// Tests the 'changeStreams' cluster-wide configuration parameter on the replica sets and the // sharded cluster. // @tags: [ // requires_replication, // requires_sharding, // featureFlagServerlessChangeStreams, // featureFlagMongoStore, // requires_fcv_61, // ] (function() { "use strict"; // For ChangeStreamMultitenantReplicaSetTest. load("jstests/serverless/libs/change_collection_util.js"); // Verifies that the 'getClusterParameter' on the 'changeStreams' cluster-wide parameter returns the // expected response. function assertGetResponse(db, expectedChangeStreamParam) { const response = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({getClusterParameter: "changeStreams"})); assert.eq(response.clusterParameters[0].expireAfterSeconds, expectedChangeStreamParam.expireAfterSeconds, response); } // Tests the 'changeStreams' cluster-wide configuration parameter with the 'admin' database. function testWithAdminDB(conn) { const adminDB = conn.getDB("admin"); // Invalid string value for the 'expireAfterSeconds' parameter should fail. assert.commandFailedWithCode( adminDB.runCommand({setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: "off"}}}), ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch); // A negative value of 'expireAfterSeconds' should fail. assert.commandFailedWithCode( adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(-1)}}}), ErrorCodes.BadValue); // A zero value of 'expireAfterSeconds' should fail. assert.commandFailedWithCode( adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(0)}}}), ErrorCodes.BadValue); // A positive value of 'expireAfterSeconds' should succeed. assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(36)}}})); assertGetResponse(adminDB, {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(36)}); // An empty parameter to 'changeStreams' cluster parameter should reset the 'expireAfterSeconds' // to the default value. // TODO SERVER-67145 uncomment this code. // assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {}}})); // assertGetResponse(adminDB, {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(3600)}); // Modifying expireAfterSeconds should succeed. assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(100)}}})); assertGetResponse(adminDB, {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(100)}); } function testWithoutAdminDB(conn) { const db = conn.getDB(jsTestName()); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({getClusterParameter: "changeStreams"}), ErrorCodes.Unauthorized); assert.commandFailedWithCode( db.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(3600)}}}), ErrorCodes.Unauthorized); } // Tests the set and get change streams parameter on the replica-set. { const rst = new ChangeStreamMultitenantReplicaSetTest({name: "replSet", nodes: 2}); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const secondary = rst.getSecondaries()[0]; // Verify that the set and get commands cannot be issued on database other than the 'admin'. [primary, secondary].forEach(conn => { testWithoutAdminDB(conn); }); // Tests the set and get commands on the primary node. testWithAdminDB(primary); rst.stopSet(); } // Tests the set and get change streams parameter on the sharded cluster. { const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 1, mongos: 1, other: { mongosOptions: { setParameter: { internalChangeStreamUseTenantIdForTesting: true, } }, shardOptions: { setParameter: { internalChangeStreamUseTenantIdForTesting: true, } } } }); const adminDB = st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB("admin"); // Test that setClusterParameter cannot be issued directly on shards in the sharded cluster, // while getClusterParameter can. assert.commandFailedWithCode( adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(40)}}}), ErrorCodes.NotImplemented); assertGetResponse(adminDB, {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(3600)}); // Run the set and get commands on the mongoS. testWithAdminDB(st.s); st.stop(); } // Tests that 'changeStreams.expireAfterSeconds' is only available in serverless. The // 'changeStreams.expireAfterSeconds' cluster wide parameter requires explicit setting of either // 'multitenancySupport' and 'serverless' or 'internalChangeStreamUseTenantIdForTesting' along with // the feature flag 'featureFlagServerlessChangeStreams' which has not been done in this scenario. { const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const adminDB = primary.getDB("admin"); assert.commandFailedWithCode( adminDB.runCommand( {setClusterParameter: {changeStreams: {expireAfterSeconds: NumberLong(10)}}}), ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); rst.stopSet(); } }());