/** * Tests that reads on a secondary during batch application only see changes that occur at the last * applied timestamp, which is advanced at the completion of each batch. * * This test uses a failpoint to block right before batch application finishes, while holding the * PBWM lock, and before advancing the last applied timestamp for readers. * */ (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/replsets/libs/secondary_reads_test.js'); const name = "secondaryReadsTimestampVisibility"; const collName = "testColl"; let secondaryReadsTest = new SecondaryReadsTest(name); let replSet = secondaryReadsTest.getReplset(); let primaryDB = secondaryReadsTest.getPrimaryDB(); let secondaryDB = secondaryReadsTest.getSecondaryDB(); if (!primaryDB.serverStatus().storageEngine.supportsSnapshotReadConcern) { secondaryReadsTest.stop(); return; } let primaryColl = primaryDB.getCollection(collName); // Create a collection and an index. Insert some data. primaryDB.runCommand({drop: collName}); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({create: collName})); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand( {createIndexes: collName, indexes: [{key: {y: 1}, name: "y_1", unique: true}]})); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.insert({_id: i, x: 0, y: i + 1})); } replSet.awaitLastOpCommitted(); // This function includes a call to awaitReplication(). replSet.awaitReplication(); // Sanity check. assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({x: 0}).itcount(), 100); assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({y: {$gte: 1, $lt: 101}}).itcount(), 100); // Prevent a batch from completing on the secondary. let pauseAwait = secondaryReadsTest.pauseSecondaryBatchApplication(); // Update x to 1 in each document with default writeConcern and make sure we see the correct // data on the primary. let updates = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { updates[i] = {q: {_id: i}, u: {x: 1, y: i}}; } assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({update: collName, updates: updates})); assert.eq(primaryColl.find({x: 1}).itcount(), 100); assert.eq(primaryColl.find({y: {$gte: 0, $lt: 100}}).itcount(), 100); // Wait for the batch application to pause. pauseAwait(); let levels = ["local", "available", "majority"]; if (!primaryDB.serverStatus().storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads) { levels = ["local", "available"]; } // We should see the previous, un-replicated state on the secondary with every readconcern. for (let i in levels) { print("Checking that no new updates are visible yet for readConcern: " + levels[i]); assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({x: 0}).readConcern(levels[i]).itcount(), 100); assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({x: 1}).readConcern(levels[i]).itcount(), 0); assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName) .find({y: {$gte: 1, $lt: 101}}) .readConcern(levels[i]) .itcount(), 100); } // Disable the failpoint and let the batch complete. secondaryReadsTest.resumeSecondaryBatchApplication(); // Wait for the last op to appear in the majority committed snapshot on each node. This ensures // that the op will be visible to a "majority" read. replSet.awaitLastOpCommitted(); // Wait for the last op to be replicated to all nodes. This is needed because when majority read // concern is disabled, awaitLastOpCommitted() just checks the node's knowledge of the majority // commit point and does not ensure the node has applied the operations. replSet.awaitReplication(); for (let i in levels) { print("Checking that new updates are visible for readConcern: " + levels[i]); // We should see the new state on the secondary with every readconcern. assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({x: 0}).readConcern(levels[i]).itcount(), 0); assert.eq(secondaryDB.getCollection(collName).find({x: 1}).readConcern(levels[i]).itcount(), 100); } secondaryReadsTest.stop(); })();