var syncFrom; var wait; var occasionally; var reconnect; var getLatestOp; var getLeastRecentOp; var waitForAllMembers; var reconfig; var awaitOpTime; var startSetIfSupportsReadMajority; var waitUntilAllNodesCaughtUp; var waitForState; var reInitiateWithoutThrowingOnAbortedMember; var awaitRSClientHosts; var getLastOpTime; var setLogVerbosity; (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js"); var count = 0; var w = 0; /** * A wrapper around `replSetSyncFrom` to ensure that the desired sync source is ahead of the * syncing node so that the syncing node can choose to sync from the desired sync source. * It first stops replication on the syncing node so that it can do a write on the desired * sync source and make sure it's ahead. When replication is restarted, the desired sync * source will be a valid sync source for the syncing node. */ syncFrom = function(syncingNode, desiredSyncSource, rst) { jsTestLog("Forcing " + + " to sync from " +; // Ensure that 'desiredSyncSource' doesn't already have the dummy write sitting around from // a previous syncFrom attempt. var dummyName = "dummyForSyncFrom"; rst.getPrimary().getDB(dummyName).getCollection(dummyName).drop(); assert.soonNoExcept(function() { return desiredSyncSource.getDB(dummyName).getCollection(dummyName).findOne() == null; }); stopServerReplication(syncingNode); assert.writeOK(rst.getPrimary().getDB(dummyName).getCollection(dummyName).insert({a: 1})); // Wait for 'desiredSyncSource' to get the dummy write we just did so we know it's // definitely ahead of 'syncingNode' before we call replSetSyncFrom. assert.soonNoExcept(function() { return desiredSyncSource.getDB(dummyName).getCollection(dummyName).findOne({a: 1}); }); assert.commandWorked(syncingNode.adminCommand({replSetSyncFrom:})); restartServerReplication(syncingNode); rst.awaitSyncSource(syncingNode, desiredSyncSource); }; /** * Calls a function 'f' once a second until it returns true. Throws an exception once 'f' has * been called more than 'retries' times without returning true. If 'retries' is not given, * it defaults to 200. 'retries' must be an integer greater than or equal to zero. */ wait = function(f, msg, retries) { w++; var n = 0; var default_retries = 200; var delay_interval_ms = 1000; // Set default value if 'retries' was not given. if (retries === undefined) { retries = default_retries; } while (!f()) { if (n % 4 == 0) { print("Waiting " + w); } if (++n == 4) { print("" + f); } if (n >= retries) { throw new Error('Tried ' + retries + ' times, giving up on ' + msg); } sleep(delay_interval_ms); } }; /** * Use this to do something once every 4 iterations. * *
     * for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
     *   occasionally(function() { print("4 more iterations"); });
     * }
*/ occasionally = function(f, n) { var interval = n || 4; if (count % interval == 0) { f(); } count++; }; /** * Attempt to re-establish and re-authenticate a Mongo connection if it was dropped, with * multiple retries. * * Returns upon successful re-connnection. If connection cannot be established after 200 * retries, throws an exception. * * @param conn - a Mongo connection object or DB object. */ reconnect = function(conn) { var retries = 200; wait(function() { var db; try { // Make this work with either dbs or connections. if (typeof(conn.getDB) == "function") { db = conn.getDB('foo'); } else { db = conn; } // Run a simple command to re-establish connection.; // SERVER-4241: Shell connections don't re-authenticate on reconnect. if (jsTest.options().keyFile) { return jsTest.authenticate(db.getMongo()); } return true; } catch (e) { print(e); return false; } }, retries); }; getLatestOp = function(server) { server.getDB("admin").getMongo().setSlaveOk(); var log = server.getDB("local")['']; var cursor = log.find({}).sort({'$natural': -1}).limit(1); if (cursor.hasNext()) { return; } return null; }; getLeastRecentOp = function({server, readConcern}) { server.getDB("admin").getMongo().setSlaveOk(); const oplog = server.getDB("local"); const cursor = oplog.find().sort({$natural: 1}).limit(1).readConcern(readConcern); if (cursor.hasNext()) { return; } return null; }; waitForAllMembers = function(master, timeout) { var failCount = 0; assert.soon(function() { var state = null; try { state = master.getSisterDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); failCount = 0; } catch (e) { // Connection can get reset on replica set failover causing a socket exception print("Calling replSetGetStatus failed"); print(e); return false; } occasionally(function() { printjson(state); }, 10); for (var m in state.members) { if (state.members[m].state != 1 && // PRIMARY state.members[m].state != 2 && // SECONDARY state.members[m].state != 7) { // ARBITER return false; } } printjson(state); return true; }, "not all members ready", timeout || 10 * 60 * 1000); print("All members are now in state PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or ARBITER"); }; reconfig = function(rs, config, force) { "use strict"; var admin = rs.getPrimary().getDB("admin"); var e; var master; try { var reconfigCommand = { replSetReconfig: rs._updateConfigIfNotDurable(config), force: force }; var res = admin.runCommand(reconfigCommand); // Retry reconfig if quorum check failed because not enough voting nodes responded. if (!res.ok && res.code === ErrorCodes.NodeNotFound) { print("Replset reconfig failed because quorum check failed. Retry reconfig once. " + "Error: " + tojson(res)); res = admin.runCommand(reconfigCommand); } assert.commandWorked(res); } catch (e) { if (!isNetworkError(e)) { throw e; } print("Calling replSetReconfig failed. " + tojson(e)); } var master = rs.getPrimary().getDB("admin"); waitForAllMembers(master); return master; }; awaitOpTime = function(catchingUpNode, latestOpTimeNode) { var ts, ex, opTime; assert.soon( function() { try { // The following statement extracts the timestamp field from the most recent // element of // the oplog, and stores it in "ts". ts = getLatestOp(catchingUpNode).ts; opTime = getLatestOp(latestOpTimeNode).ts; if ((ts.t == opTime.t) && (ts.i == opTime.i)) { return true; } ex = null; return false; } catch (ex) { return false; } }, function() { var message = "Node " + catchingUpNode + " only reached optime " + tojson(ts) + " not " + tojson(opTime); if (ex) { message += "; last attempt failed with exception " + tojson(ex); } return message; }); }; /** * Uses the results of running replSetGetStatus against an arbitrary replset node to wait until * all nodes in the set are replicated through the same optime. * 'rs' is an array of connections to replica set nodes. This function is useful when you * don't have a ReplSetTest object to use, otherwise ReplSetTest.awaitReplication is preferred. */ waitUntilAllNodesCaughtUp = function(rs, timeout) { var rsStatus; var firstConflictingIndex; var ot; var otherOt; assert.soon( function() { rsStatus = rs[0].adminCommand('replSetGetStatus'); if (rsStatus.ok != 1) { return false; } assert.eq(rs.length, rsStatus.members.length, tojson(rsStatus)); ot = rsStatus.members[0].optime; for (var i = 1; i < rsStatus.members.length; ++i) { var otherNode = rsStatus.members[i]; // Must be in PRIMARY or SECONDARY state. if (otherNode.state != ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY && otherNode.state != ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY) { return false; } // Fail if optimes are not equal. otherOt = otherNode.optime; if (!friendlyEqual(otherOt, ot)) { firstConflictingIndex = i; return false; } } return true; }, function() { return "Optimes of members 0 (" + tojson(ot) + ") and " + firstConflictingIndex + " (" + tojson(otherOt) + ") are different in " + tojson(rsStatus); }, timeout); }; /** * Waits for the given node to reach the given state, ignoring network errors. Ensures that the * connection is re-connected and usable when the function returns. */ waitForState = function(node, state) { assert.soonNoExcept(function() { assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand( {replSetTest: 1, waitForMemberState: state, timeoutMillis: 60 * 1000 * 5})); return true; }); // Some state transitions cause connections to be closed, but whether the connection close // happens before or after the replSetTest command above returns is racy, so to ensure that // the connection to 'node' is usable after this function returns, reconnect it first. reconnect(node); }; /** * Starts each node in the given replica set if the storage engine supports readConcern *'majority'. * Returns true if the replica set was started successfully and false otherwise. * * @param replSetTest - The instance of {@link ReplSetTest} to start * @param options - The options passed to {@link ReplSetTest.startSet} */ startSetIfSupportsReadMajority = function(replSetTest, options) { replSetTest.startSet(options); return replSetTest.nodes[0] .adminCommand("serverStatus") .storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads; }; /** * Performs a reInitiate() call on 'replSetTest', ignoring errors that are related to an aborted * secondary member. All other errors are rethrown. */ reInitiateWithoutThrowingOnAbortedMember = function(replSetTest) { try { replSetTest.reInitiate(); } catch (e) { // reInitiate can throw because it tries to run an ismaster command on // all secondaries, including the new one that may have already aborted const errMsg = tojson(e); if (isNetworkError(e)) { // Ignore these exceptions, which are indicative of an aborted node } else { throw e; } } }; /** * Waits for the specified hosts to enter a certain state. */ awaitRSClientHosts = function(conn, host, hostOk, rs, timeout) { var hostCount = host.length; if (hostCount) { for (var i = 0; i < hostCount; i++) { awaitRSClientHosts(conn, host[i], hostOk, rs); } return; } timeout = timeout || 5 * 60 * 1000; if (hostOk == undefined) hostOk = {ok: true}; if ( host =; if (rs) rs =; print("Awaiting " + host + " to be " + tojson(hostOk) + " for " + conn + " (rs: " + rs + ")"); var tests = 0; assert.soon(function() { var rsClientHosts = conn.adminCommand('connPoolStats').replicaSets; if (tests++ % 10 == 0) { printjson(rsClientHosts); } for (var rsName in rsClientHosts) { if (rs && rs != rsName) continue; for (var i = 0; i < rsClientHosts[rsName].hosts.length; i++) { var clientHost = rsClientHosts[rsName].hosts[i]; if (clientHost.addr != host) continue; // Check that *all* host properties are set correctly var propOk = true; for (var prop in hostOk) { // Use special comparator for tags because isMaster can return the fields in // different order. The fields of the tags should be treated like a set of // strings and 2 tags should be considered the same if the set is equal. if (prop == 'tags') { if (!clientHost.tags) { propOk = false; break; } for (var hostTag in hostOk.tags) { if (clientHost.tags[hostTag] != hostOk.tags[hostTag]) { propOk = false; break; } } for (var clientTag in clientHost.tags) { if (clientHost.tags[clientTag] != hostOk.tags[clientTag]) { propOk = false; break; } } continue; } if (isObject(hostOk[prop])) { if (!friendlyEqual(hostOk[prop], clientHost[prop])) { propOk = false; break; } } else if (clientHost[prop] != hostOk[prop]) { propOk = false; break; } } if (propOk) { return true; } } } return false; }, 'timed out waiting for replica set client to recognize hosts', timeout); }; /** * Returns the last opTime of the connection based from replSetGetStatus. Can only * be used on replica set nodes. */ getLastOpTime = function(conn) { var replSetStatus = assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); var connStatus = replSetStatus.members.filter(m => m.self)[0]; return connStatus.optime; }; /** * Set log verbosity on all given nodes. * e.g. setLogVerbosity(replTest.nodes, { "replication": {"verbosity": 3} }); */ setLogVerbosity = function(nodes, logVerbosity) { var verbosity = { "setParameter": 1, "logComponentVerbosity": logVerbosity, }; nodes.forEach(function(node) { assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand(verbosity)); }); }; }());