/** * Tests that retryable findAndModify data stored in the `config.image_collection` side collection * do not get populated by nodes doing oplog application while in initial sync. * * This setParameter behavior does not yet exist on earlier versions. * @tags: [multiversion_incompatible] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/replsets/rslib.js'); // A secondary cannot compute retryable images during initial sync. Thus we skip db hash checks as // its expected for config.image_collection to not match. TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; // Start a single node replica set. const rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, nodeOptions: { setParameter: { featureFlagRetryableFindAndModify: true, storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection: true } } }); rst.startSet(); rst.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); const dbName = jsTest.name(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName); const primaryColl = primaryDB['collection']; primaryColl.insert({_id: 1}); let lsid = UUID(); jsTestLog({ "Pre-initial sync retryable findAndModify": assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({ findandmodify: primaryColl.getName(), lsid: {id: lsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(1), stmtId: NumberInt(1), query: {_id: 1}, new: false, update: {$set: {preInitialSync: true}} })) }); jsTestLog("Adding a new voting node (node1) to the replica set."); const node1 = rst.add({ rsConfig: {priority: 1, votes: 1}, setParameter: {'failpoint.initialSyncHangAfterDataCloning': tojson({mode: 'alwaysOn'})} }); rst.reInitiate(); jsTestLog("Wait for node1 to hang during initial sync."); checkLog.containsJson(node1, 21184); // Perform a findAndModify update that will not be retryable on the node that's concurrently initial // syncing. let result = assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({ findandmodify: primaryColl.getName(), lsid: {id: lsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(2), stmtId: NumberInt(1), query: {_id: 1}, new: false, update: {$set: {duringInitialSync: true}} })); jsTestLog({"Retryable findAndModify during initial sync": result}); // With a separate logical session, perform a findAndModify removal that will not be retryable on // the node that's concurrently initial syncing. let otherLsid = UUID(); jsTestLog({ "Retryable findAndModify removal during initial sync": assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({ findandmodify: primaryColl.getName(), lsid: {id: otherLsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(3), stmtId: NumberInt(1), query: {_id: 1}, new: false, remove: true })) }); jsTestLog("Resuming initial sync."); assert.commandWorked( node1.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "initialSyncHangAfterDataCloning", mode: 'off'})); rst.waitForState(node1, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); let initialSyncedNode = rst.getSecondary(); rst.stepUp(initialSyncedNode); result = assert.commandFailedWithCode(initialSyncedNode.getDB(dbName).runCommand({ findandmodify: primaryColl.getName(), lsid: {id: lsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(2), stmtId: NumberInt(1), query: {_id: 1}, new: false, update: {$set: {duringInitialSync: true}} }), ErrorCodes.IncompleteTransactionHistory); // Assert that retrying the update fails. jsTestLog({ "Secondary": initialSyncedNode, "Data": initialSyncedNode.getDB(dbName)['collection'].findOne(), "Image": initialSyncedNode.getDB("config")['image_collection'].findOne({"_id.id": lsid}), "retried findAndModify against synced node": result }); result = assert.commandFailedWithCode(initialSyncedNode.getDB(dbName).runCommand({ findandmodify: primaryColl.getName(), lsid: {id: otherLsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(3), stmtId: NumberInt(1), query: {_id: 1}, new: false, remove: true }), ErrorCodes.IncompleteTransactionHistory); // Assert that retrying the delete fails. jsTestLog({ "Secondary": initialSyncedNode, "Data": initialSyncedNode.getDB(dbName)['collection'].findOne(), "Image": initialSyncedNode.getDB("config")['image_collection'].findOne({"_id.id": otherLsid}), "retried delete against synced node": result }); // There should be two sessions/image entries on the initial syncing node, and both should be // flagged as invalidated. assert.eq(2, initialSyncedNode.getDB('config')['image_collection'].count({invalidated: true})); assert.eq(2, initialSyncedNode.getDB('config')['image_collection'].count( {invalidatedReason: "initial sync"})); rst.stopSet(); }());