/** * Test that starts a shard split and abort it while doing a write. * @tags: [requires_fcv_63, serverless] */ import {ShardSplitTest} from "jstests/serverless/libs/shard_split_test.js"; TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; const test = new ShardSplitTest({ nodeOptions: { // Set a short timeout to test that the operation times out waiting for replication setParameter: "shardSplitTimeoutMS=100000" } }); test.addAndAwaitRecipientNodes(); const tenantIds = [ObjectId(), ObjectId()]; const operation = test.createSplitOperation(tenantIds); const donorPrimary = test.donor.getPrimary(); const blockingFP = configureFailPoint(donorPrimary.getDB("admin"), "pauseShardSplitAfterBlocking"); // Start the shard split and wait until we enter the kBlocking state const splitThread = operation.commitAsync(); blockingFP.wait(); // Assert there are no blocked writes for tenants so we can confirm there were blocks later tenantIds.forEach(tenantId => assert.eq(ShardSplitTest.getNumBlockedWrites(donorPrimary, tenantId), 0)); // Now perform one write for each tenantId being split and wait for the writes to become blocked const writes = tenantIds.map(tenantId => { const writeThread = new Thread(function(primaryConnStr, tenantId) { const primary = new Mongo(primaryConnStr); const coll = primary.getDB(`${tenantId}_testDb`).testColl; const res = coll.insert([{_id: 0, x: 0}, {_id: 1, x: 1}, {_id: 2, x: 2}], {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationAborted); }, donorPrimary.host, tenantId.str); writeThread.start(); return writeThread; }); // Verify that we have blocked the expected number of writes to tenant data tenantIds.forEach(tenantId => { assert.soon(() => { // There are two writes for each insert. The function insertBatchAndHandleErrors first try // to acquire the collection lock and create the collection as it doesn't exist. This result // in an error that is recorded. However insertBatchAndHandleErrors still try to process the // insert, which leads to a second write error. const kExpectedBlockedWrites = 2; return ShardSplitTest.getNumBlockedWrites(donorPrimary, tenantId) == kExpectedBlockedWrites; }); }); // Then abort the operation, disable the failpoint, and assert the operation was aborted operation.abort(); blockingFP.off(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(splitThread.returnData(), ErrorCodes.TenantMigrationAborted); // Assert all writes were completed with a TenantMigrationAborted error writes.forEach(write => write.join()); test.stop();