/** * Tests aggregation pipeline for cloning oplog chains for retryable writes on the tenant migration * donor that committed before a certain donor Timestamp for time-series collections oplog entries * with multiple statement IDs. * * This test is based on "tenant_migration_retryable_write_retry.js". * * @tags: [requires_fcv_47, requires_majority_read_concern, incompatible_with_eft, * incompatible_with_windows_tls, incompatible_with_macos, requires_persistence] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/core/timeseries/libs/timeseries.js"); load("jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_test.js"); load("jstests/replsets/libs/tenant_migration_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); function testOplogCloning(ordered) { const migrationX509Options = TenantMigrationUtil.makeX509OptionsForTest(); const kGarbageCollectionParams = { // Set the delay before a donor state doc is garbage collected to be short to speed up // the test. tenantMigrationGarbageCollectionDelayMS: 3 * 1000, // Set the TTL monitor to run at a smaller interval to speed up the test. ttlMonitorSleepSecs: 1, }; const donorRst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, name: "donor", nodeOptions: Object.assign(migrationX509Options.donor, {setParameter: kGarbageCollectionParams}) }); const recipientRst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, name: "recipient", nodeOptions: Object.assign(migrationX509Options.recipient, {setParameter: kGarbageCollectionParams}) }); donorRst.startSet(); donorRst.initiate(); recipientRst.startSet(); recipientRst.initiate(); const tenantMigrationTest = new TenantMigrationTest({name: jsTestName(), donorRst, recipientRst}); if (!tenantMigrationTest.isFeatureFlagEnabled()) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because the tenant migrations feature flag is disabled"); donorRst.stopSet(); recipientRst.stopSet(); return; } const donorPrimary = donorRst.getPrimary(); if (!TimeseriesTest.timeseriesCollectionsEnabled(donorPrimary)) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because the time-series collection feature flag is disabled"); tenantMigrationTest.stop(); return; } const kTenantId = "testTenantId"; const kDbName = kTenantId + "_" + "tsDb"; const kCollName = "tsColl"; const kNs = `${kDbName}.${kCollName}`; const tsDB = donorPrimary.getDB(kDbName); assert.commandWorked( tsDB.createCollection(kCollName, {timeseries: {timeField: "time", metaField: "meta"}})); const tag1 = "regular insert"; assert.commandWorked(donorPrimary.getCollection(kNs).insert( [ {_id: 0, time: ISODate(), x: 0, tag: tag1, meta: 0}, {_id: 1, time: ISODate(), x: 1, tag: tag1, meta: 0}, {_id: 2, time: ISODate(), x: 2, tag: tag1, meta: 0}, ], {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Each retryable insert and update below is identified by a unique 'tag'. This function returns // the value of the 'tag' field inside the 'o' field of the given 'oplogEntry'. function getTagsFromOplog(oplogEntry) { if (oplogEntry.op == "i") { return Object.values(oplogEntry.o.data.tag); } if (oplogEntry.op == "u") { return Object.values(oplogEntry.o.diff.sdata.stag.i); } throw Error("Unknown op type " + oplogEntry.op); } jsTest.log("Run retryable writes prior to the migration"); const lsid1 = {id: UUID()}; const insertTag = "retryable insert"; const updateTag = "retryable update"; assert.commandWorked(donorPrimary.getDB(kDbName).runCommand({ insert: kCollName, documents: [ // Test batched inserts resulting in "insert" oplog entries. {time: ISODate(), x: 0, tag: insertTag, meta: 1}, {time: ISODate(), x: 1, tag: insertTag, meta: 1}, {time: ISODate(), x: 2, tag: insertTag, meta: 1}, // Test batched inserts resulting in "update" oplog entries. {time: ISODate(), x: 3, tag: updateTag, meta: 0}, {time: ISODate(), x: 4, tag: updateTag, meta: 0}, {time: ISODate(), x: 5, tag: updateTag, meta: 0}, ], txnNumber: NumberLong(0), lsid: lsid1, ordered: ordered, })); jsTest.log("Run a migration to completion"); const migrationId = UUID(); const migrationOpts = { migrationIdString: extractUUIDFromObject(migrationId), tenantId: kTenantId, }; TenantMigrationTest.assertCommitted(tenantMigrationTest.runMigration(migrationOpts)); const donorDoc = donorPrimary.getCollection(TenantMigrationTest.kConfigDonorsNS).findOne({ tenantId: kTenantId }); tenantMigrationTest.waitForMigrationGarbageCollection(migrationId, kTenantId); // Test the aggregation pipeline the recipient would use for getting the oplog chain where // "ts" < "startFetchingOpTime" for all retryable writes entries in config.transactions. The // recipient would use the real "startFetchingOpTime", but this test uses the donor's commit // timestamp as a substitute. const startFetchingTimestamp = donorDoc.commitOrAbortOpTime.ts; jsTest.log("Run retryable write after the migration"); const lsid2 = {id: UUID()}; const sessionTag2 = "retryable insert after migration"; // Make sure this write is in the majority snapshot. assert.commandWorked(donorPrimary.getDB(kDbName).runCommand({ insert: kCollName, documents: [{_id: 6, time: ISODate(), x: 6, tag: sessionTag2}], txnNumber: NumberLong(0), lsid: lsid2, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}, })); // The aggregation pipeline will return an array of retryable writes oplog entries (pre-image/ // post-image oplog entries included) with "ts" < "startFetchingTimestamp" and sorted in // ascending order of "ts". const aggRes = donorPrimary.getDB("config").runCommand({ aggregate: "transactions", pipeline: [ // Fetch the config.transactions entries that do not have a "state" field, which indicates a // retryable write. {$match: {"state": {$exists: false}}}, // Fetch latest oplog entry for each config.transactions entry from the oplog view. {$lookup: { from: {db: "local", coll: "system.tenantMigration.oplogView"}, let: { tenant_ts: "$lastWriteOpTime.ts"}, pipeline: [{ $match: { $expr: { $and: [ {$regexMatch: { input: "$ns", regex: new RegExp(`^${kTenantId}_`) }}, {$eq: [ "$ts", "$$tenant_ts"]} ] } } }], // This array is expected to contain exactly one element if `ns` contains // `kTenantId`. Otherwise, it will be empty. as: "lastOps" }}, // Entries that don't have the correct `ns` will return an empty `lastOps` array. Filter // these results before the next stage. {$match: {"lastOps": {$ne: [] }}}, // All remaining results should correspond to the correct `kTenantId`. Replace the // single-element 'lastOps' array field with a single 'lastOp' field. {$addFields: {lastOp: {$first: "$lastOps"}}}, {$unset: "lastOps"}, // Fetch preImage oplog entry for findAndModify from the oplog view. {$lookup: { from: {db: "local", coll: "system.tenantMigration.oplogView"}, localField: "lastOp.preImageOpTime.ts", foreignField: "ts", // This array is expected to contain exactly one element if the 'preImageOpTime' // field is not null. as: "preImageOps" }}, // Fetch postImage oplog entry for findAndModify from the oplog view. {$lookup: { from: {db: "local", coll: "system.tenantMigration.oplogView"}, localField: "lastOp.postImageOpTime.ts", foreignField: "ts", // This array is expected to contain exactly one element if the 'postImageOpTime' // field is not null. as: "postImageOps" }}, // Fetch oplog entries in each chain for insert, update, or delete from the oplog view. {$graphLookup: { from: {db: "local", coll: "system.tenantMigration.oplogView"}, startWith: "$lastOp.ts", connectFromField: "prevOpTime.ts", connectToField: "ts", as: "history", depthField: "depthForTenantMigration" }}, // Now that we have the whole chain, filter out entries that occurred after // `startFetchingTimestamp`, since these entries will be fetched during the oplog fetching // phase. {$set: { history: { $filter: { input: "$history", cond: {$lt: ["$$this.ts", startFetchingTimestamp]} } } }}, // Sort the oplog entries in each oplog chain. {$set: { history: {$reverseArray: {$reduce: { input: "$history", initialValue: {$range: [0, {$size: "$history"}]}, in: {$concatArrays: [ {$slice: ["$$value", "$$this.depthForTenantMigration"]}, ["$$this"], {$slice: [ "$$value", {$subtract: [ {$add: ["$$this.depthForTenantMigration", 1]}, {$size: "$history"}, ]}, ]}, ]}, }}}, }}, // Combine the oplog entries. {$set: {history: {$concatArrays: ["$preImageOps", "$history", "$postImageOps"]}}}, // Fetch the complete oplog entries and unwind oplog entries in each chain to the top-level // array. {$lookup: { from: {db: "local", coll: "oplog.rs"}, localField: "history.ts", foreignField: "ts", // This array is expected to contain exactly one element. as: "completeOplogEntry" }}, // Unwind oplog entries in each chain to the top-level array. {$unwind: "$completeOplogEntry"}, {$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$completeOplogEntry"}}, ], readConcern: {level: "majority"}, cursor: {}, }); // Verify that the aggregation command returned the expected number of oplog entries. assert.eq(aggRes.cursor.firstBatch.length, 2); // Verify that the oplog docs are sorted in ascending order of "ts". for (let i = 1; i < aggRes.cursor.firstBatch.length; i++) { assert.lt( 0, bsonWoCompare(aggRes.cursor.firstBatch[i].ts, aggRes.cursor.firstBatch[i - 1].ts)); } const docs = aggRes.cursor.firstBatch; // Verify the number of statement ids is correct. assert.eq(docs[0].stmtId.length, 3); assert.eq(docs[1].stmtId.length, 3); // Verify that docs contain the right oplog entry. getTagsFromOplog(docs[0]).forEach(tag => { assert.eq(tag, insertTag); }); getTagsFromOplog(docs[1]).forEach(tag => { assert.eq(tag, updateTag); }); donorRst.stopSet(); recipientRst.stopSet(); } testOplogCloning(true); testOplogCloning(false); })();