/** * Tests administrative sharding operations and map-reduce work or fail as expected, when key-based * authentication is used * * This test is labeled resource intensive because its total io_write is 30MB compared to a median * of 5MB across all sharding tests in wiredTiger. Its total io_write is 630MB compared to a median * of 135MB in mmapv1. * @tags: [resource_intensive] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); var adminUser = {db: "admin", username: "foo", password: "bar"}; var testUser = {db: "test", username: "bar", password: "baz"}; var testUserReadOnly = {db: "test", username: "sad", password: "bat"}; function login(userObj, thingToUse) { if (!thingToUse) { thingToUse = s; } thingToUse.getDB(userObj.db).auth(userObj.username, userObj.password); } function logout(userObj, thingToUse) { if (!thingToUse) thingToUse = s; s.getDB(userObj.db).runCommand({logout: 1}); } function getShardName(rsTest) { var master = rsTest.getPrimary(); var config = master.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); var members = config.members.map(function(elem) { return elem.host; }); return config._id + "/" + members.join(","); } var s = new ShardingTest({ name: "auth", mongos: 1, shards: 0, other: {keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", chunkSize: 1, enableAutoSplit: false}, }); if (s.getDB('admin').runCommand('buildInfo').bits < 64) { print('Skipping test on 32-bit platforms'); return; } print("Configuration: Add user " + tojson(adminUser)); s.getDB(adminUser.db).createUser({ user: adminUser.username, pwd: adminUser.password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles }); login(adminUser); // Set the chunk size, disable the secondary throttle (so the test doesn't run so slow) assert.writeOK(s.getDB("config").settings.update( {_id: "balancer"}, {$set: {"_secondaryThrottle": false, "_waitForDelete": true}}, {upsert: true})); printjson(s.getDB("config").settings.find().toArray()); print("Restart mongos with different auth options"); s.restartMongos(0); login(adminUser); var d1 = new ReplSetTest({name: "d1", nodes: 3, useHostName: true, waitForKeys: false}); d1.startSet({keyFile: "jstests/libs/key2", shardsvr: ""}); d1.initiate(); print("d1 initiated"); var shardName = authutil.asCluster(d1.nodes, "jstests/libs/key2", function() { return getShardName(d1); }); print("adding shard w/out auth " + shardName); logout(adminUser); var result = s.getDB("admin").runCommand({addShard: shardName}); printjson(result); assert.eq(result.code, 13); login(adminUser); print("adding shard w/wrong key " + shardName); var thrown = false; try { result = s.adminCommand({addShard: shardName}); } catch (e) { thrown = true; printjson(e); } assert(thrown); print("start rs w/correct key"); d1.stopSet(); d1.startSet({keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", restart: true}); d1.initiate(); var master = d1.getPrimary(); print("adding shard w/auth " + shardName); result = s.getDB("admin").runCommand({addShard: shardName}); assert.eq(result.ok, 1, tojson(result)); s.getDB("admin").runCommand({enableSharding: "test"}); s.getDB("admin").runCommand({shardCollection: "test.foo", key: {x: 1}}); d1.waitForState(d1.getSecondaries(), ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, 5 * 60 * 1000); s.getDB(testUser.db).createUser({ user: testUser.username, pwd: testUser.password, roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles }); s.getDB(testUserReadOnly.db).createUser({ user: testUserReadOnly.username, pwd: testUserReadOnly.password, roles: jsTest.readOnlyUserRoles }); logout(adminUser); print("query try"); var e = assert.throws(function() { s.s.getDB("foo").bar.findOne(); }); printjson(e); print("cmd try"); assert.eq(0, s.s.getDB("foo").runCommand({listDatabases: 1}).ok); print("insert try 1"); s.getDB("test").foo.insert({x: 1}); login(testUser); assert.eq(s.getDB("test").foo.findOne(), null); print("insert try 2"); assert.writeOK(s.getDB("test").foo.insert({x: 1})); assert.eq(1, s.getDB("test").foo.find().itcount(), tojson(result)); logout(testUser); var d2 = new ReplSetTest({name: "d2", nodes: 3, useHostName: true, waitForKeys: false}); d2.startSet({keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", shardsvr: ""}); d2.initiate(); d2.awaitSecondaryNodes(); shardName = authutil.asCluster(d2.nodes, "jstests/libs/key1", function() { return getShardName(d2); }); print("adding shard " + shardName); login(adminUser); print("logged in"); result = s.getDB("admin").runCommand({addShard: shardName}); awaitRSClientHosts(s.s, d1.nodes, {ok: true}); awaitRSClientHosts(s.s, d2.nodes, {ok: true}); s.getDB("test").foo.remove({}); var num = 10000; assert.commandWorked(s.s.adminCommand({split: "test.foo", middle: {x: num / 2}})); var bulk = s.getDB("test").foo.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { bulk.insert( {_id: i, x: i, abc: "defg", date: new Date(), str: "all the talk on the market"}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); s.startBalancer(60000); assert.soon(function() { var d1Chunks = s.getDB("config").chunks.count({ns: 'test.foo', shard: "d1"}); var d2Chunks = s.getDB("config").chunks.count({ns: 'test.foo', shard: "d2"}); var totalChunks = s.getDB("config").chunks.count({ns: 'test.foo'}); print("chunks: " + d1Chunks + " " + d2Chunks + " " + totalChunks); return d1Chunks > 0 && d2Chunks > 0 && (d1Chunks + d2Chunks == totalChunks); }, "Chunks failed to balance", 60000, 5000); // SERVER-3645 // assert.eq(s.getDB("test").foo.count(), num+1); var numDocs = s.getDB("test").foo.find().itcount(); if (numDocs != num) { // Missing documents. At this point we're already in a failure mode, the code in this // statement // is to get a better idea how/why it's failing. var numDocsSeen = 0; var lastDocNumber = -1; var missingDocNumbers = []; var docs = s.getDB("test").foo.find().sort({x: 1}).toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { if (docs[i].x != lastDocNumber + 1) { for (var missing = lastDocNumber + 1; missing < docs[i].x; missing++) { missingDocNumbers.push(missing); } } lastDocNumber = docs[i].x; numDocsSeen++; } assert.eq(numDocs, numDocsSeen, "More docs discovered on second find()"); assert.eq(num - numDocs, missingDocNumbers.length); load('jstests/libs/trace_missing_docs.js'); for (var i = 0; i < missingDocNumbers.length; i++) { jsTest.log("Tracing doc: " + missingDocNumbers[i]); traceMissingDoc(s.getDB("test").foo, {_id: missingDocNumbers[i], x: missingDocNumbers[i]}); } assert(false, "Number of docs found does not equal the number inserted. Missing docs: " + missingDocNumbers); } // We're only sure we aren't duplicating documents iff there's no balancing going on here // This call also waits for any ongoing balancing to stop s.stopBalancer(60000); var cursor = s.getDB("test").foo.find({x: {$lt: 500}}); var count = 0; while (cursor.hasNext()) { cursor.next(); count++; } assert.eq(count, 500); logout(adminUser); d1.waitForState(d1.getSecondaries(), ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, 5 * 60 * 1000); d2.waitForState(d2.getSecondaries(), ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, 5 * 60 * 1000); authutil.asCluster(d1.nodes, "jstests/libs/key1", function() { d1.awaitReplication(); }); authutil.asCluster(d2.nodes, "jstests/libs/key1", function() { d2.awaitReplication(); }); // add admin on shard itself, hack to prevent localhost auth bypass d1.getPrimary() .getDB(adminUser.db) .createUser( {user: adminUser.username, pwd: adminUser.password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}, {w: 3, wtimeout: 60000}); d2.getPrimary() .getDB(adminUser.db) .createUser( {user: adminUser.username, pwd: adminUser.password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}, {w: 3, wtimeout: 60000}); login(testUser); print("testing map reduce"); // Sharded map reduce can be tricky since all components talk to each other. For example // SERVER-4114 is triggered when 1 mongod connects to another for final reduce it's not // properly tested here since addresses are localhost, which is more permissive. var res = s.getDB("test").runCommand({ mapreduce: "foo", map: function() { emit(this.x, 1); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return values.length; }, out: "mrout" }); printjson(res); assert.commandWorked(res); // Check that dump doesn't get stuck with auth var exitCode = MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongodump", { host: s.s.host, db: testUser.db, username: testUser.username, password: testUser.password, authenticationMechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1", }); assert.eq(0, exitCode, "mongodump failed to run with authentication enabled"); // Test read only users print("starting read only tests"); var readOnlyS = new Mongo(s.getDB("test").getMongo().host); var readOnlyDB = readOnlyS.getDB("test"); print(" testing find that should fail"); assert.throws(function() { readOnlyDB.foo.findOne(); }); print(" logging in"); login(testUserReadOnly, readOnlyS); print(" testing find that should work"); readOnlyDB.foo.findOne(); print(" testing write that should fail"); assert.writeError(readOnlyDB.foo.insert({eliot: 1})); print(" testing read command (should succeed)"); assert.commandWorked(readOnlyDB.runCommand({count: "foo"})); print("make sure currentOp/killOp fail"); assert.commandFailed(readOnlyDB.currentOp()); assert.commandFailed(readOnlyDB.killOp(123)); // fsyncUnlock doesn't work in mongos anyway, so no need check authorization for it /* broken because of SERVER-4156 print( " testing write command (should fail)" ); assert.commandFailed(readOnlyDB.runCommand( {mapreduce : "foo", map : function() { emit(this.y, 1); }, reduce : function(key, values) { return values.length; }, out:"blarg" })); */ print(" testing logout (should succeed)"); assert.commandWorked(readOnlyDB.runCommand({logout: 1})); print("make sure currentOp/killOp fail again"); assert.commandFailed(readOnlyDB.currentOp()); assert.commandFailed(readOnlyDB.killOp(123)); s.stop(); d1.stopSet(); d2.stopSet(); })();