// Ensure you can't shard on an array key var st = new ShardingTest({ name : jsTestName(), shards : 3 }) var mongos = st.s0 var coll = mongos.getCollection( jsTestName() + ".foo" ) st.shardColl( coll, { _id : 1, i : 1 }, { _id : ObjectId(), i : 1 } ) printjson( mongos.getDB("config").chunks.find().toArray() ) st.printShardingStatus() print( "1: insert some invalid data" ) var value = null var checkError = function( shouldError ){ var error = coll.getDB().getLastError() if( error != null ) printjson( error ) if( error == null && ! shouldError ) return if( error != null && shouldError ) return if( error == null ) print( "No error detected!" ) else print( "Unexpected error!" ) assert( false ) } // Insert an object with invalid array key coll.insert({ i : [ 1, 2 ] }) checkError( true ) // Insert an object with all the right fields, but an invalid array val for _id coll.insert({ _id : [ 1, 2 ] , i : 3}) checkError( true ) // Insert an object with valid array key coll.insert({ i : 1 }) checkError( false ) // Update the value with valid other field value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.update( value, { $set : { j : 2 } } ) checkError( false ) // Update the value with invalid other fields value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.update( value, Object.merge( value, { i : [ 3 ] } ) ) checkError( true ) // Multi-update the value with invalid other fields value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.update( value, Object.merge( value, { i : [ 3, 4 ] } ), false, true) checkError( true ) // Single update the value with valid other fields value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.update( Object.merge( value, { i : [ 3, 4 ] } ), value ) checkError( true ) // Multi-update the value with other fields (won't work, but no error) value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.update( Object.merge( value, { i : [ 1, 1 ] } ), { $set : { k : 4 } }, false, true) checkError( false ) // Query the value with other fields (won't work, but no error) value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.find( Object.merge( value, { i : [ 1, 1 ] } ) ).toArray() checkError( false ) // Can't remove using multikey, but shouldn't error value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.remove( Object.extend( value, { i : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ) ) checkError( false ) // Can't remove using multikey, but shouldn't error value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.remove( Object.extend( value, { i : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] } ) ) error = coll.getDB().getLastError() assert.eq( error, null ) assert.eq( coll.find().itcount(), 1 ) value = coll.findOne({ i : 1 }) coll.remove( Object.extend( value, { i : 1 } ) ) error = coll.getDB().getLastError() assert.eq( error, null ) assert.eq( coll.find().itcount(), 0 ) printjson( "Sharding-then-inserting-multikey tested, now trying inserting-then-sharding-multikey" ) // Insert a bunch of data then shard over key which is an array var coll = mongos.getCollection( "" + coll + "2" ) for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){ // TODO : does not check weird cases like [ i, i ] coll.insert({ i : [ i, i + 1 ] }) checkError( false ) } coll.ensureIndex({ _id : 1, i : 1 }) try { st.shardColl( coll, { _id : 1, i : 1 }, { _id : ObjectId(), i : 1 } ) } catch( e ){ print( "Correctly threw error on sharding with multikey index." ) } st.printShardingStatus() // Insert a bunch of data then shard over key which is not an array var coll = mongos.getCollection( "" + coll + "3" ) for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){ // TODO : does not check weird cases like [ i, i ] coll.insert({ i : i }) checkError( false ) } coll.ensureIndex({ _id : 1, i : 1 }) st.shardColl( coll, { _id : 1, i : 1 }, { _id : ObjectId(), i : 1 } ) st.printShardingStatus() // Finish st.stop()