/** * Confirms that, for a query with 'allowPartialResults' enabled, the 'nShards' log entry reflects * the number of shards that were actually available during each find or getMore operation. * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * requires_sharding, * ] */ load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); (function() { "use strict"; // This test looks for exact matches in log output, which does not account for implicit sessions. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; // Prevent the mongo shell from gossiping its cluster time, since this will increase the amount // of data logged for each op. For some of the testcases below, including the cluster time would // cause them to be truncated at the 512-byte RamLog limit, and some of the fields we need to // check would be lost. TestData.skipGossipingClusterTime = true; // Don't check for UUID and index consistency across the cluster at the end, since the test shuts // down a shard. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; TestData.skipCheckingIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster = true; // Set up a 2-shard single-node replicaset cluster. const st = new ShardingTest({name: jsTestName(), shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 1}}); // Obtain a connection to the test database on mongoS, and to the test collection. const mongosDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName()); const testColl = mongosDB.test; // Enable sharding on the the test database and ensure that the primary is on shard0. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL()); // Shard the collection on _id, split at {_id:0}, and move the upper chunk to the second shard. st.shardColl(testColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName(), true); // Insert 10 documents on each shard, in the range [-10, 10). for (let i = -10; i < 10; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert({_id: i})); } // Set the slowms threshold to -1 on mongoS, so that all operations will be logged. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({profile: 0, slowms: -1})); // Helper to find a logline containing all the specified fields. Throws if no such line exists. function assertMatchingLogLineExists(fields) { function escapeRegex(input) { return (typeof input === "string" ? input.replace(/[\^\$\\\.\*\+\?\(\)\[\]\{\}]/g, '\\$&') : input); } function lineMatches(line, fields) { const fieldNames = Object.keys(fields); return fieldNames.every((fieldName) => { const fieldValue = fields[fieldName]; let regex; if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { const regexDecimal = "\"" + escapeRegex(fieldName) + "\":? ?(" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsJsonLogLine(fieldValue, false, true)) + "|" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsJsonLogLine(fieldValue, true, true)) + ")"; const regexNoDecimal = "\"" + escapeRegex(fieldName) + "\":? ?(" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsJsonLogLine(fieldValue, false, false)) + "|" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsJsonLogLine(fieldValue, true, false)) + ")"; const matchDecimal = line.match(regexDecimal); const matchNoDecimal = line.match(regexNoDecimal); return (matchDecimal && matchDecimal[0]) || (matchNoDecimal && matchNoDecimal[0]); } else { const regex = escapeRegex(fieldName) + ":? ?(" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue)) + "|" + escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue, true)) + ")"; const match = line.match(regex); return match && match[0]; } }); } const globalLog = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); assert(globalLog.log.find((line) => lineMatches(line, fields)), "failed to find log line "); } // Issue a query with {allowPartialResults:true} on the collection. We sort by {_id:1} so that all // results from shard0 will be returned before any from shard1. We also set a small batchSize so // that not all results are returned at once. const findCmd = { find: testColl.getName(), filter: {}, sort: {_id: 1}, allowPartialResults: true, comment: "allow_partial_results_find_nshards_2", batchSize: 2 }; let findRes = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand(findCmd)); // Confirm that the cursor did not report partial results, and that the command logs {nShards:2}. assertMatchingLogLineExists(Object.assign({nShards: 2}, findCmd)); assert.eq(findRes.cursor.partialResultsReturned, undefined); // Issue a getMore with the same batchSize... const getMoreCmd = { getMore: findRes.cursor.id, collection: testColl.getName(), comment: "allow_partial_results_getmore_nshards_2", batchSize: 2 }; let getMoreRes = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand(getMoreCmd)); // ... and confirm that nShards is still 2. assertMatchingLogLineExists(Object.assign({nShards: 2}, getMoreCmd)); assert.eq(getMoreRes.cursor.partialResultsReturned, undefined); // Now stop shard0. st.rs0.stopSet(); // Issue another getMore with a higher batchSize. getMoreCmd.comment = "allow_partial_results_getmore_nshards_2_again"; getMoreCmd.batchSize = 4; getMoreRes = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand(getMoreCmd)); // We record the number of shards at the outset of the getMore, so this should again result in a // logline with nShards:2. But the larger batchSize burns through all results that mongoS buffered // from shard0 before it went down, and when we attempt to acquire a new batch from the shard we // discover that it is no longer available. We therefore return {partialResultsReturned:true}. assertMatchingLogLineExists(Object.assign({nShards: 2}, getMoreCmd)); assert.eq(getMoreRes.cursor.partialResultsReturned, true); // When we issue the next getMore, shard0 has already been marked as unavailable... getMoreCmd.comment = "allow_partial_results_getmore_nshards_1"; getMoreRes = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand(getMoreCmd)); // ... so nShards is now 1. The 'partialResultsReturned' cursor field remains true. assertMatchingLogLineExists(Object.assign({nShards: 1}, getMoreCmd)); assert.eq(getMoreRes.cursor.partialResultsReturned, true); // Finally, issue the original 'find' command again... findCmd.comment = "allow_partial_results_find_nshards_1"; findRes = assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand(findCmd)); // ... and confirm that nShards is 1 now that one shard is down. assertMatchingLogLineExists(Object.assign({nShards: 1}, findCmd)); assert.eq(findRes.cursor.partialResultsReturned, true); st.stop(); })();