq(result.ok, retryResult.ok); assert.eq(result.n, retryResult.n); assert.eq(result.writeErrors, retryResult.writeErrors); assert.eq(result.writeConcernErrors, retryResult.writeConcernErrors); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.find({x: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.find({y: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(deleteOplogEntries, oplog.find({ns: "test.foo", op: "d"}).itcount()); replTest.stopSet(); })();