/** * Tests that TenantCollectionCloner completes without error when a collection is dropped during * cloning as part of a tenant migration. * * Shard merge uses backup cursor for copying files. One of the guarantee that backup cursor * provides is that at physical file associated with the table is not deleted when backup cursor is * active on a checkpoint that contains the table. We expect the test coverage should be already * provided by the backup cursor. * * @tags: [ * incompatible_with_macos, * incompatible_with_shard_merge, * incompatible_with_windows_tls, * requires_majority_read_concern, * requires_persistence, * serverless, * ] */ import {TenantMigrationTest} from "jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_test.js"; import { makeX509OptionsForTest, runMigrationAsync } from "jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_util.js"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); load('jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js'); load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // 'createRstArgs' function runDropTest({failPointName, failPointData, expectedLog, createNew}) { // Configure batch size for recipient clone. const recipientRst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, name: "recipient", serverless: true, nodeOptions: Object.assign(makeX509OptionsForTest().recipient, {setParameter: {collectionClonerBatchSize: 1}}) }); recipientRst.startSet(); recipientRst.initiate(); const tenantMigrationTest = new TenantMigrationTest({name: jsTestName(), recipientRst: recipientRst}); const tenantId = ObjectId().str; const dbName = tenantMigrationTest.tenantDB(tenantId, "testDB"); const collName = "testColl"; const donorPrimary = tenantMigrationTest.getDonorPrimary(); const recipientPrimary = tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientPrimary(); // Create a tenant collection with some data in it. tenantMigrationTest.insertDonorDB(dbName, collName); // Save the nss and uuid for checking log lines. const nss = `${dbName}.${collName}`; const uuid = extractUUIDFromObject(getUUIDFromListCollections(donorPrimary.getDB(dbName), collName)); const migrationId = UUID(); const migrationOpts = { migrationIdString: extractUUIDFromObject(migrationId), recipientConnString: tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientConnString(), tenantId, }; const donorRstArgs = createRstArgs(tenantMigrationTest.getDonorRst()); // Set failpoint for recipient. const failPoint = configureFailPoint(recipientPrimary, failPointName, failPointData); // Start migration and wait for failpoint. jsTestLog("Waiting to hit recipient failpoint"); const migrationThread = new Thread(runMigrationAsync, migrationOpts, donorRstArgs); migrationThread.start(); failPoint.wait(); // Drop the collection on the donor while it's being cloned. jsTestLog("Dropping collection on donor"); const donorDB = donorPrimary.getDB(dbName); const donorColl = donorDB.getCollection(collName); assert(donorColl.drop()); TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest.waitForDropToComplete(donorDB, collName); if (createNew) { jsTestLog("Creating a new collection with the same name."); tenantMigrationTest.insertDonorDB(dbName, collName, [{_id: "not the same collection"}]); } jsTestLog("Allowing migration to continue"); failPoint.off(); if (expectedLog) { let expectedLogDict = eval('(' + expectedLog + ')'); jsTestLog(expectedLogDict); checkLog.containsJson(recipientPrimary, expectedLogDict.code, expectedLogDict.attr); } jsTestLog("Waiting for migration to complete"); TenantMigrationTest.assertCommitted(migrationThread.returnData()); assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.forgetMigration(migrationOpts.migrationIdString)); const recipientColl = recipientPrimary.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName); if (createNew) { assert.eq([{_id: "not the same collection"}], recipientColl.find().toArray()); } else { assert.eq(0, recipientColl.find().itcount()); } tenantMigrationTest.stop(); recipientRst.stopSet(); } jsTestLog("[1] Testing dropping before count stage."); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "count"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}' }); jsTestLog("[2] Testing dropping before count stage, with same-name collection created"); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "count"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', createNew: true }); jsTestLog("[3] Testing dropping before checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty stage."); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}' }); jsTestLog( "[4] Testing dropping before checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty stage, with same-name collection created"); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', createNew: true }); jsTestLog("[5] Testing dropping between checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty and listIndexes."); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "listIndexes"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}' }); jsTestLog( "[6] Testing dropping between checkIfDonorCollectionIsEmpty and listIndexes, with same-name collection created"); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "listIndexes"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', createNew: true }); jsTestLog("[7] Testing dropping between listIndexes and find."); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "query"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}' }); jsTestLog("[8] Testing dropping between listIndexes and find, with same-name collection created"); runDropTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: {cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "query"}, expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', createNew: true }); jsTestLog("[9] Testing dropping between getMore calls."); runDropTest({ // Will trigger right after the first batch. failPointName: "tenantMigrationHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', }); jsTestLog("[10] Testing dropping between getMore calls, with same-name collection created"); runDropTest({ // Will trigger right after the first batch. failPointName: "tenantMigrationHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", expectedLog: '{code: 5289701, attr: { namespace: nss, uuid: (x)=>(x.uuid.$uuid === uuid), tenantId: tenantId}}', createNew: true });