var replTest = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 3, useHostName : false, keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1' }); replTest.startSet({ oplogSize: 10 }); replTest.initiate(); replTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); var nodeCount = replTest.nodes.length; var primary = replTest.getPrimary(); // Setup the database using replSet connection before setting the authentication var conn = new Mongo(replTest.getURL()); var testDB = conn.getDB('test'); var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin'); var testColl = testDB.user; // Setup the cached connection for primary and secondary in DBClientReplicaSet // before setting up authentication assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); conn.setSlaveOk(); assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})); // Add admin user using direct connection to primary to simulate connection from remote host var priAdminDB = primary.getDB('admin'); priAdminDB.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'user', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}, {w: nodeCount, wtimeout: 30000}); priAdminDB.auth('user', 'user'); var priTestDB = primary.getDB('test'); priTestDB.createUser({user: 'a', pwd: 'a', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}, {w: nodeCount, wtimeout: 30000}); // Authenticate the replSet connection assert.eq(1, testDB.auth('a', 'a')); jsTest.log('Sending an authorized query that should be ok'); assert.writeOK(testColl.insert({ x: 1 }, { writeConcern: { w: nodeCount }})); conn.setSlaveOk(true); doc = testColl.findOne(); assert(doc != null); doc = testColl.find().readPref('secondary').next(); assert(doc != null); conn.setSlaveOk(false); doc = testColl.findOne(); assert(doc != null); var queryToPriShouldFail = function() { conn.setSlaveOk(false); assert.throws(function() { testColl.findOne(); }); // should still not work even after retrying assert.throws(function() { testColl.findOne(); }); }; var queryToSecShouldFail = function() { conn.setSlaveOk(true); assert.throws(function() { testColl.findOne(); }); // should still not work even after retrying assert.throws(function() { testColl.findOne(); }); // Query to secondary using readPref assert.throws(function() { testColl.find().readPref('secondary').next(); }); // should still not work even after retrying assert.throws(function() { testColl.find().readPref('secondary').next(); }); }; assert(testDB.logout().ok); jsTest.log('Sending an unauthorized query that should fail'); queryToPriShouldFail(); queryToSecShouldFail(); // Repeat logout test, with secondary first, then primary assert.eq(1, testDB.auth('a', 'a')); assert(testDB.logout().ok); // re-initialize the underlying connections to primary and secondary jsTest.log('Sending an unauthorized query that should still fail'); queryToSecShouldFail(); queryToPriShouldFail(); // Repeat logout test, now with the cached secondary down assert.eq(1, testDB.auth('a', 'a')); // Find out the current cached secondary in the repl connection conn.setSlaveOk(true); var serverInfo = testColl.find().readPref('secondary').explain().serverInfo; var secNodeIdx = -1; var secPortStr = serverInfo.port.toString(); for (var x = 0; x < nodeCount; x++) { var nodePortStr = replTest.nodes[x].host.split(':')[1]; if (nodePortStr == secPortStr) { secNodeIdx = x; } } assert(secNodeIdx >= 0); // test sanity check // Kill the cached secondary replTest.stop(secNodeIdx, 15, { auth: { user: 'user', pwd: 'user' }}); assert(testDB.logout().ok); replTest.restart(secNodeIdx); replTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); jsTest.log('Sending an unauthorized query after restart that should still fail'); queryToSecShouldFail(); queryToPriShouldFail(); replTest.stopSet();