/** * This test does sync source as a way to test that tenant migrations are resilient to transient * connection errors between the recipient primary and the sync source at various stages in the * process. (Replica set members close connections as part of rollback.) * * @tags: [requires_fcv_49, requires_majority_read_concern, incompatible_with_eft, * incompatible_with_windows_tls, incompatible_with_macos, requires_persistence] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); // for 'extractUUIDFromObject' load("jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_test.js"); load("jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_util.js"); load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // for 'stopServerReplication' function runTest({failPointName, failPointData = {}, batchSize = 10 * 1000}) { const migrationX509Options = TenantMigrationUtil.makeX509OptionsForTest(); const donorRst = new ReplSetTest({ name: "recipientRst", nodes: [ {rsConfig: {priority: 1}}, // initial primary {}, // one possible next primary {}, // the other next primary {rsConfig: {priority: 0, hidden: true}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0, hidden: true}} ], nodeOptions: Object.assign(migrationX509Options.donor, { setParameter: { // Allow non-timestamped reads on donor after migration completes for testing. 'failpoint.tenantMigrationDonorAllowsNonTimestampedReads': tojson({mode: 'alwaysOn'}), } }), settings: {catchUpTimeoutMillis: 0, chainingAllowed: false} }); const donorNodes = donorRst.startSet(); donorRst.initiate(); // We make D and E hidden to reduce the number of readable secondaries. Thus, when the data sync // begins (with A as primary), we can be sure that the sync source is either B or C. const [donorA, donorB, donorC, donorD, donorE] = donorNodes; jsTestLog("Setting up node A as initial donor primary"); assert.eq(donorA, donorRst.getPrimary()); donorRst.awaitReplication(); const tenantMigrationTest = new TenantMigrationTest({ name: jsTestName(), donorRst: donorRst, sharedOptions: {setParameter: {collectionClonerBatchSize: batchSize}} }); if (!tenantMigrationTest.isFeatureFlagEnabled()) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because the tenant migrations feature flag is disabled"); return; } const tenantId = "testTenantId"; const dbName = tenantMigrationTest.tenantDB(tenantId, "testDB"); const collName = "testColl"; const recipientPrimary = tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientPrimary(); tenantMigrationTest.insertDonorDB(dbName, collName); const migrationId = UUID(); const migrationIdString = extractUUIDFromObject(migrationId); const migrationOpts = { migrationIdString: migrationIdString, recipientConnString: tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientConnString(), tenantId: tenantId, readPreference: {mode: 'secondary'}, }; // Kick off a tenant migration and make sure that the recipient has started syncing. const fullData = Object.merge(failPointData, {database: dbName}); const hangWhileMigrating = configureFailPoint(recipientPrimary, failPointName, fullData); jsTestLog("Starting migration and waiting for recipient to hit the failpoint"); assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.startMigration(migrationOpts)); hangWhileMigrating.wait(); jsTestLog("Determining whether B or C is the sync source"); let res = recipientPrimary.adminCommand( {currentOp: true, desc: "tenant recipient migration", tenantId: tenantId}); assert.eq(res.inprog.length, 1, () => tojson(res)); let currOp = res.inprog[0]; assert.eq(bsonWoCompare(currOp.instanceID, migrationId), 0, () => tojson(res)); // At this point the sync source should be either B or C. let syncSource; let nextPrimary; if (donorB.host == currOp.donorSyncSource) { syncSource = donorB; nextPrimary = donorC; } else { syncSource = donorC; nextPrimary = donorB; } jsTestLog("Sync source: " + syncSource); jsTestLog("Next primary: " + nextPrimary); stopServerReplication(nextPrimary); stopServerReplication(donorD); stopServerReplication(donorE); jsTestLog("Inserting rollback operations"); assert.commandWorked(donorA.getDB("rollbackDB").rollbackColl.insert({toBe: 'rolledBack'}, { writeConcern: {w: 2} })); const lastRBID = assert.commandWorked(syncSource.adminCommand("replSetGetRBID")).rbid; const rollbackFP = configureFailPoint(syncSource, "rollbackHangBeforeStart"); jsTestLog("Failing over to next primary"); assert.commandWorked( donorA.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS, force: true})); assert.commandWorked(nextPrimary.adminCommand({replSetStepUp: ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS})); assert.eq(nextPrimary, donorRst.getPrimary()); restartServerReplication(nextPrimary); restartServerReplication(donorD); restartServerReplication(donorE); res = recipientPrimary.adminCommand({currentOp: true, desc: "tenant recipient migration"}); currOp = res.inprog[0]; assert.eq(currOp.migrationCompleted, false, () => tojson(currOp)); assert.eq(currOp.dataSyncCompleted, false, () => tojson(currOp)); // The sync source has not rolled back, so the recipient has not yet perceived an interruption. assert.eq(NumberLong(0), currOp.numRestartsDueToDonorConnectionFailure, () => tojson(currOp)); jsTestLog("Inserting new documents and waiting for sync source to roll back"); assert.commandWorked( nextPrimary.getDB("otherDB").otherColl.insert({toBe: 'kept'}, {writeConcern: {w: 3}})); rollbackFP.wait(); rollbackFP.off(); assert.soonNoExcept(function() { const rbid = assert.commandWorked(syncSource.adminCommand("replSetGetRBID")).rbid; return rbid > lastRBID; }, "rbid did not update", ReplSetTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS); hangWhileMigrating.off(); jsTestLog("Waiting for migration to finish"); TenantMigrationTest.assertCommitted( tenantMigrationTest.waitForMigrationToComplete(migrationOpts)); tenantMigrationTest.waitForDonorNodesToReachState( donorRst.nodes, migrationId, tenantId, TenantMigrationTest.DonorState.kCommitted); res = recipientPrimary.adminCommand({currentOp: true, desc: "tenant recipient migration"}); currOp = res.inprog[0]; // The migration should still be considered active as it is not yet forgotten. assert.eq(currOp.migrationCompleted, false, () => tojson(currOp)); assert.eq(currOp.dataSyncCompleted, false, () => tojson(currOp)); // A restart was necessary, due to the sync source closing connections on rollback. assert.eq(NumberLong(1), currOp.numRestartsDueToDonorConnectionFailure, () => tojson(currOp)); jsTestLog("Forgetting migration"); assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.forgetMigration(migrationOpts.migrationIdString)); donorRst.stopSet(); tenantMigrationTest.stop(); } // Only pick 1 test per run to save machine time. const caseNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 1; switch (caseNum) { case 1: jsTestLog("[1] Testing rollback before fetching clusterTime keys."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpBeforeFetchingDonorClusterTimeKeys", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; case 2: jsTestLog("[2] Testing rollback after connecting instances."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpAfterConnectingTenantMigrationRecipientInstance", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; case 3: jsTestLog("[3] Testing rollback after comparing FCV against donor."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpAfterComparingRecipientAndDonorFCV", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; case 4: jsTestLog("[4] Testing rollback after fetching start opTime."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpAfterRetrievingStartOpTimesMigrationRecipientInstance", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; case 5: jsTestLog("[5] Testing rollback before starting oplog fetcher."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpAfterFetchingRetryableWritesEntriesBeforeStartOpTime", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; case 6: jsTestLog("[6] Testing rollback during cloning, after starting data sync."); runTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: { cloner: "TenantAllDatabaseCloner", stage: "listDatabases", } }); break; case 7: jsTestLog("[7] Testing rollback during cloning, before cloning databases."); runTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: { cloner: "TenantDatabaseCloner", stage: "listCollections", } }); break; case 8: jsTestLog("[8] Testing rollback during cloning, before listing indexes."); runTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: { cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "listIndexes", } }); break; case 9: jsTestLog("[9] Testing rollback during cloning, between listIndexes and find."); runTest({ failPointName: "hangBeforeClonerStage", failPointData: { cloner: "TenantCollectionCloner", stage: "query", } }); break; case 10: jsTestLog("[10] Testing rollback during cloning, between getMores."); runTest({ failPointName: "tenantMigrationHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse", batchSize: 1, }); break; case 11: jsTestLog("[11] Testing rollback after finishing cloning."); runTest({ failPointName: "fpAfterCollectionClonerDone", failPointData: { action: "hang", }, }); break; default: // Unreachable. assert(false); } })();