// Test for SERVER-8070: Flush buffer before changing sync targets to prevent unnecessary rollbacks // This test writes 50 ops to one secondary's data (member2) and 25 ops to the other secondary's // data (member3), then puts 50 more ops in member3's buffer and makes sure that member3 doesn't try // to sync from member2. // helper to ensure two nodes are at the same place in the oplog var waitForSameOplogPosition = function(db1, db2, errmsg) { assert.soon( function() { var last1 = db1.getSisterDB("local").oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1) .next(); var last2 = db2.getSisterDB("local").oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1) .next(); jsTest.log("primary: " + tojson(last1) + " secondary: " + tojson(last2)); return ((last1.ts.t === last2.ts.t) && (last1.ts.i === last2.ts.i)); }, errmsg ); }; // start set var replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: 'testSet', nodes: 3}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate( { _id:'testSet', members: [ {_id: 0, host: getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[0]}, {_id: 1, host: getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[1], priority: 0}, {_id: 2, host: getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[2], priority: 0} ], settings: { chainingAllowed: false } } ); // set up common points of access var master = replSet.getPrimary(); var primary = master.getDB("foo"); replSet.nodes[1].setSlaveOk(); replSet.nodes[2].setSlaveOk(); var member2 = replSet.nodes[1].getDB("admin"); var member3 = replSet.nodes[2].getDB("admin"); // Do an initial write master.getDB("foo").bar.insert({x:1}); replSet.awaitReplication(); jsTest.log("Make sure 2 & 3 are syncing from the primary"); member2.adminCommand({replSetSyncFrom : getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[0]}); member3.adminCommand({replSetSyncFrom : getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[0]}); jsTest.log("Stop 2's replication"); member2.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsSyncApplyStop', mode: 'alwaysOn'}); jsTest.log("Do a few writes"); for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { primary.bar.insert({x: i}); } jsTest.log("Make sure 3 is at write #25"); waitForSameOplogPosition(primary, member3, "node 3 failed to catch up to the primary"); // This means 3's buffer is empty jsTest.log("Stop 3's replication"); member3.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsSyncApplyStop', mode: 'alwaysOn'}); // logLevel 3 will allow us to see each op the secondary pulls from the primary so that we can // determine whether or not all ops are actually being pulled member3.runCommand({setParameter: 1, logLevel:3}); jsTest.log("Start 2's replication"); member2.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsSyncApplyStop', mode: 'off'}); jsTest.log("Do some writes"); for (var i = 25; i < 50; i++) { primary.bar.insert({x: i}); } jsTest.log("Make sure 2 is at write #50"); waitForSameOplogPosition(primary, member2, "node 2 failed to catch up to the primary"); // This means 2's buffer is empty jsTest.log("Stop 2's replication"); member2.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsSyncApplyStop', mode: 'alwaysOn'}); jsTest.log("Do some writes - 2 & 3 should have up to write #75 in their buffers, but unapplied"); for (var i = 50; i < 75; i++) { primary.bar.insert({x: i}); } var primaryCollectionSize = primary.bar.find().itcount(); jsTest.log("primary collection size: " + primaryCollectionSize); var last = primary.getSisterDB("local").oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1).next(); jsTest.log("waiting a bit for the secondaries to get the write"); sleep(10000); jsTest.log("Shut down the primary"); replSet.stop(0); // make sure 3 doesn't try to sync from 2 // the sleep 30sec is a hold over from the unsafe assert.throws(assert.soon()) // which would check for 30 seconds that node 3 didn't try to sync from 2 sleep(30 * 1000); jsTest.log("3 should not attempt to sync from 2, as it cannot clear its buffer"); var syncingTo = member3.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus:1}).syncingTo; assert(syncingTo !== getHostName()+":"+replSet.ports[1], "node 3 is syncing from node 2 :("); jsTest.log("Pause 3's bgsync thread"); var rsBgSyncProduceResult3 = member3.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsBgSyncProduce', mode: 'alwaysOn'}); assert.eq(1, rsBgSyncProduceResult3.ok, "member 3 rsBgSyncProduce admin command failed"); // count documents in member 3 assert.eq(26, member3.getSisterDB("foo").bar.find().itcount(), "collection size incorrect on node 3 before applying ops 25-75"); jsTest.log("Allow 3 to apply ops 25-75"); var rsSyncApplyStopResult3 = member3.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsSyncApplyStop', mode: 'off'}); assert.eq(1, rsSyncApplyStopResult3.ok, "member 3 rsSyncApplyStop admin command failed"); assert.soon( function() { var last3 = member3.getSisterDB("local").oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1) .next(); jsTest.log("primary: " + tojson(last, '', true) + " secondary: " + tojson(last3, '', true)); jsTest.log("member 3 collection size: " + member3.getSisterDB("foo").bar.find().itcount()); jsTest.log("curop: "); printjson(member3.getSisterDB("foo").currentOp(true)); return ((last.ts.t === last3.ts.t) && (last.ts.i === last3.ts.i)); }, "Replication member 3 did not apply ops 25-75" ); jsTest.log("Start 3's bgsync thread"); member3.runCommand({configureFailPoint: 'rsBgSyncProduce', mode: 'off'}); jsTest.log("Node 3 shouldn't hit rollback"); var end = (new Date()).getTime()+10000; while ((new Date()).getTime() < end) { assert('ROLLBACK' !== member3.runCommand({replSetGetStatus:1}).members[2].stateStr); sleep(30); } replSet.stopSet();