/** * Demonstrate that durable history can be used across a restart. Also assert that any * collection/index minimum visible timestamps are set to legal values. The rough test outline: * * 1) Create a collection `existsAtOldestTs`. This collection and its `_id` index should be readable * across a restart. * 2) Stop advancing the oldest timestamp with `WTPreserveSnapshotHistoryIndefinitely`. * 3) Create a secondary index on `existsAtOldestTs`. This index should not be readable across a * restart. This is a conservative behavior that is perfectly reasonable to later relax. * 4) Create a collection `dneAtOldestTs`. This collection should not be readable across a restart. * * @tags: [ * requires_majority_read_concern, * requires_persistence, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; let replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: "use_history_after_restart", nodes: 1, nodeOptions: { setParameter: { logComponentVerbosity: tojson({storage: {recovery: 2}}), // Set the history window to zero to explicitly control the oldest timestamp. This is // necessary to predictably exercise the minimum visible timestamp initialization of // collections and indexes across a restart. minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds: 0, // Disable the noop writer to avoid background writes that can unintentionally advance // the stable/oldest timestamps. writePeriodicNoops: false } } }); let nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); let primary = replTest.getPrimary(); let testDB = primary.getDB("test"); // Create `existsAtOldestTs`. Insert one document with a majority write concern. The write concern // guarantees the stable and oldest timestamp are bumped. assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection("existsAtOldestTs")); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand( {insert: "existsAtOldestTs", documents: [{_id: 0, x: 0}], writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Preserving history stops advancing the oldest timestamp. All writes after this point must not be // readable after the restart. Either due to a correct response being returned or the server // responding with a `SnapshotUnavailable` error. // // Record the response. Treat the response's `opTime` as the `oldestTimestamp` that should be usable // for a timestamped read after the restart. let fpResp = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "WTPreserveSnapshotHistoryIndefinitely", mode: "alwaysOn"})); // Insert a second document. This document will not be seen after the restart. assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({insert: "existsAtOldestTs", documents: [{x: 1}]})); // Create an index that cannot be correctly used after a restart. assert.commandWorked(testDB["existsAtOldestTs"].createIndex({x: 1})); // Create a second collection that is not visible after a restart. assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection("dneAtOldestTs")); // Insert a document to the new collection with a majority write concern. This will bump the stable // timestamp. Record the response and treat the response's `opTime` as the `stableTimestamp` that // should be usable for a timestamped read after the restart. let dneInsertResp = assert.commandWorked(testDB["dneAtOldestTs"].runCommand( {insert: "dneAtOldestTs", documents: [{}], writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Restart the node with the `WTPreserveSnapshotHistoryIndefinitely` set. This prevents startup from // advancing the oldest timestamp. This allows us to reliably read at the existing `oldestTimestamp` // after the restart. replTest.restart(primary, { setParameter: { "failpoint.WTPreserveSnapshotHistoryIndefinitely": tojson({mode: "alwaysOn"}), } }); primary = replTest.getPrimary(); let oldestTimestamp = fpResp["operationTime"]; let stableTimestamp = dneInsertResp["opTime"]["ts"]; jsTestLog({ "Test Ops": primary.getDB("local")["oplog.rs"].find({ns: /test/}).sort({ts: -1}).toArray(), "OldestTimestamp (approximate)": oldestTimestamp, "StableTimestamp (approximate)": stableTimestamp }); // We should successfully read the first insert from `existsAtOldestTs` when reading at the oldest // timestamp. Querying for `_id: 0` will access both the `_id` index and the record let result = primary.getDB("test").runCommand({ find: "existsAtOldestTs", filter: {_id: 0}, readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: oldestTimestamp} }); jsTestLog({"ExistsRes": result}); assert.eq(1, result["cursor"]["firstBatch"].length); // We should get an error that the newer secondary index is not available when reading at the oldest // timestamp. result = primary.getDB("test").runCommand({ find: "existsAtOldestTs", hint: {x: 1}, readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: oldestTimestamp} }); jsTestLog({"Unavailable Index Result": result}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(result, ErrorCodes.BadValue); // Reading from the index at the `stableTimestamp` should succeed and produce a correct result. result = primary.getDB("test").runCommand({ find: "existsAtOldestTs", hint: {x: 1}, readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: stableTimestamp} }); jsTestLog({"Available Index Result": result}); assert.eq(2, result["cursor"]["firstBatch"].length); // Querying `dneAtOldestTs` at the oldest timestamp should fail with a `SnapshotUnavailable` error. result = primary.getDB("test").runCommand( {find: "dneAtOldestTs", readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: oldestTimestamp}}); jsTestLog({"SnapshotUnavailable on dneAtOldestTs": result}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(result, ErrorCodes.SnapshotUnavailable); // Querying `dneAtOldestTs` at the stable timestamp should succeed with a correct result. result = primary.getDB("test").runCommand( {find: "dneAtOldestTs", readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: stableTimestamp}}); jsTestLog({"Available dneAtOldestTs result": result}); assert.eq(1, result["cursor"]["firstBatch"].length); replTest.stopSet(); })();