// Test that secondaryOk is implicitly allowed for queries on a secondary with a read preference // other than 'primary', and that queries which do have 'primary' read preference fail. (function() { "use strict"; const readPrefs = [undefined, "primary", "secondary", "primaryPreferred", "secondaryPreferred", "nearest"]; const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 3}); rst.startSet(); const nodes = rst.nodeList(); rst.initiate({ _id: jsTestName(), members: [ {_id: 0, host: nodes[0]}, {_id: 1, host: nodes[1], priority: 0}, {_id: 2, host: nodes[2], arbiterOnly: true} ] }); const priDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB(jsTestName()); assert(priDB.dropDatabase()); assert.commandWorked(priDB.test.insert({a: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); const secDB = rst.getSecondary().getDB(jsTestName()); for (let readMode of ["commands", "legacy"]) { for (let readPref of readPrefs) { for (let secondaryOk of [true, false]) { const testType = {readMode: readMode, readPref: readPref, secondaryOk: secondaryOk}; secDB.getMongo().forceReadMode(readMode); secDB.getMongo().setSecondaryOk(secondaryOk); const cursor = (readPref ? secDB.test.find().readPref(readPref) : secDB.test.find()); if (readPref === "primary" || (!readPref && !secondaryOk)) { // Attempting to run the query throws an error of type NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk. const secondaryOkErr = assert.throws(() => cursor.itcount(), [], tojson(testType)); assert.commandFailedWithCode(secondaryOkErr, ErrorCodes.NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk); } else { // Succeeds for all non-primary readPrefs, and for no readPref iff secondaryOk. const docCount = assert.doesNotThrow(() => cursor.itcount(), [], tojson(testType)); assert.eq(docCount, 1); } } } } function assertNotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk(func) { secDB.getMongo().forceReadMode("commands"); secDB.getMongo().setSecondaryOk(false); secDB.getMongo().setReadPref("primary"); const res = assert.throws(func); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk); } // Test that agg with $out/$merge and non-inline mapReduce fail with 'NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk' when // directed at a secondary with "primary" read preference. const secondaryColl = secDB.secondaryok_read_pref; assertNotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk(() => secondaryColl.aggregate([{$out: "target"}]).itcount()); assertNotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk( () => secondaryColl .aggregate([{$merge: {into: "target", whenMatched: "fail", whenNotMatched: "insert"}}]) .itcount()); assertNotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk(() => secondaryColl.mapReduce(() => emit(this.a), (k, v) => Array.sum(b), {out: {replace: "target"}})); rst.stopSet(); })();