// Test that the 'setChangeStreamState' and 'getChangeStreamState' commands work as expected in the // multi-tenant sharded cluster environment for various cases. // @tags: [ // requires_fcv_63, // ] (function() { "use strict"; const shardingTest = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, other: {configOptions: {setParameter: {featureFlagServerlessChangeStreams: true}}} }); // TODO SERVER-68341 Implement tests for mongoQ and ensure that the change collection is not enabled // on the config server. const configPrimary = shardingTest.configRS.getPrimary(); assert.commandFailedWithCode( configPrimary.getDB("admin").runCommand({setChangeStreamState: 1, enabled: true}), ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); assert.commandFailedWithCode(configPrimary.getDB("admin").runCommand({getChangeStreamState: 1}), ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); shardingTest.stop(); }());