/** * Tests that: * 1. Read and writes to the config database are forbidden from mongos within single replica set * transactions on sharded clusters. * 2. Reads and writes to the config.transactions namespace are forbidden within single replica set * transactions on sharded clusters, BUT read and writes to other namespaces in the config * database are allowed. * * @tags: [ * requires_find_command, * uses_transactions, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/sharding/libs/sharded_transactions_helpers.js"); const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); const mongosSession = st.s.startSession(); const shardSession = st.shard0.getDB("test").getMongo().startSession(); const collName = "banned_txn_dbs"; jsTestLog("Verify that read and write operations within transactions are forbidden for the " + "config database when accessed through mongos."); const mongosConfigDB = mongosSession.getDatabase("config"); const clusterColls = [ mongosConfigDB["test"], mongosConfigDB["actionlog"], mongosConfigDB["transaction_coords"], mongosConfigDB["transactions"] ]; mongosSession.startTransaction(); clusterColls.forEach((coll) => { const error = assert.throws(() => coll.find().itcount()); assert.commandFailedWithCode(error, ErrorCodes.OperationNotSupportedInTransaction); }); mongosSession.endSession(); jsTestLog("Verify that read operations within transactions work fine for the config database " + "when not config.transactions (and directly accessed through the shard)."); const configDB = shardSession.getDatabase("config"); const shardColls = [configDB["test"], configDB["actionlog"], configDB["transaction_coords"]]; shardSession.startTransaction(); shardColls.forEach((coll) => { coll.find().itcount(); }); jsTestLog("Verify that read operations will not work for the config.transactions namespace."); const shardCollTransactions = configDB["transactions"]; const error = assert.throws(() => shardCollTransactions.find().itcount()); assert.commandFailedWithCode(error, ErrorCodes.OperationNotSupportedInTransaction); shardSession.endSession(); st.stop(); }());