/** * Tests that index building is properly blocked and/or aborted during migrations. * * @tags: [ * incompatible_with_macos, * # Shard merge protocol will be tested by tenant_migration_buildindex_shard_merge.js. * incompatible_with_shard_merge, * incompatible_with_windows_tls, * requires_majority_read_concern, * requires_persistence, * serverless, * ] */ import {TenantMigrationTest} from "jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_test.js"; import { isShardMergeEnabled, runMigrationAsync } from "jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_util.js"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // 'createRstArgs' const tenantMigrationTest = new TenantMigrationTest({name: jsTestName()}); const kTenantId = ObjectId().str; const kUnrelatedTenantId = ObjectId().str; const kDbName = tenantMigrationTest.tenantDB(kTenantId, "testDB"); const kUnrelatedDbName = tenantMigrationTest.tenantDB(kUnrelatedTenantId, "testDB"); const kEmptyCollName = "testEmptyColl"; const kNonEmptyCollName = "testNonEmptyColl"; const kNewCollName1 = "testNewColl1"; const kNewCollName2 = "testNewColl2"; const donorPrimary = tenantMigrationTest.getDonorPrimary(); // Attempts to create an index on a collection and checks that it fails because a migration // committed. function createIndexShouldFail( primaryHost, dbName, collName, indexSpec, errorCode = ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationCommitted) { const donorPrimary = new Mongo(primaryHost); const db = donorPrimary.getDB(dbName); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db[collName].createIndex(indexSpec), errorCode); } // Attempts to create an index on a collection and checks that it succeeds function createIndex(primaryHost, dbName, collName, indexSpec) { const donorPrimary = new Mongo(primaryHost); const db = donorPrimary.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(db[collName].createIndex(indexSpec)); } const migrationId = UUID(); const migrationOpts = { migrationIdString: extractUUIDFromObject(migrationId), recipientConnString: tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientConnString(), tenantId: kTenantId, }; const donorRstArgs = createRstArgs(tenantMigrationTest.getDonorRst()); // Put some data in the non-empty collections, and create the empty one. const db = donorPrimary.getDB(kDbName); const unrelatedDb = donorPrimary.getDB(kUnrelatedDbName); assert.commandWorked(db[kNonEmptyCollName].insert([{a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 2, b: 2}, {a: 3, b: 3}])); assert.commandWorked( unrelatedDb[kNonEmptyCollName].insert([{x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 2, b: 2}, {x: 3, y: 3}])); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(kEmptyCollName)); // Start index builds and have them hang in the builder thread. This fail point must be an // interruptible one. The index build for the migrating tenant will be retried once the migration // is done. var initFpCount = assert .commandWorked(donorPrimary.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "hangAfterInitializingIndexBuild", mode: "alwaysOn"})) .count; const abortedIndexThread = new Thread(createIndexShouldFail, donorPrimary.host, kDbName, kNonEmptyCollName, {b: 1}); const unrelatedIndexThread = new Thread(createIndex, donorPrimary.host, kUnrelatedDbName, kNonEmptyCollName, {y: 1}); abortedIndexThread.start(); unrelatedIndexThread.start(); assert.commandWorked(donorPrimary.adminCommand({ waitForFailPoint: "hangAfterInitializingIndexBuild", timesEntered: initFpCount + 2, maxTimeMS: kDefaultWaitForFailPointTimeout })); // Start an index build and pause it after acquiring a slot but before registering itself. const indexBuildSlotFp = configureFailPoint(donorPrimary, "hangAfterAcquiringIndexBuildSlot"); jsTestLog("Starting the racy index build"); const racyIndexThread = new Thread(createIndexShouldFail, donorPrimary.host, kDbName, kNonEmptyCollName, {a: 1}); racyIndexThread.start(); indexBuildSlotFp.wait(); jsTestLog("Starting a migration and pausing after majority-committing the initial state doc."); // Start a migration, and pause it after the donor has majority-committed the initial state doc. const dataSyncFp = configureFailPoint(donorPrimary, "pauseTenantMigrationBeforeLeavingDataSyncState"); const migrationThread = new Thread(runMigrationAsync, migrationOpts, donorRstArgs); migrationThread.start(); dataSyncFp.wait(); // Release the previously-started index build thread and allow the donor to abort index builds assert.commandWorked(donorPrimary.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "hangAfterInitializingIndexBuild", mode: "off"})); jsTestLog("Waiting for the unrelated index build to finish"); unrelatedIndexThread.join(); // Release the racy thread; it should block. indexBuildSlotFp.off(); // Should be able to create an index on a non-existent collection. Since the collection is // guaranteed to be empty and to have always been empty, this is safe. assert.commandWorked(db[kNewCollName1].createIndex({a: 1})); // Attempts to create indexes on existing collections should fail. const emptyIndexThread = new Thread(createIndexShouldFail, donorPrimary.host, kDbName, kEmptyCollName, {a: 1}); emptyIndexThread.start(); const nonEmptyIndexThread = new Thread(createIndexShouldFail, donorPrimary.host, kDbName, kNonEmptyCollName, {a: 1}); nonEmptyIndexThread.start(); jsTestLog("Allowing migration to commit"); // Allow the migration to move to the blocking state and commit. dataSyncFp.off(); assert.soon(() => { const state = tenantMigrationTest .getTenantMigrationAccessBlocker({donorNode: donorPrimary, tenantId: kTenantId}) .donor.state; return state === TenantMigrationTest.DonorAccessState.kBlockWritesAndReads || state === TenantMigrationTest.DonorAccessState.kReject; }); TenantMigrationTest.assertCommitted(migrationThread.returnData()); // The index creation threads should be done. racyIndexThread.join(); abortedIndexThread.join(); emptyIndexThread.join(); nonEmptyIndexThread.join(); // Should not be able to create an index on any collection. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db[kEmptyCollName].createIndex({b: 1}), ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationCommitted); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db[kNonEmptyCollName].createIndex({b: 1}), ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationCommitted); // Creating an index on a non-existent collection should fail because we can't create the // collection, but it's the same error code. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db[kNewCollName2].createIndex({b: 1}), ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationCommitted); assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.forgetMigration(migrationOpts.migrationIdString)); tenantMigrationTest.stop();