/** * This tests using DB commands with authentication enabled when sharded. */ (function() { 'use strict'; // Multiple users cannot be authenticated on one connection within a session. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); load("jstests/sharding/libs/find_chunks_util.js"); // Replica set nodes started with --shardsvr do not enable key generation until they are added // to a sharded cluster and reject commands with gossiped clusterTime from users without the // advanceClusterTime privilege. This causes ShardingTest setup to fail because the shell // briefly authenticates as __system and receives clusterTime metadata then will fail trying to // gossip that time later in setup. // var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, rs: {oplogSize: 10, useHostname: false}, other: {keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', useHostname: false, chunkSize: 2}, }); var mongos = st.s; var adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin'); var configDB = mongos.getDB('config'); var testDB = mongos.getDB('test'); jsTestLog('Setting up initial users'); var rwUser = 'rwUser'; var roUser = 'roUser'; var password = 'password'; var expectedDocs = 1000; adminDB.createUser({user: rwUser, pwd: password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); assert(adminDB.auth(rwUser, password)); // Secondaries should be up here, since we awaitReplication in the ShardingTest, but we *don't* // wait for the mongos to explicitly detect them. awaitRSClientHosts(mongos, st.rs0.getSecondaries(), {ok: true, secondary: true}); awaitRSClientHosts(mongos, st.rs1.getSecondaries(), {ok: true, secondary: true}); testDB.createUser({user: rwUser, pwd: password, roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); testDB.createUser({user: roUser, pwd: password, roles: jsTest.readOnlyUserRoles}); var authenticatedConn = new Mongo(mongos.host); authenticatedConn.getDB('admin').auth(rwUser, password); // Add user to shards to prevent localhost connections from having automatic full access st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB('admin').createUser( {user: 'user', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}, {w: 3, wtimeout: 30000}); st.rs1.getPrimary().getDB('admin').createUser( {user: 'user', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}, {w: 3, wtimeout: 30000}); jsTestLog('Creating initial data'); st.adminCommand({enablesharding: "test"}); st.ensurePrimaryShard('test', st.shard0.shardName); st.adminCommand({shardcollection: "test.foo", key: {i: 1, j: 1}}); // Balancer is stopped by default, so no moveChunks will interfere with the splits we're testing var str = 'a'; while (str.length < 8000) { str += str; } for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var bulk = testDB.foo.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { bulk.insert({i: i, j: j, str: str}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute({w: "majority"})); // Split the chunk we just inserted so that we have something to balance. assert.commandWorked(st.splitFind("test.foo", {i: i, j: 0})); } assert.eq(expectedDocs, testDB.foo.count()); // Wait for the balancer to start back up assert.commandWorked( configDB.settings.update({_id: 'balancer'}, {$set: {_waitForDelete: true}}, true)); st.startBalancer(); // Make sure we've done at least some splitting, so the balancer will work assert.gt(findChunksUtil.findChunksByNs(configDB, 'test.foo').count(), 2); // Make sure we eventually balance the 'test.foo' collection st.awaitBalance('foo', 'test', 60 * 5 * 1000); var map = function() { emit(this.i, this.j); }; var reduce = function(key, values) { var jCount = 0; values.forEach(function(j) { jCount += j; }); return jCount; }; var checkCommandSucceeded = function(db, cmdObj) { print("Running command that should succeed: " + tojson(cmdObj)); var resultObj = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmdObj)); printjson(resultObj); return resultObj; }; var checkCommandFailed = function(db, cmdObj) { print("Running command that should fail: " + tojson(cmdObj)); var resultObj = assert.commandFailed(db.runCommand(cmdObj)); printjson(resultObj); return resultObj; }; var checkReadOps = function(hasReadAuth) { if (hasReadAuth) { print("Checking read operations, should work"); assert.eq(expectedDocs, testDB.foo.find().itcount()); assert.eq(expectedDocs, testDB.foo.count()); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {dbstats: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {collstats: 'foo'}); // inline map-reduce works read-only var res = checkCommandSucceeded( testDB, {mapreduce: 'foo', map: map, reduce: reduce, out: {inline: 1}}); assert.eq(100, res.results.length); assert.eq(45, res.results[0].value); res = checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, { aggregate: 'foo', pipeline: [{$project: {j: 1}}, {$group: {_id: 'j', sum: {$sum: '$j'}}}], cursor: {} }); assert.eq(4500, res.cursor.firstBatch[0].sum); } else { print("Checking read operations, should fail"); assert.throws(function() { testDB.foo.find().itcount(); }); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {dbstats: 1}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {collstats: 'foo'}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {mapreduce: 'foo', map: map, reduce: reduce, out: {inline: 1}}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, { aggregate: 'foo', pipeline: [{$project: {j: 1}}, {$group: {_id: 'j', sum: {$sum: '$j'}}}], cursor: {} }); } }; var checkWriteOps = function(hasWriteAuth) { if (hasWriteAuth) { print("Checking write operations, should work"); testDB.foo.insert({a: 1, i: 1, j: 1}); var res = checkCommandSucceeded( testDB, {findAndModify: "foo", query: {a: 1, i: 1, j: 1}, update: {$set: {b: 1}}}); assert.eq(1, res.value.a); assert.eq(null, res.value.b); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.findOne({a: 1}).b); testDB.foo.remove({a: 1}); assert.eq(null, testDB.runCommand({getlasterror: 1}).err); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {mapreduce: 'foo', map: map, reduce: reduce, out: 'mrOutput'}); assert.eq(100, testDB.mrOutput.count()); assert.eq(45, testDB.mrOutput.findOne().value); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {drop: 'foo'}); assert.eq(0, testDB.foo.count()); testDB.foo.insert({a: 1}); assert.eq(1, testDB.foo.count()); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {dropDatabase: 1}); assert.eq(0, testDB.foo.count()); checkCommandSucceeded(testDB, {create: 'baz'}); } else { print("Checking write operations, should fail"); testDB.foo.insert({a: 1, i: 1, j: 1}); assert.eq(0, authenticatedConn.getDB('test').foo.count({a: 1, i: 1, j: 1})); checkCommandFailed( testDB, {findAndModify: "foo", query: {a: 1, i: 1, j: 1}, update: {$set: {b: 1}}}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {mapreduce: 'foo', map: map, reduce: reduce, out: 'mrOutput'}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {drop: 'foo'}); checkCommandFailed(testDB, {dropDatabase: 1}); var passed = true; try { // For some reason when create fails it throws an exception instead of just // returning ok:0 var res = testDB.runCommand({create: 'baz'}); if (!res.ok) { passed = false; } } catch (e) { // expected printjson(e); passed = false; } assert(!passed); } }; var checkAdminOps = function(hasAuth) { if (hasAuth) { checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {getCmdLineOpts: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {serverStatus: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {listShards: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {whatsmyuri: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {isdbgrid: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {ismaster: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {hello: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {split: 'test.foo', find: {i: 1, j: 1}}); var chunk = findChunksUtil.findOneChunkByNs(configDB, 'test.foo', {shard: st.rs0.name}); checkCommandSucceeded( adminDB, {moveChunk: 'test.foo', find: chunk.min, to: st.rs1.name, _waitForDelete: true}); } else { checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {getCmdLineOpts: 1}); checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {serverStatus: 1}); checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {listShards: 1}); // whatsmyuri, isdbgrid, ismaster, and hello don't require any auth checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {whatsmyuri: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {isdbgrid: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {ismaster: 1}); checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {hello: 1}); checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {split: 'test.foo', find: {i: 1, j: 1}}); var chunkKey = {i: {$minKey: 1}, j: {$minKey: 1}}; checkCommandFailed( adminDB, {moveChunk: 'test.foo', find: chunkKey, to: st.rs1.name, _waitForDelete: true}); } }; var checkRemoveShard = function(hasWriteAuth) { if (hasWriteAuth) { // start draining checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {removeshard: st.rs1.name}); // Wait for shard to be completely removed checkRemoveShard = function() { var res = checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {removeshard: st.rs1.name}); return res.msg == 'removeshard completed successfully'; }; assert.soon(checkRemoveShard, "failed to remove shard"); } else { checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {removeshard: st.rs1.name}); } }; var checkAddShard = function(hasWriteAuth) { if (hasWriteAuth) { checkCommandSucceeded(adminDB, {addshard: st.rs1.getURL()}); } else { checkCommandFailed(adminDB, {addshard: st.rs1.getURL()}); } }; st.stopBalancer(); jsTestLog("Checking admin commands with admin auth credentials"); checkAdminOps(true); assert(adminDB.logout().ok); jsTestLog("Checking admin commands with no auth credentials"); checkAdminOps(false); jsTestLog("Checking commands with no auth credentials"); checkReadOps(false); checkWriteOps(false); // Authenticate as read-only user jsTestLog("Checking commands with read-only auth credentials"); assert(testDB.auth(roUser, password)); checkReadOps(true); checkWriteOps(false); // Authenticate as read-write user jsTestLog("Checking commands with read-write auth credentials"); assert(testDB.logout().ok); assert(testDB.auth(rwUser, password)); checkReadOps(true); checkWriteOps(true); jsTestLog("Check drainging/removing a shard"); assert(testDB.logout().ok); checkRemoveShard(false); assert(adminDB.auth(rwUser, password)); assert(testDB.dropDatabase().ok); checkRemoveShard(true); st.printShardingStatus(); jsTestLog("Check adding a shard"); assert(adminDB.logout().ok); checkAddShard(false); assert(adminDB.auth(rwUser, password)); checkAddShard(true); st.printShardingStatus(); st.stop(); })();