(function() { 'use strict'; var s = new ShardingTest({name: "add_shard1", shards: 1, useHostname: false }); // Create a shard and add a database; if the database is not duplicated the mongod should accept // it as shard var conn1 = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); var db1 = conn1.getDB("testDB"); var numObjs = 3; for (var i = 0; i < numObjs; i++){ assert.writeOK(db1.foo.save({ a : i })); } var configDB = s.s.getDB('config'); assert.eq(null, configDB.databases.findOne({ _id: 'testDB' })); var newShard = "myShard"; assert.commandWorked(s.admin.runCommand({ addshard: "localhost:" + conn1.port, name: newShard, maxSize: 1024 })); assert.neq(null, configDB.databases.findOne({ _id: 'testDB' })); var newShardDoc = configDB.shards.findOne({ _id: newShard }); assert.eq(1024, newShardDoc.maxSize); // a mongod with an existing database name should not be allowed to become a shard var conn2 = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); var db2 = conn2.getDB("otherDB"); assert.writeOK(db2.foo.save({ a: 1 })); var db3 = conn2.getDB("testDB"); assert.writeOK(db3.foo.save({ a: 1 })); s.config.databases.find().forEach(printjson); var rejectedShard = "rejectedShard"; assert(!s.admin.runCommand({ addshard: "localhost:" + conn2.port, name : rejectedShard }).ok, "accepted mongod with duplicate db"); // Check that all collection that were local to the mongod's are accessible through the mongos var sdb1 = s.getDB("testDB"); assert.eq(numObjs, sdb1.foo.count(), "wrong count for database that existed before addshard"); var sdb2 = s.getDB("otherDB"); assert.eq(0, sdb2.foo.count(), "database of rejected shard appears through mongos"); // make sure we can move a DB from the original mongod to a previoulsy existing shard assert.eq(s.normalize(s.config.databases.findOne({ _id : "testDB" }).primary), newShard, "DB primary is wrong"); var origShard = s.getNonPrimaries("testDB")[0]; s.adminCommand({ moveprimary : "testDB", to : origShard }); assert.eq(s.normalize(s.config.databases.findOne({ _id : "testDB" }).primary), origShard, "DB primary didn't move"); assert.eq(numObjs, sdb1.foo.count(), "wrong count after moving datbase that existed before addshard"); // make sure we can shard the original collections sdb1.foo.ensureIndex({ a : 1 }, { unique : true }); // can't shard populated collection without an index s.adminCommand({ enablesharding : "testDB" }); s.adminCommand({ shardcollection : "testDB.foo", key: { a : 1 } }); s.adminCommand({ split : "testDB.foo", middle: { a : Math.floor(numObjs/2) } }); assert.eq(2, s.config.chunks.count(), "wrong chunk number after splitting collection that existed before"); assert.eq(numObjs, sdb1.foo.count(), "wrong count after splitting collection that existed before"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn1); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn2); s.stop(); })();