/** * Ensure that IPs cannot be used as hostnames for split horizon configurations. * Incompatible with the ephemeral storage engine; replSetInitiate does not work correctly. * @tags: [ incompatible_with_eft ] */ (function() { "use strict"; // Tests that when replSetInitiate/Reconfig are called with one member with the given host name and // horizon name, with the given mongod startup options, we fail the split horizon IP check if // expectedReject. function testConfig(hostName, horizonName, expectedReject, options = {}) { const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(Object.assign({replSet: "test"}, options)); const config = { _id: "test", members: [{_id: 0, host: hostName, horizons: {"horizon_name": horizonName}}] }; // Make sure replSetInitiate fails with correct error let output = mongod.adminCommand({replSetInitiate: config}); jsTestLog("Command result: " + tojson(output)); assert.eq(output.ok, 0); assert.eq(output.errmsg.includes("Found split horizon configuration using IP"), expectedReject); // Correctly start up a replset with the mongod as its node, and wait until it becomes primary assert.commandWorked(mongod.adminCommand( {replSetInitiate: {_id: "test", members: [{_id: 0, host: "localhost:" + mongod.port}]}})); assert.soon(() => { return assert.commandWorked(mongod.adminCommand({hello: 1})).isWritablePrimary; }); // Make sure replSetReconfig fails with correct error config.version = 2; output = mongod.adminCommand({"replSetReconfig": config}); jsTestLog("Command result: " + tojson(output)); assert.eq(output.ok, 0); assert.eq(output.errmsg.includes("Found split horizon configuration using IP"), expectedReject); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); } testConfig("a", "b", false); // Hostname being an IP is fine testConfig("", "a", false); // Any valid CIDR will fail the check testConfig("a", "", true); testConfig("a", "", true); // Make sure setting this parameter disables the check testConfig("a", "", false, {setParameter: {disableSplitHorizonIPCheck: true}}); testConfig("a", "", false, {setParameter: {disableSplitHorizonIPCheck: true}}); }());