/** * Ensure that we properly trigger a stable checkpoint when starting up a replica set node. * * We don't support unclean shutdowns with restarts into a last-lts binary. * @tags: [requires_persistence, multiversion_incompatible] */ (function() { const rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, nodeOptions: { // Disable background checkpoints: a zero value disables checkpointing. syncdelay: 0, setParameter: {logComponentVerbosity: tojson({storage: 2})} } }); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); // By the time a node is primary it should have triggered a stable checkpoint. We subsequently kill // and restart the node to check that the initial collections it created are durable in its // checkpoint. let primary = rst.getPrimary(); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(primary, "Triggering the first stable checkpoint")); jsTestLog("Kill and restart the node."); rst.stop(0, 9, {allowedExitCode: MongoRunner.EXIT_SIGKILL}, {forRestart: true}); rst.start(0, undefined, true /* restart */); jsTestLog("Waiting for the node to restart and become primary again."); rst.getPrimary(); rst.stopSet(); }());