/** * Tests that temporary collections are not dropped when a member of a replica set is started up as * a stand-alone mongod, i.e. without the --replSet parameter. * * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ (function() { var rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 2}); rst.startSet(); // Rig the election so that the first node becomes the primary and remains primary despite the // secondary being terminated during this test. var replSetConfig = rst.getReplSetConfig(); replSetConfig.members[1].priority = 0; replSetConfig.members[1].votes = 0; rst.initiate(replSetConfig); var primaryConn = rst.getPrimary(); var secondaryConn = rst.getSecondary(); var primaryDB = primaryConn.getDB("test"); var secondaryDB = secondaryConn.getDB("test"); // Create a temporary collection and wait until the operation has replicated to the secondary. assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({ create: "temp_collection", temp: true, writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}, })); // Verify that the temporary collection exists on the primary and has temp=true. var primaryCollectionInfos = primaryDB.getCollectionInfos({name: "temp_collection"}); assert.eq(1, primaryCollectionInfos.length, "'temp_collection' wasn't created on the primary"); assert.eq("temp_collection", primaryCollectionInfos[0].name, "'temp_collection' wasn't created on the primary"); assert.eq(true, primaryCollectionInfos[0].options.temp, "'temp_collection' wasn't created as temporary on the primary: " + tojson(primaryCollectionInfos[0].options)); // Verify that the temporary collection exists on the secondary and has temp=true. var secondaryCollectionInfos = secondaryDB.getCollectionInfos({name: "temp_collection"}); assert.eq( 1, secondaryCollectionInfos.length, "'temp_collection' wasn't created on the secondary"); assert.eq("temp_collection", secondaryCollectionInfos[0].name, "'temp_collection' wasn't created on the secondary"); assert.eq(true, secondaryCollectionInfos[0].options.temp, "'temp_collection' wasn't created as temporary on the secondary: " + tojson(secondaryCollectionInfos[0].options)); // Shut down the secondary and restart it as a stand-alone mongod. var secondaryNodeId = rst.getNodeId(secondaryDB.getMongo()); rst.stop(secondaryNodeId); secondaryConn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: secondaryConn.dbpath, noCleanData: true}); assert.neq(null, secondaryConn, "secondary failed to start up as a stand-alone mongod"); secondaryDB = secondaryConn.getDB("test"); // Verify that the temporary collection still exists on the secondary and has temp=true. secondaryCollectionInfos = secondaryDB.getCollectionInfos({name: "temp_collection"}); assert.eq(1, secondaryCollectionInfos.length, "'temp_collection' was dropped after restarting the secondary as a stand-alone"); assert.eq("temp_collection", secondaryCollectionInfos[0].name, "'temp_collection' was dropped after restarting the secondary as a stand-alone"); assert.eq(true, secondaryCollectionInfos[0].options.temp, "'temp_collection' is no longer temporary after restarting the secondary as a" + " stand-alone: " + tojson(secondaryCollectionInfos[0].options)); // Shut down the secondary and restart it as a member of the replica set. MongoRunner.stopMongod(secondaryConn); var restart = true; rst.start(secondaryNodeId, {}, restart); // Verify that writes are replicated to the temporary collection and can successfully be applied // by the secondary after having restarted it. assert.writeOK(primaryDB.temp_collection.insert( {}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS}})); rst.stopSet(); })();